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Chemistry 101 (Exam 2)
Exam 2 (ch. 3&4)
Undergraduate 1

Additional Chemistry Flashcards




Law of Conservation of Energy
  • Kinetic and potential energy are interconvertible-one can be converted to the other
  • Energy can assume many forms, the total energy of the universe is constant.
  • Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
  • When the energy of one form disappears, the same amount of energy reappears in another form or forms. 
  • A quantum of energy is the smallest quantity of every that can be emitted (or absorbed)
Ground state & Excited state

The Line Spectrum of Hydrogen

  • Neils Bohr attributed the emission of radiation by an energized hydrogen atom to the electron dropping from a higher-energy orbit to a lower one.
  • As the electron dropped, it gave up a quantum of energy in the form of light.
  • Bohr showed that the energies of the electron in a hydrogen atom are given by the equation:
    • En is the energy
    • n is a positive integer
  • As an electron gets closer to the nucleus, n decreases.
  • En becomes larger in absolute value (but more negative) as n gets smaller. 


Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
  • The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know simultaneously both the momentum p and the position x of a particle with certainty.
  • *look at equations* 
  • x is the uncertainty in position in meters
  • p is the uncertainty in momentum
  • u is the uncertainty in velocity in m/s
  • m is the mass in kg
Electron Density
  • Erwin Schrödinger derived a complex mathematical formula to incorporate the wave and particle characteristics of electrons.
  • Wave behavior is described with the wave function ψ.
  • The probability of finding an electron in a certain area of space is proportional to ψ2andis called electron density.
Atomic Orbitals
  • The Schrödinger equation specifies possible energy states an electron can occupy in a hydrogen atom.
  • The energy states and wave functions are characterized by a set of quantum numbers.
  • Instead of referring to orbitsas in the Bohr model, quantum numbers and wave functions describe atomic orbitals
Energy Types
  • Energy is the capacity to do work or transfer heat.
  • All forms of energy are either kinetic or potential.
    • Kinetic energy (Ek)is the energy of motion.
    • *find equation*
      • m is the mass of the object
      • u is its velocity
    • One form of kinetic energy of particular interest to chemists is thermal energy, which is the energy associated with the random motion of atoms and molecules.
Electromagnetic Spectrum & Waves
  • Visible light is only a small component of the continuum of radiant energy known as the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel in waves.
  • Waves are characterized by:
    • Wavelength(λ; lambda) – the distance between  identical points on successive waves
    • Frequency (ν; nu) – the number of waves that pass through a particular point in 1 second.
    • Amplitude – the vertical distance from the midline of a wave to the top of the peak or the bottom of the trough.
  • An electromagnetic wave has both an electric field component and a magnetic component. The electric and magnetic components have the same frequency and wavelength.

Blackbody Radiation (know the process)


  • When a solid is heated, it emits electromagnetic radiation, known as blackbody radiation, over a wide range of wavelengths.
  • The amount of energy given off at a certain temperature depends on the wavelength.
  • Classical physics failed to completely explain the phenomenon.
    • Assumed that radiant energy was continuous; that is, could be emitted or absorbed in any amount.
  • Max Planck suggested that radiant energy is only emitted or absorbed in discrete quantities, like small packages or bundles.
Photoelectric Effect (know the process)
Wave-Particle Duality
Quantum numbers
  • Quantum numbers are required to describe the distribution of electron density in an atom.
  • There are three quantum numbers necessary to describe an atomic orbital.
    1. The principal quantum number (n) – designates size
    2. The angular moment quantum number (l) – describes shape
    3. The magnetic quantum number (ml) – specifies orientation3.7
  • The principal quantum number (n) designates the size of the orbital.
    • Larger values of n correspond to larger orbitals.
    • The allowed values of n are integral numbers: 1, 2, 3 and so forth.
    • The value of n corresponds to the value of n in Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom.
    • A collection of orbitals with the same value of n is frequently called a shell


  • The angular moment quantum number(l) describes the shape of the orbital.
  • The values of l are integers that depend on the value of the principal quantum number
  • The allowed values of l range from 0 to n – 1.
    • Example: If n = 2, l can be 0 or 1.
  • A collection of orbitals with the same value of n and l is referred to as a subshell.


  • The magnetic quantum number (ml) describes the orientation of the orbital in space.
  • The values of ml are integers that depend on the value of the angular moment quantum number:– l,...0,...+l
Formulate the electron configurations of elements in the s or p block
  • In 1864, John Newlands noted that when the elements were arranged in order of atomic mass that every eighth element had similar properties.

    ØHe referred to this as the law of octaves.
  • In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer independently proposed the idea of periodicity.
  • Mendeleev grouped elements (66) according to properties.
  • Mendeleev predicted properties for elements not yet discovered, such as Ga.
  • However, Mendeleev could not explain inconsistencies such as argon coming before potassium in the periodic table, despite having a higher atomic mass.
  • In 1913, Henry Moseley discovered the correlation between the number of protons (atomic number) and the frequency of X-rays generated.
  • Ordering the periodic table by atomic number instead of atomic mass enabled scientists to make sense of discrepancies.
  • Entries today include atomic number and symbol; and are arranged according to electron configuration.

Valence electrons


  • The outermost electrons of an atom are called the valence electrons.
  • Valence electrons are involved in the formation of chemical bonds.
  • The similarity of valence electron configurations helps predict chemical properties.
  • *look at PP for more info*
Effective nuclear charge
  • Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) is the actual magnitude of positive charge that is “experienced” by an electron in the atom.
Ionization Energy
  • Ionization energy (IE) is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase.
  • The result is an ion, a chemical species with a net charge.
  • Sodium has an ionization energy of 495.8 kJ/mol.
  • Specifically, 495.8 kJ/mol is the first ionization energy of sodium, IE1(Na), which corresponds to the removal of the most loosely held electron.
  • *Lots more on PP*

The result is an ion, a chemical species with a net charge.


  • Electron affinity (EA) is the energy released when an atom in the gas phase accepts an electron. 
  • Like ionization energy, electron affinity increases from left to right across a period as Zeff increases. -Easier to add an electron as the positive charge of the nucleus increases.
-It is easier to add an electron to an s orbital than to add one to a p orbital with the same principal quantum number.
-Within a p subshell, it is easier to add an electron to an empty orbital than to add one to an orbital that already contains an electron.
*more on PP*




Isoelectronic series
  • An isoelectronic series is a series of two or more species that have identical electron configurations, but different nuclear charges.
Explain the historical development of the modern periodic table from Newlands to Mendeleev and Moseley
  • However, Mendeleev could not explain inconsistencies such as argon coming before potassium in the periodic table, despite having a higher atomic mass.
  • In 1913, Henry Moseley discovered the correlation between the number of protons (atomic number) and frequency of X-rays generated.
  • Ordering the periodic table by atomic number instead of atomic mass enabled scientists to make sense of discrepancies.


Entries today include atomic number and symbol; and are arranged according to electron configuration.


Classify the Elements by, Main group elements, Noble Gases, Transition Metals, Inner transition (lanthanide and actinides)
Construct the concept of effective nuclear charge

Diagram each of the periodic trends: Atomic Radius, Ionization energy, Electron Affinity, Metallic Character, and Ionic Radius

Demonstrate the isoelectronic series and atomic size relationship
Propose the electron configurations of s and p block ions
Ground state & excited state
  • En is most negative when n = 1.
    • Called the ground state, the lowest energy state of the atom
    • For hydrogen, this is the most stable state
  • The stability of the electron decreases as n increases.
  • Each energy state in which n > 1 is called an excited state.
  • Radiant energy absorbed by the atom causes the electron to move from the ground state (n = 1) to an excited state (n > 1).
Atomic Orbital
  • Quantum numbers are required to describe the distribution of electron density in an atom.
  • There are three quantum numbers necessary to describe an atomic orbital.
    1. The principal quantum number (n) – designates size
    2. The angular moment quantum number (l) – describes shape
    3. The magnetic quantum number (ml) – specifies orientation
Energy Types
  • Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object by virtue of its position.
  • There are two forms of potential energy of great interest to chemists:
    1. Chemical energy is energy stored within the structural units of chemical substances.
    2. Electrostatic energy is potential energy that results from the interaction of charged particles.
  • *find equation*
  • Q1and Q2 represent two charges separated by the distance, d.
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