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Comm 214 Test 1
Moskowitz 214 Test 1
Undergraduate 2

Additional Communication Flashcards




Mass Communication
the process of designing and delivering cultural messages and stories to large and diverse audiences.
Mass media:
The channels of communication that produce and distribute cultural products.
Media Effects
- the approach that was dominant in the 1930s-60s. It is known for asking the question “who says what to whom with what effect?” This approach grew from behavioral science, believing that the stimulus will directly effect the response, for example, cookie monster loved cookies and therefore children loved cookies, but when cookie monster switched his catch fraise from “C is for Cookie” to “Cookie is a sometimes food” and began endorsing fruit as an alternative, one who believes in the media effects approach would believe this would cause kids to change their favorite snacks from cookies to fruit.
Cultural Studies
-This approach argues that the responses of consumers to stimuli cannot be forced and everyone reacts to material differently. Instead media distributers attempted to use things like social learning and agenda setting to get the responses they wanted out of consumers, not just direct cause and effect.
Media Conglomerate :
Refers to “parent” companies that owns a large number of other mass media companies. Usually a diverse array of different types of companies that can boost sales over different types of companies. Ex: The Hobbit was released by Time Warner who owns magazines where it was on the cover, will produce toys, owns tv stations that will do specials etc. Think BIG FIVE.
Direct Payment:
Consumers pay directly for a book, cd, movie, internet service, satellite radio (when you are paying directly for the product, few advertisements involved)
Indirect Payment:
When consumer is paying for things but the primary funding is through advertisements for example normal TV, normal radio, magazines, etc.
using various fields of media to advertise products, for example creating a movie and advertising it as cover of the magazine the company owns, doing a special on a TV station the company owns, and creating a clothing line based on the movie that the company owns
Horizontal Integration:
This is when a powerful business buys out or merges with another business of similar type in order to further the success of their product in a different way. This is how media conglomerates are able to use synergy to endorse their product over various fields. This is also tied to deregulation and merger mania.
vertical integration:
This form of business controls and owns not only the product but the making and distribution of said product. In terms of media an example might be Warner Bros making the movie, owning the movie theaters where it is shown and showing only previews for their other films.
Product Placement:
Because of new ways of viewing media such as netflix commercials are becoming less prominent in television. This is a new way that many companies are advertising their products by having them used or placed in a television show or movie either subtly or obviously depending on how much they pay.
this structure is when a few big companies dominate a field. In this case we would consider the Big 5 media companies.
when one large company has control over an entire field with no competition.
made it okay for large media corporations to dominate a field much like an oligopoly or monopoly if they also had control in other fields that way they were not dominating one particular field. This led to “merger mania” decreasing the major media companies from 50 to 5.
The Day the Web Went Dark:
Censorship issue where the free media on the internet shut down as a means to oppose censorship with the Sopa and Pipa acts. Conglomerates were in favor of this act because its supported copyright and anti piracy but the free media argued that this was an infringement on their right to free speech.
Agenda Setting-
When mass media focus their attention on particular events or issues, they determine what people discuss and what they pay attention to. This theory does not argue that the media controls what people think, but what they think ABOUT. Researchers have found the more stories on the news about a certain subject the more importance we attach to that subject.
Heavy viewing of TV leads individuals to perceive the world in ways consistent with the way the TV portrays it. Gerbner's studies in the late 1960s found the more time that individuals spend viewing TV the more likely they are to view their own world in the same way. (Think Mean World perspective)
The media theory that is argued sets the general or “common sense” opinions for the rest of the culture. Things like gender roles are strongly impacted by this. Originally this was thought to be the ruling culture imposing it’s views of what is right on the rest of the population. Now though, it is considered more of what is “normal.” In the article it is argued that hegemony is constantly shifting and changing and that the social norms that exist now may seem strange and out of place in 50 years much like those in the 1950s seem to us now.
Uses and Gratifications-
focuses more on what viewers do with media than what the media is trying to say. This theory says that the media consumers have an active role in the media (opposite of hypodermic needle) This theory also suggest that people use the media they consume to meet and fulfill their needs. (gratify) An example of this might be a young girl looking for a role model and finding it in a character in a TV show. She may then strive to be just like said character even though the person she looks up to doesn’t really exist. In my case, Hannah Montana.....
Social Learning-
(Bobo Doll experiment-Bandura) Albert bandura developed this theory which studies the link between mass media and it’s effect on behavior. This theory has a four step process: Attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation. An example of this would be the columbine shooting and the theory that the behaviors represented by the shooters were probably learned by violent media.
Framing -
Media provides a focus and environment for reporting a story thus influencing how audiences will understand or evaluate it. This theory deals with social construction on two levels. First the perception of a social phenomenon by journalists presenting news. Second it effects the interpretation of that phenomenon by audiences.This involves the use of specific word choice or story spinning in order to manipulate the audience.
Media provides a context for public discussion of an issue setting the stage for audience understanding. The amount of time and space that media devotes to an issue make an audience receptive and alert to particular themes. An example of this would be a big event that is constantly reported on. This may draw viewers who are not usually interested in a specific topic prior to this event being so publicized.
Pathos Appeal-
this is a style of advertising meant to appeal to the feelings of the consumers and viewers in order to sell products. This can be done through humor, sex, fear, or sentiment/ emotion.
Persuasive appeals-
Famous person testimonial, Snob appeal, plain folks pitch, hidden fear, bandwagon effect.
Media Pedagogy -
This is the idea that all media provides an educational experience whether it is explaining how things work, how certain types of people behave, etc. This is not just the media considered high on the “media skyscraper” but all media. For example Say Yes to the Dress teaches us about weddings even though it seems like just another dramatic tv show.
Technological Determination -
People who view the world this way think that technology acts on people and that users are only passive recipients of force. They argue that technology effects not only users directly but also social forces. (Hypodermic needle)
Social Construction-
People who view the world this way think that people act on and with technology and are not just passive recipients.
Tent pole film- .
a film produced by a large conglomerate company that becomes the biggest product for that company for the year. Because the film can make money for the conglomerate throughout so many fields the company can afford to fail in other films that year. This is significant because small companies do not have the luxury of being able to fail. If they have an excellent movie once even if the next one flops the company is most likely doomed
Authoritarian Model:
In this model criticism of the government and public dissent were NOT tolerated, especially if it undermined “the common good”. The government actively censored any expression it found threatening. This came around in the 16th century in England during the print period (aforementioned)
Social Responsibility Model:
In this model the press is privately owned and therefore newspapers operate independently of the government. Press functions as the “fourth estate” meaning an unofficial branch of the government that watches for abuses of power by legislative, judicial and executive branches. This model is used in the United States.
State Model:
In this model the government controls the press and what it reports. Leaders believe that the press should serve the goals of the state. They therefore suppress the ideas that challenge the basic premises of state authority. (Used in China, Cuba, and N Korea.)
Libertarian Model:
This model is the opposite of the authoritarian and state models. This model encourages rigorous criticisms of the government and supports the highest degree of individual and press freedoms. There are no restrictions placed on mass media or on individual speech. This calls for absolute freedom of expression arguing it is the best way to fight injustice.
Espionage acts made it a federal crime to utter or publish “Seditious” statements, defined as anything expressing opposition to the US War Effort.
Copyright Infringement:
Appropriating a writer or an artists words, images, or music without consent or payment.
Defamation of someone’s character in a written or broadcast form. A false statement that holds a person up to public ridicule, contempt, or hatred that injures a person’s business or livelihood.
A theory that suggests exposure to violent media would reduce aggression because it allowed viewers to experience fantasy aggression which would release frustration. This theory was abandoned after all studies (but one) proved the opposite was occurring.
This theory argues that the more violence one is exposed to, the reaction to formally negative and controversial material dulls. It is thought that this will lead to a dulled reaction to aggression and violence in real life settings which would be dangerous.
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