Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter Three: Communication
Chapter Three: Communication

Additional Law Flashcards




Identify appropriate radio system use.
(1) LE-related messages to other agencies within the states or another state, (2) Driver's license status and driver history, (3) Criminal records check, (4) Hazardous material queries, (5) Aircraft, boat, and vehicle registration queries, (6) Road condition and weather queries.
Identify communications privacy when using a mobile radio system.
An officer should expect no privacy in LE radio transmissions.
Identify proper radio protocol.
The procedures of properly constructing and transmitting messages. It also includes proper use of appropriate codes and signals, which varies among agencies and regions.
Identify (3) oral brevity codes.
(1) Alpha Code - it is a system of words that represent letters in the English alphabet.(2) Numeric Code - it is a system of numbers represents specific activities or conditions to which an officer might respond; 10 codes and signals are a numeric system.(3) Alphanumeric Code - it a combination of letters and numbers might include officer call signs and auto tags.
Identify Phonetic Alphabet
It is a system of code words for identifying letters in voice communication.
Demonstrate proper preparation of radio messages.
A properly constructed radio message involves thinking in advance about what needs to be said. It also involves delivering accurate information in a clear, concise manner.
Communicate essential information using a police radio.
Messages should follow this basic pattern: identification number, current location, reason for call, and information relative and essential to the situation.
Identify how to write a BOLO report of the person, property, or vehicle.
Officers should write out full descriptions of the person, property, or vehicle in question for BOLO reports before broadcasting them on radio.
Identify essential information based on type of call.
(1) Officer's identification number and location, (2) Type of emergency, (3) Other assistance needed, (4) Description of suspect, if applicable, (5) Description of suspect's vehicle, if applicable.
Identify essential information for answering calls.
The officer must respond with his or her identification number and location and write down the information provided by the dispatcher, including the complainant's name and address.
Identify essential information for checking in and out of unit.
When checking into service the officer should provide his or her identification number, the message in service (or 10-8), and the vehicle the officer drives. When checking out at the end of a shift, an officer should provide similar information and the message out of service (or 10-7).
Define Communication
Involves the exchange of thoughts or messages, verbal and nonverbal, trough signals or writing. Involves the exchange of thoughts or messages, verbal and nonverbal, trough signals or writing.
Identify the purpose of interpersonal communication.
The purpose of interpersonal communication is to facilitate a primary function of interacting with others or to cause some kind of action.
Identify terms that describe the process of communication.
Terms that describe the communication process include sender or source, message, receiver, and feedback. The sender must transmit a message in a form that the receiver/listener understands. The receiver then acknowledges the message by providing feedback or responding.
Identify the elements that are essential to effective interpersonal communication.
(1) Officers must not allow emotions to color there words or actions, (2) They must remain calm and show no anger, fear, or other negative emotions, (3)Officers must be the calming presence and not allow anger to worsen the situation, (4) Hostility and rudeness have no place in an officer’s relationship with the public, (5) An officer does not gain public support by expressing irritation or frustration, (6) Consequently, the officer should maintain a professional demeanor at all times.
Identify behaviors that convey courtesy.
It is demonstrated by showing consideration, respect, and cooperation when interacting with others. Courtesy and professionalism go hand in hand as officers interact with citizens and other LE professionals. Officers should treat all persons with dignity, courtesy, and respect regardless of their race, gender, appearance, or behavior.
Identify common forms of nonverbal communication.
(1) People react to stressful situations in different ways, (2) Arms folded across the chest or legs crossed may indicate deception or defensiveness, (3) Sweating, rapid breathing, fidgeting, or blinking may indicate nervousness, (4) Anger is sometimes demonstrated through clenched fists, pacing the floor, clamped teeth, or a clear unwillingness to communicate, (5) When a person is nervous or withholds information, he or she may rock back and forth, (6) An open body with arms down by the side r comfortably in the lap may indicate a receptive person who feels at ease with the officer and situation.
Identify barriers that could hinder the communication process.
(1) Barriers include personal prejudices, stereotyping, and racial or ethnic slurs,(2) Language differences, profane or derogatory language, and disrespectful or derogatory hand or body gestures can also serve as communication barriers, (3) Distractions hinder good communication as well.
Identify the purpose of interpersonal communication.
The purpose of interpersonal communication is to facilitate a primary function of interacting with others or to cause some kind of action.
Identify terms that describe the process of communication.
Terms that describe the communication process include sender or source, message, receiver, and feedback. The sender must transmit a message in a form that the receiver/listener understands. The receiver then acknowledges the message by providing feedback or responding.
Identify the elements that are essential to effective interpersonal communication.
(1)Officers must not allow emotions to color there words or actions, (2) They must remain calm and show no anger, fear, or other negative emotions, (3) Officers must be the calming presence and not allow anger to worsen the situation, (4) Hostility and rudeness have no place in an officer’s relationship with the public, (5) An officer does not gain public support by expressing irritation or frustration, (6) Consequently, the officer should maintain a professional demeanor at all times.
Identify behaviors that convey courtesy.
It is demonstrated by showing consideration, respect, and cooperation when interacting with others. Courtesy and professionalism go hand in hand as officers interact with citizens and other LE professionals. Officers should treat all persons with dignity, courtesy, and respect regardless of their race, gender, appearance, or behavior.
Identify common forms of nonverbal communication.
People react to stressful situations in different ways. Arms folded across the chest or legs crossed may indicate deception or defensiveness. Sweating, rapid breathing, fidgeting, or blinking may indicate nervousness. Anger is sometimes demonstrated through clenched fists, pacing the floor, clamped teeth, or a clear unwillingness to communicate. When a person is nervous or withholds information, he or she may rock back and forth. An open body with arms down by the side r comfortably in the lap may indicate a receptive person who feels at ease with the officer and situation.
Identify barriers that could hinder the communication process.
Barriers include personal prejudices, stereotyping, and racial or ethnic slurs. Language differences, profane or derogatory language, and disrespectful or derogatory hand or body gestures can also serve as communication barriers. Distractions hinder good communication as well.
Define Community
The people and locations comprising the neighborhoods, institutions, and workplace where an officer lives or works.
Identify officer’s response to community expectations.
The community expects officers to uphold the legal rights of citizens without bias.
Identify how an officer's responses can be influenced by his or her thoughts.
If an officer believes that he or she has negative biases, that officer should ask himself or herself, “Am I acting on biases and/or prejudice? Am I responding to this person differently than I would to a person of another race, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, etc.?”
Define Self-Talk
It is a continual internal monologue in which an individual narrates the events going on around him or her.
Describe techniques for self-control.
When an officer finds him or herself in a stressful situation, he or she should breathe smoothly, deeply, and evenly. He or she should balance his or her posture and acknowledge reality, saying to him or herself, “This is real and I can handle it."
Define Self-Knowledge
It is an awareness of one’s inner nature, feelings, abilities, and limitations.
Identify emotional triggers that may influence an officer’s behavior.
An officer should know his or her strengths and weaknesses as well as likes and dislikes. Assessing and overcoming weaknesses is extremely important in achieving self-control. Everyone has emotional triggers that stem from personal sensitivities and the traditions they value. These include maintaining a good name, self-respect, pride in heritage, and other personal beliefs.
Identify ways to understand and provide feedback.
Possible questions an officer should ask him or herself in order to evaluate the situation include the following: What is the subject’s body stance or position? What facial features and expressions indicate certain information? What is the position of the hands, arms, and legs? Is the subject reaching out for anything or anyone? Is the subject grabbing another person? Can the officer understand the subject? What is the tone, volume, and pitch of the subject’s voice? What words are used? Does the feedback require a response? What response is appropriate for this situation?
Define Stereotyping
A fixed and unvarying idea or opinion of a person, group or subject.
Define Bias/Prejudice
A strong negative belief or feeling about a person, group, or subject that is formed without reviewing all available facts or information.
Define Perception
The impression in a person’s mind of an individual, a group of people, or events based on experiences, biases, beliefs, assumptions, and observations.
Define Assumption
A notion, statement, or belief about a person, group, or event that may or may not be factual.
Identify the impact different age groups may have on the community.
Large populations of certain age groups affect the type and volume of service calls. When determining how age affects the community and therefore LE needs, officer should determine if the community is a college town or retirement area, is rural or urban, has theme parks and other attractions that draw vacationers and tourists, or sponsors events that attract large groups of people of the same age or with the same interest, such as Bike Week or spring break.
Define Complainant

One who reports the crime.

Define Informant

One who provides information confidentially and whose identity is normally not disclosed until required by law.

List proper steps to prepare for an interview.
The pre-interview process includes determining when and whom to interview, the order of interviews, where to interview, what information to obtain, and how to record the interviews.
Identify the primary responsibilities of the interviewer.
An interviewer should obtain all pertinent information relating to the incident, compare it with other case information, and follow agency interview policy and procedures.
Identify when to interview.
Interviews should be conducted immediately or shortly after a crime in order to yield the most accurate and helpful information. However, if an officer does not have an opportunity to speak with a witness at the scene, the officer should schedule a post-scene interview with the person.
Identify who to interview.
Officers can decide which people at a scene should be interviewed by asking some general questions and seeking information from anyone who knows something about the crime.
Identify the primary factors that influence the success of an interview.
Factors that influence the success of an interview include isolation and privacy. The interviewer is responsible for creating a confidential atmosphere that will encourage honesty and forthrightness from the interviewee. Isolating the interviewee prevents outside influences; privacy helps build rapport and gain trust. A good physical and emotional comfort level is another factor that can influence the success of an interview. The interviewee’s comfort will encourage cooperation.
Identify an appropriate location for an interview.
Interviews may be conducted at the scene of the incident or in the officer’s patrol vehicle. If available, the officer may choose to interview subjects at a location that has recording equipment available. Whatever location is chosen, it should be safe, out of the weather, and isolated as much as possible from sight and hearing of other interviewees.
Identify the importance for allowing sufficient time for a thorough interview.
Interviews can be time consuming, but time will be well spent if the interviewer has planed and prepared. Phone contact is a means to screen potential interviewees (victims, witnesses, or informants) to determine whether a formal interview is necessary.
Identify factors that influence the order of interviews.
Whether dealing with victims, witnesses, or subjects, the primary purpose is to gather information. Identifying attitudes of potential witnesses will help the officer decide the order in which to conduct the interviews.
Identify techniques that encourage the person to explain fully.
The officer will ask a variety of open-ended questions designed to elicit as much information as possible. They are used to get the interviewee to describe something in his or her own words. Closed-ended questions elicit only yes or no answers. They are used to get specific answers or help the interviewee to refocus. Past performance questions solicit from the interviewee how he or she handled a situation in the past. These types of questions can uncover additional information about the history of a situation or determine a behavior pattern.
Identify elements of the interview process.
The closing stage concludes the interview, and the officer should express appreciation to the interviewee for his or her time. The officer should request contact information from the interviewee in case additional questions come up in the future. The information collected in writing should be summarized by the officer and improvements from the next interview mentally noted.
Identify effective interview techniques.
1. Mirroring 2. Minimal encouragers
Define Mirroring Techniques

A technique in which the interviewer acts as if he or she is looking in a mirror and seeing him or herself as the interviewee. Thus, the interviewer should assume the interviewee’s posture and repeat what the person is saying, using a questioning tone to obtain clarification or a more detailed response.

Define Minimal Encouragers Techniques

Brief statements which indicate that the officer hears what the person is saying and is inclined to hear more. Proper language and tone of voice that parallels the interviewee’s level of understanding and tone of voice conveys the officer’s willingness to listen and understand. However officers should note that understanding does not necessarily mean agreement. It merely means that the officer comprehends what the person is trying to tell him or her. Recall is enhanced by recreating the event stimuli, which can be both physical and psychological. The interviewee should be asked to think back to the original event recalling the physical surroundings (time of day, workspace, and so on) as well as the emotional situation (rushed, bored, and so on).

Identify if the information gained is suitable for submission to court.

Determining if the information is suitable for submission to court is a helpful method an officer can employ to evaluate his or her interviewing skills.

Identify how to evaluate the effectiveness of an interview.

If the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the incident can be answered, then most likely, the desired results were achieved.

Identify how to document the interview.

There are three major methods for documenting an interview (1)taking notes (2)audio or video recording (3)obtaining written statements

Identify the procedures to follow in taking notes.

Taking notes during an interview is a necessity that must be done with great care. Usually, it is best to begin taking note early in the interview. This is begun by writing names, addresses, date of birth, and other basic facts. This gets interviewees used to answering an officer’s questions and seeing the officer write what they say.

Define Statement

A permanent, verbal, or written record of a person’s account of an incident or occurrence that may or may not be made under oath.

Identify when statements should be obtained.

When to take a written statement often depends on circumstances or agency policy.

Identify appropriate location, materials, interpreters, and equipment for taking the statement.

Agency policies or local SAO should be consulted for the preferred procedure on locations, materials, equipment, and interpreters needed for the statement.


Identify the basic procedure to follow when taking the statement.


Most jurisdictions require that the statement be sworn. Written statements must be notarized, and audio/video-recorded statements must be made under oath. These statements must be preserved as evidence in the case.

Identify the need for participant, witness, or suspect to prepare a written statement or give an oral recorded statement.

Information contained in witness statements may be used to complete a report, offer PC, file an affidavit, or obtain a warrant. The information may be admissible in court and could help to solve a crime or identify additional suspects or witnesses who have information about a crime, incident, or occurrence. When asking an individual to provide a written statement, an officer must be sure to explain the reason for the request and should be clear about what information (who, what, when, where, why, and how of the incident) is needed.

Identify the importance of separating the interviewees.

Before taking statements from multiple witnesses, they should be separated to prevent them from discussing the incident among themselves.

Identify developing questions based on what the witness says.

General questions help to determine which person should be asked to provide sworn statements. One of the best questions to begin with is, “Can you tell me what happened?” The officer should listen to the person’s response before asking more questions.

Identify the person to provide the statement.

After forming a mental picture of the sequence of events, the officer should identify from whom to get sworn statements.

Identify when an officer can notarize a statement according to Florida law.

Florida law, as per F.S. 117.10, provides LEOs with the authority to administer oaths while performing their duties. However, this does not certify an officer as a notary unless they have completed the normal appointment process.

Identify when it s necessary to administer an oath.

Officers should always administer an oath or affirmation for any sworn statement of affidavit when they want to commit the witness to his or her testimony. Sworn statements or affidavits are not admissible in court if the witness is also in court.

Define Oath

A promise to tell the truth regarding an incident or occurrence.

Define Affirmation

A solemn and formal declaration or assertion made in place of an oath.

Identify the importance of interviewee’s signature on written statements.

In the event an officer is taking a written statement, the person should read the printed oath on the statement form and sign his or her name indicating the information contained is correct and factual.

Identify whether the statements should be oral or written.

A written statement is generally recognized as a better form of evidence than an oral statement or interview.

Identify the basic kinds of information needed in a statement.

When writing a statement, an individual should describe, to the best of his or her recollection, every event, person, weapon, vehicle, and all property involved in the incident.

Identify the importance of reviewing interviewee’s statements for completeness.

The officer should read the statement back to the witness, to make any needed corrections, and ask the witness to date and sign the statement or make his or her mark.

Identify the type of assistance that an officer can provide if required, and use a witness to document the assistance.

Any observing officer should date and sign the statement as well.

Identify what to do if a person is unable to sign statement.

In some situations, a witness may be injured, sick, or incapacitated and cannot sign his or her name. The officer should write the reason the person cannot sign the statement and then sign it him or herself.

Identify what to do if a person is unwilling to sign statement.

If a person refuses to give a statement, it should be indicated in the officer’s notes. If the person gives a statement but refuses to sign it, the officer should not, “refused to sign”.

Identify the appropriate method of recording the statement.

Due to facilities and equipment needs, officers normally use this method only in serious criminal cases where visual information about the scene or victim is needed.

Document the Interview.

After completing and interview, the results should be documented in a report and properly filed.

Define Report

A written document prepared by a police that gives information about an event, situation, or person encountered by the officer.

Identify the purpose of a report.

A report documents the facts involved in an incident. (Who, what, when, where, why, and how)

Identify that agencies use a variety of different forms.

Most agencies have procedures describing appropriate forms, who reviews reports and how reports are stored. The officer should be familiar with agency forms and the pertinent information required to complete each one

List the categories of operational reports.

Operational reports are generally linked to three major categories: offence-incident reports, arrest affidavits, and supplemental or follow-up reports.

Identify the readers of a police report.

To ensure the effectiveness of the report, the report writer must consider the audience, which may include the following: (1) Other officers (2) Supervisors (3) Defense attorneys and prosecutors (4) Judges (5) City, County, and State officials (6) Reporters (7) Victims or their families (8) Suspects, Defendants, and persons convicted of crimes (9) Citizens (10)Insurance companies

Identify common proceedings in which a police report may be used.

Apart from being public records, reports are typically involved in many proceedings as an official representation of facts surrounding and incident. Some examples include the following: (1) Criminal case-filing, (2) Depositions, (3) Pretrial proceedings, (4) Criminal trials, (5) Victim restitution hearings, (6) Civil proceedings, (7) Appeals in criminal and civil cases, (8) Probation and parole hearings, (9) Internal affair’s investigations, (10)Workers’ compensation cases, (11) Research.

Identify the basic steps of report writing.

The basic steps of report writing are recording the facts, organizing the facts, writing the report, and evaluating the report.

Identify the purpose of note taking.

Field notes are normally the primary source documents that an officer will use when writing operational reports.

Select the correct information to record into notes.

An officer’s field notes will contain facts about specific events, interviews, information gathered from investigations, and information that might aid in future investigations. Field notes should include the basic facts: (1)Where did the incident take place? (2)When did the incident take place? (3)Who was involved? (4)What happened? (5)How did it happen? (6)Why did it happen?

Identify the additional descriptions that may be required to clarify the basic facts.

“Who” is more than a person’s name but includes as much information as possible: name, address, all phone numbers, date of birth (DOB) or age, employment information, race, and gender. It is important to note anything unusual that might help identify the person later such as scaring, body piercings, or tattoos. Any additional information such as height, weight, type of clothing, hair color and length, and unique mannerisms or speech patterns should also be included.

Identify why it is important to alternate between listings and writing.

The best practice is to listen and then ask a witness to pause while the officer writes down the information. The alternating method will permit officers to hear and record the most information from witnesses

Identify the importance of using the correct spelling and recording accurate numbers in notes.

All names, addresses, and other relevant information should be correctly spelled and accurately recorded. Inaccurate information may result in the wrong person being arrested or in an acquittal of the guilty person.

Identify common abbreviations to use in note taking.

(am - morning)(Yr - year)(Hr - hour)(V - victim)(S - suspect)(Ph - phone)(F - female)(B - black)(O - Asian)(DOB - date of birth)(AKA - also known as)(pm - afternoon or evening)(mo - month)(min - minute)(W - witness)(mi - mile)(yoa - years of age)(M - male)(W - white)(NMI - no middle initial)(TOT - turned over to)(TOD - time of day)

Identify how to organize notes.

Notes can be organized in two ways: chronologically or categorically. The most efficient way to organize notes is by grouping all information pertaining to or received from each individual.

Identify chronological ordering.

Organizing chronologically means sorting information by date and time from the first event to the last.

Identify categorical ordering.

Information may also be grouped categorically such as witnesses, victims, suspects, weapons used, and crime elements.

Define Narrative

Paragraphs containing specific details and pertinent information about an incident and the elements of the crime.

Identify the elements of report writing.

As the officer works on each step of report writing, he or she must keep in mind the following nine elements of an effective report. All reports must be as follows: (1)Factual (2)Clear (3)Concise (4)Complete (5)Accurate (6)Written in standard English (7)Grammatically and structurally correct (8)Legible (9)Timely

Identify which verb tense should be used in reports.

LE reports are about events that have already occurred, so they are always written in past tense.

Define Jargon

The technical vocabulary of a particular profession that has meaning specific to people who work in that field. Ex AKA, DOA, or "smash and grab"

Define Slang

Consist of informal, nonstandard words often characterized by regional or specific group usage. Ex "tight" "da bomb" "trippin" and "my bad"

Define improper or misused words

Words that are often confusing. Ex are words that sound the same but are spelled differently, such as "there/their/they’re" or "to/too/two".

Identify the questions a report narrative must answer.

The content of the narrative should answer four key questions: 1) Why was the officer there? A. Was the officer dispatched to a call at the location? B. Was the officer flagged down while on patrol? C. Was the officer on patrol and saw something occur? 2) What did the officer observe? A. What did the officer see, hear, smell, or feel? B. What were the crime scene conditions? C. What was the officer told by people at the scene? D. Who else responded to the scene? 3) What did the officer do? A. What investigative steps did the officer take? B. What actions did the officer perform (CPR, Response to Resistance)? C. Whom did the officer notify about the situation? D. Did the officer collect any evidence? 4) What were the outcomes? A. What crimes were committed? B. Did the officer arrest anyone? C. What related documents were collected or disseminated? D. Were any further actions or referrals required?

Identify the differences between content and format.

Content relates to the material aspects of the case: What happened, who was involved, etc. Format is the way the information is organized and presented in the report.

Explain the importance of addressing all of the elements of a crime.

Officers must properly identify the correct name and number of the criminal statute violated. If the narrative accurately describes and outlines the elements of a crime, but it is not the crime listed as the classification on the offence report, then the entire content of the report can be called into question.

Identify the elements of the preferred method for structuring a report.

An opening, body, and a closing must all be included so that the narrative tells a chronological story of what occurred. The opening usually includes the date, place, assignment, and arrival time, the officer’s name, the identity of the victim, suspect, or complainant, and the officer’s first action. The body of the narrative is the detailed chronological account of the incident. This section includes the investigative actions taken by the officer and must address the elements of the crime. The closing explains how the incident was resolved or how the information obtained was handled, including any citations issued or arrest made with the appropriate criminal charges documented.

Define Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that contains a subject (a noun) and a verb (action) and expresses a complete thought.

Define Sentence Fragment

A sentence fragment is a group of words that lacks a subject or verb or fails to express a complete thought.

Identify tools that can be used to reduce spelling errors.

If using a computer to write a report, the officer should use the spell check feature. Having another person proofread a report will help ensure that correct words have been used. If unsure of the spelling of a word, an officer should consider using a different word. Instead of “penitentiary,” an officer might use “prison”; instead of “contusion,” the officer could use “bruise.” If an officer handwrites a report, he or she should use a dictionary. If carrying a dictionary is awkward, the officer should consider buying an electronic dictionary to use while on patrol.

Identify the seven rules of punctuation.

1. Use a comma to separate two complete sentences that are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet). “I met with the victim, and she gave me a statement.” (correct) “I met with the victim and she gave me a statement.” (incorrect) “I met with the victim, she gave me a statement.” (incorrect: use a semicolon.) “I met with the victim. She gave me a statement.” (correct) 2. Use a comma after an introductory clause. “When the alarm sounded, the burglar ran from the store.” 3. Use a comma to separate items in a series of three or more items. “The victim said his digital camera, television, DVD player, radio, and computer were stolen.” 4. Use a comma to separate nonrestrictive (unimportant) phrases in a sentence. A phrase is a group of words that does not make a complete statement; it is considered nonrestrictive when no pertinent information is lost without it. “The fingerprints, which I found on the window, belong to the victim.” 5. Use a comma between two or more adjectives that are not joined by “and” or “or” when they precede the noun. “The inmate used a small, metal object to cut his own arm.” 6. Use a comma to introduce a quote. “When I arrested her, she said, ‘I’m going to burn his house down when I get out.’” 7. Use a comma when writing dates and addresses. “The first robbery occurred on January 12, 2008, at 345 Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida.”

Define Editing

It is the evaluation of content

Define Proofreading

It is the correction of mechanical errors.

Identify the acronyms FCIC and NCIC.

FCIC- Florida Crime Information Center / NCIC- National Crime Information Center

Determine what information is available through FCIC.

Information contained in the FCIC database includes but is not limited to the following: Statewide information on persons and property, driver’s license and registration information, wanted and missing persons, stolen guns, vehicles, and other property, and persons’ status files and computerized criminal history.



Identify the relationship between FCIC and NCIC.


NCIC contains stolen, abandoned, and recovered property and wanted and missing persons files for all 50 states, Canada, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. NCIC makes Florida data available to all criminal justice agencies.



Identify the major assets of the FCIC.


Enables officers to gather criminal history or stolen property information, so they can appropriately deal with many incidents.



Identify the national communications link available through FCIC.


FCIC connects to the International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network. (NLETS)



Identify how information becomes available through FCIC.


INLETS allows for interstate and interagency information exchanges. NLETS has the capability to receive, store, and forward message traffic to and from its user agencies.



Identify factors that will ensure officers’ efficient and effective use of the FCIC system.


System users must attend the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) certification class and pass the certification exam.



Identify the legal issues for confidential information that is disseminated for non-law-enforcement purposes.


Misuse of the FCIC/NCIC system can result in both disciplinary and legal action including termination against the officers involved. The agency involved could lose as an FCIC terminal site.



Identify what information to provide when requesting a check.


When requesting information on a wanted or missing person, officers should provide all identification data available, such as name, race, sex, date of birth, physical features, approximate height and weight, etc. For vehicle or vessel identification information, an officer should provide the vessel name, manufacturer, license, tag/decal number, year of make, etc. For stolen property requests, the name, manufacturer, description of property, shape, etc.

Obtain information related to desired check.

If the FCIC/NCIC database contains data that is the same or similar to the information requested, a list of possible matches will be returned.

Submit information to dispatch.

When data must be entered into FCIC/NCIC, the officer must provide the original report and supplemental documentation to the person at the agency responsible for making such data entries

Identify the policies for conducting a check.

Officers should follow agency polices for adding information to the systems or when conducting a database inquiry.

Demonstrate proper use of a portable radio unit.

Officers use radios to send and receive vital information, call for backup, or identify a suspect or wanted person.

Locate radio equipment in a standard police vehicle.

The patrol car radio is usually under or affixed to the dashboard of the patrol car. In some patrol cars, radios are mounted on the vehicle transmission hump or in a metal rack designed for holding electronic equipment. In unmarked or undercover vehicles, the radio may be mounted under the seat or in the trunk. On police motorcycles, the radio is usually mounted in plain sight behind the handlebars.

Identify the duties of the communications officer.

Duties include but are not limited to: answering all incoming emergency and non-emergency calls to the LE agency, directing callers to other resources as necessary and gathering information for officers’ calls for service. They also access the FCIC/NCIC systems to provide vital information to officer who request it.

Identify primary components of a portable police radio.

The basic police radio is generally fitted with at least three switches, levers, or buttons to control volume, squelch, and channel selection.

Identify general radio procedures.

Officers should plan messages before transmitting them. Though an officer will have to speak quickly in an emergency, the more planed the message is, the more coherent, capable, and professional the officer sounds.

Speak into a police radio mic using proper radio protocol.

The officer should speak directly into the microphone in an evenly modulated tone of voice.

Identify steps to take prior to voice transmissions.

Before voice transmissions, officers should listen to make sure there is no other radio traffic and then depress and hold the transmit button for approximately one second before speaking.

Identify speech habits that affect clear communications when using a police radio.

Trailing voice (diminishes in volume), the rate of speech (too fast or too slow), or speaking in monotones or a soft or unclear (mumbling) voice



Identify the location of FCIC and NCIC.


FCIC is housed at FDLE in Tallahassee, FL / NCIC is housed and maintained by the FBI in Clarksburg, WV

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