Shared Flashcard Set


Co-Occurring Disorders Final
Co-Occurring Disorders Final Quizzes 6-9
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards




According to the DSM-IV-TR, which of the following criteria is associated with Bipolar I - Manic Episode?
a. More talkative than usual

b. Increased need for sleep

c. No involvement in pleasurable activities

d. None of the above
Which area would you explore with a client when assessing for bipolar disorder?
a. Belief system

b. Activity and energy level

c. Flashbacks

d. All of the above
Manic episodes are characterized by which of the following symptoms?
a. Psycho-motor agitation

b. Flight of ideas

c. Subjective experience that thoughts are racing

d. All of the above
Which of the following is an important distinction between Bipolar I and Bipolar II?
a. Bipolar II clients have manic episodes

b. Symptoms of bipolar II never leads to hospitalization

c. Bipolar II clients may experience psychosis

d. There aren't any distinctions
Assessing for suicide in a client experiencing Bipolar I condition includes asking all of the following questions except? Choose the one that is least relevant.
a. Do they have a plan?

b. When did you first experience mania?

c. Do you live alone?

d. Have you attempted suicide in the past?
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
a. Bipolar disorder symptoms must be a major change from the persons' normal behavior

b. The diagnosis of bipolar disorder, mixed, is made when the client has symptoms of manic and depressed episodes intermixed or rapidly alternating every few days

c. Treatment is effective for most clients with bipolar disorder, but continued abuse of alcohol or drugs can complicate recovery and increase the risk of psychiatric relapse

d. Cyclothymic disorder is an acute condition
Risk factors associated with relapse of bipolar condition include(s) which of the following:
a. There is no risk factor

b. Consistent and regular sleep habits

c. Stressful life events

d. Harmonious family relationships
Which of the following is NOT FALSE?
a. Hospitalization may be needed in order to stabilize an individual experiencing a manic episode that seriously impairs judgement or functioning

b. Hospitalization is never needed in order to stabilize an individual experiencing a depressed or mixed episode that seriously impairs judgement or functioning

c. It is inappropriate to ask a person with bipolar condition about suicidality, especially during acute phases of manic or depressed episodes

d. Clients with bipolar symptoms cannot be detoxified in a chemical dependency facility or psychiatric hospital
True or False

Although psychosocial treatments and self-help programs can help, anti-manic medications such as lithium are usually to control symptoms.
True or False

A common issue addressed in counseling for the treatment of bipolar condition is alcohol and drug use.
Which of the following will assist in developing a trusting relationship when working with clients experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
a. being warm, open and empathic

b. being confrontational, up front and honest

c. being direct, aggressive and setting high expectations

d. being patient, setting high expectations and instilling hope
Anxiety may be most present in which of the following conditions?
a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

b. Major Depressive Disorder

c. Mania

d. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Which of the following is more likely to produce symptoms of PTSD?
a. divorce

losing a custody battle

c. death of a partner after a long battle with cancer

d. person experiencing rape
Which statement is NOT TRUE?
a. The signs and symptoms of withdrawal from chronic alcohol or other drug use can confuse the clinical picture of PTSD

b. Survivor's guilt affects not only PTSD clients but counselors as well

c. The symptoms of PTSD are frequently worsened by re-exposure to situations or activities reminiscent of the original stressor

d. Substance abuse counselors can address PTSD in the same manner that they address chemical dependency
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
a. A good alcohol and drug history is important when assessing GAD

b. Certain medical conditions can mimic GAD

c. Clients experiencing GAD are susceptible to tranquilizers, alcohol and/or barbiturates

d. The essential feature of GAD is the same as PTSD
Which statement is Not False?
a. The presence of PTSD complicates recovery from chemical dependency

b. Chemical dependency does not complicate recovery from PTSD

c. People with PTSD never have difficulties in social, economic, vocational, and marital adjustment

d. Military veterans never experience PTSD
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by which of the following?
a. Exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor

b. Depression

c. Excessive worrying

d. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) symptoms look similar to withdrawal symptoms produced by which of the following?
a. Caffeine

b. Cocaine

c. Amphetamine

d. Any of the above
Which of the following accompany the anxiety and worry for clients experiencing GAD?
a. Restlessness

b. Difficulty concentrating

c. Disturbed sleep

d. Any of the above
According to the DSM-IV-TR the essential feature of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is which of the following?
a. Mania

b. Exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor

c. Excessive worrying

d. Depression
True or False

A Panic track may be interpreted as having a heart attack; and may be accompanied by sweating, cold hands, tremors, and shortness of breath.
According to the textbook, a number of psychological, cognitive, interpersonal, and lifestyle interventions can help clients reduce the severity and frequency of panic attacks, relieve other anxiety-related symptoms, and improve overall health. Which of the following is NOT listed as an intervention:
a. Support groups

b. Relaxation

c. Education and symptom monitoring

d. Impulse control
Which of the following is a psychological symptom of panic?
a. Palpitations of the heart

b. Going crazy

c. Dizziness

d. Sweating
Which of the following would you ask in order to assess for panic disorder?
a. Do you have thoughts of dying?

b. Have you had experience/s where all of a sudden you are experiencing an intense feeling of fear?

c. Have you had experience/s where all of a sudden you are experiencing heart palpitations, sweating?

d. All of the above
Assessing for suicide in a client experiencing panic disorder condition includes asking all of the following questions except? Choose the one that is least relevant.
a. Do you have a plan?

b. When did you first experience racing thoughts?

c. Do you live alone?

d. Have you attempted suicide in the past?
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
a. Withdrawal from alcohol, tranquilizers, and barbiturates may produce symptoms similar to those seen in panic

b. A physical symptom of panic is nausea

c. It is not important for substance abuse counselors to assess an individual with a panic condition and substance use condition for the presence of suicide

d. Intoxication with marijuana, amphetamine, cocaine, and even caffeine may induce panic-like symptoms
True or False

Clients whose panic symptoms are directly produced by intoxication or withdrawal from drugs are diagnosed as having a substance-induced disorder.
Panic attacks are characterized by which of the following symptoms?
a. Increased breathing

b. feelings of sadness

c. flashbacks

d. none of the above
Which of the following is NOT FALSE?
a. Chronic alcohol and drug abuse lessens anxiety symptoms and turns them into less severe and less debilitating conditions

b. Abuse of alcohol and drugs can confuse the diagnostic picture of panic disorder

c. Panic disorder typically begins at age 50

d. People with agoraphobia welcome being in crowded places, i.e., crowded stores, offices, theaters
Which of the following is a physical symptom of panic?
a. Hot or cold flashes

b. Chest pain

c. Tingling

d. All of the above
According to the DSM-IV-TR which of the following criteria is associated with Major Depressive Episode?
a. Increased pleasure or interest in all, or almost all, activities most of the day

b. Lots of energy

c. Able to make decisions easily

d. Decrease or increase in appetite
Which statement is FALSE?
a. A detailed family history from the client may determine if depressive illness is present, since chemical dependency and depressive illness tend to run in families

b. Gather a through history to verify the patterns of alcohol and other drug use and depressive symptoms

c. Questions about past and present suicidal thoughts, attempts, or plans are not important when working with clients who experience a Major Depressive Episode

d. Ask your clients if they experienced the symptoms of depressive illness before any alcohol or drug related problems arose
Which of the following can be experienced with co-occurring substance related disorder?
a. Major Depression, which can be a single episode or recurrent

b. Dysthymia

c. Depression induced by medical or substance use

d. All of the above
Depression is also known as, or referred to as, which of the following?
a. Mood disorder

b. Affluent disorder

c. a and b

d. None of the above
With regard to Major Depressive Episode and Dysthymic Disorder which of the following is TRUE?
a. In Dysthymic Disorder the client is in a hyper-depressed mood

b. In Major Depressive Episode the client is in a hypo-depressed mood

c. In Major Depressive Episode the symptoms have been present nearly every day during the same two-week period

d. In Dysthymic Disorder the symptoms have been present nearly every day during the same two-week period
Which statement is NOT FALSE?
a. Clients experiencing Major Depressive Episode never experience thoughts of death

b. Dysthymia is a chronic disorder

c. Obtaining family history from client is not important when working with clients experiencing Major Depressive Episode

d. None of the above
Which of the following indicators place a client at high risk for suicide?
a. Mental health disorder, especially major depression

b. Current or prior history of substance abuse

c. History of previous suicide attempts

d. All of the above
Depression when untreated can lead to which of the following? Please choose the best answer.
a. Left on its own without any problems

b. Homicidal behavior

c. Suicidal behavior

d. Disassociation from reality
In relationship to crisis intervention, when working with an individual experiencing depression what is the primary thing a clinician would do?
a. Be direct and focus on helping clients organize their thoughts

b. Apply a harm reduction approach

c. Call 911

d. Offer the person chicken soup
Some personality disorders are characterized by a maladaptive personality style that leads to which of the following?
a. Excellent work performance

b. Impaired relationships

c. A positive view of self or others

d. Internal peace and tranquility of self
Which statement is NOT FALSE?
a. Personality disorders represent a lifelong pattern of behavior rather than a transient response to a specific difficult situation

b. A person with a personality disorder demonstrates flexibility in their thinking

c. A person with a personality disorder shows adequate control over her/his emotions

d. Individuals with a personality disorder never blame others for their difficulties, they always take responsibility.
What does the "cognitive component" associated with most personality
disorders pertain to?
a. It pertains to the person's emotional feelings

b. It pertains to the person's emotional reactions

c. It pertains to the actions that stem from a person's beliefs

d. It pertains to the person's view of self, view of others, and core beliefs
Which factor/s influence personality?
a. Family constructs

b. Social constructs

c. Traumatic experiences

d. All of the above
Which statement is NOT TRUE?
a. Personality Disorders are classified into three clusters based on their common characteristics

c. Clients with personality disorders are susceptible to numerous medical, psychological, interpersonal, and social problems

d. Treatment for a client with co-occurring conditions (substance related disorder and a personality disorder) is generally short term

d. The more common personality disorders seen among clients with chemical dependency are antisocial and borderline disorders
According to the DSM-IV-TR, criteria for antisocial personality includes a ___________________________
pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. What type of pattern is indicated in this criteria?
a. Inconsistent

b. Intermittent

c. Short term

d. Pervasive
Which of the following is important to consider when developing a therapeutic alliance with a client diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?
a. Don't pay attention to the client's needs because the client is too ill to know what is best for him/her

b. There is nothing to consider because such a client is unable to form a good working alliance with the substance abuse counselor

c. Express my hostile feelings with the client at all times as this will allow the client to confront and be in touch with his/her anger

d. Try to avoid power struggles
The difference between antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder is?
a. A primary element of antisocial personality disorder is admiration of the self

b. A primary element of narcissistic personality disorder is disregard for others

c. A primary element of antisocial personality disorder is disregard for others

d. A primary element of narcissistic personality disorder is dependency
Which statement is NOT FALSE?
a. A criteria of antisocial personality disorder is making frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment

b. A criteria of antisocial personality disorder is staying constantly on guard

c. A criteria of antisocial personality disorder is reckless disregard for the safety of oneself or others

d. A criteria of antisocial personality is a need for constant attention and admiration
Which of the following personality disorders is generally related to criminal activity?
a. Paranoid Personality Disorder

b. Antisocial Personality Disorder

c. Borderline Personality Disorder

d. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Which of the following, in general does not relate too amnesia?
a. Retrograde

b. Loss of memory

c. Anterograde

d. Hallucinations
Mental Status Examination is...
a. A tool or procedure to evaluate functioning

b. A treatment modality

c. A motivational interviewing technique

d. None of the above
What is the symptoms that is common in amnesia, dementia and delirium?
a. Hallucinations

b. Memory

c. Confabulation (filling in gaps and stories)

d. Acute state
True or False

Dementia may be a component of various conditions.
True or False

When working with clients who may show signs of dementia a treatment goal may be to make a referral to a physician for further evaluation.
In general, which of the following symptoms is not a core symptom of delirium?
a. Hallucinations

b. Disorganization

c. Excitability

d. Progressive memory loss
True or False

The Mental Status Examination is only utilized by physicians.
True of False

Substances of abuse may potentially mimic cognitive disorder symptoms.
Which of the following symptoms, in general, is not a part of dementia?
a. Difficulty recognizing objects

b. Difficulty learning

c. Memory loss

d. Hallucinations
In general, substance abuse counselors tend to frequently come across which of the following cognitive disorders?
a. Dementia

b. Delirium

c. Amnesia

d. None of the above
Which of the following is an example of a delusion?
a. Word salad

b. A person feeling that they are being talked about by the press or t.v.

c. Hearing voices that a person believes are being broadcast by cans

d. None of the above
In schizophrenia, which of the following areas of functioning may be least impaired?
a. Legal

b. Emotional

c. Intelligence

d. Relational
The following relate to subtypes of schizophrenia, except?
a. Paranoid

b. Residential

c. Catatonic

d. Undifferentiated
Felipe, middle-aged, married, and the father of four children is laid off from his job. He has been home one year after serving in the military in Iraq. Felipe reports frequent nightmares, from which he awakens in cold sweats. He recalls recurrent nightmares in which he watches soldiers being blown by a bomb. In his dreams he relives the bombing. He is unable to watch t.v. or listen to the radio because "everything reminds him of Iraq." He verbalizes feeling guilty because he "made it home alive." Felipe's alcohol intake is increasing daily, he states "it helps me relax and fall asleep quicker." He reports getting into fights with family members. Felipe reports feeling sad and "on edge". Based on the substance abuse counselor's clinical impressions which one of the following categories would best capture the experience presented in the vignette?
a. Schizophrenia

b. Major Depressive Disorder

c. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

d. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
A substance abuse counselor who is having negative feelings and reactions towards a client experiencing schizophrenia is encouraged to do which of the following?
a. Share their feelings with the client and process them in a session

b. Nothing, the counselor's feelings are irrelevant

c. Acknowledge and resolve them during supervision

d. Share and vent with co-workers
Barbara, mid-40s, has relapsed after two years, of sobriety. She reports that for the past year she has been working and taking care of her husband and children. She states that in the last year she has felt overwhelmed by the fear of losing her job, despite receiving positive evaluations from her supervisor. She worries, constantly about her "doom day." She has trouble concentrating at work and worries about her co-workers talking about her. She states worrying about her children's grades, despite them being "A" students. She also worries about her husband cheating on her, although she says that he never cheated on her while she was using. She reports that her husband always comes home from work and is home during the weekends. She reports being irritable and having difficulty sleeping. Based on the substance abuse-counselor's clinical impressions which one of the following categories would best capture the experience presented in the vignette?
a. Acute Stress Disorder

b. Panic Disorder

c. Major Depressive Disorder

d. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
True or False

One strategy used to differentiate between a psychiatric and substance of abuse condition is for the individual to be sober for at least 6 months?
True or False

One difference between Depression with Psychotic features, Schizophrenia, and alcohol withdrawal (chronic) may be hallucinations.
Which of the following is a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
a. Blunted affect

b. Inability to speak

c. Disorganized speech

d. Loss of the will to do things
Manic episodes are characterized by which of the following symptoms?
a. Psychomotor agitation

b. Flight of ideas

c. Subjective experience that thoughts are racing

d. All of the above
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