Shared Flashcard Set


Chapter eight.
Visual Communcation Final
Undergraduate 3

Additional Advertising Flashcards




1. Why is Saul Bass important and relevant in relation to graphic design? Where is his work seen the most?
a. Saul Bass began his career at Warner Bros. Studio in New York creating movie posters. He revolutionized the art of movie posters when he began applying the Bauhaus design philosophy. His work is seen the most in packaging and logos such as Quaker Oats, General Foods, AT&T and United Airlines.
2. What is different about the AT&T logo shown in the book and the one currently used by the company in advertising campaigns?
In the new logo, the letters are lowercase and the ball is more rounded. There are also fewer lines.
4. When was the Artistic period of graphic design? What are some of its contributions to the "art" of graphic design?
a. 1891-1983. Merged graphic design and technological advances like the halftone photographic screen process, color lithography, motion pictures, television and computers.
What changed the "face and practice of graphic design"? What are some of its specific attributes?
a. The computer changed graphic design. It opened a new way to work with and present photographs, made it possible to print, and led to networking innovations through which images could be shared globally.
6. What are the 4 elements graphic design experts have identified that lead to good design? Be able to give examples of each.
a. Contrast
i. Differences in color, size, symbolism, time and sound.
ii. Example: putting the dominant images in a larger size makes it easy for the viewer to see what’s important.
b. Balance
i. Placement of elements within a design’s frame
ii. Example: the human face; designs are considered balanced if the weight is equalized between the horizontal and vertical axes.
c. Rhythm
i. The way design elements are combined to control the movement of the viewer’s eye from one element to another.
ii. Example: the direction of a person’s arms or eyes in an image leads you to look in a certain direction.
d. Unity
i. Related content and stylistic consistency.
ii. Elements within a design should all be similar in content with words and pictorial elements fitting the same mood.
7. What are the Free Form Approaches? Understand each and be able to describe what makes each unique.
a. Art Nouveau: first commercial art style intended to to make products and their advertisements more beautiful.
i. Influenced by traditional Asian vases
b. Dada: emerged during WWI as a critical examination of the social structures that allowed such an event to occur.
i. Expressed artists’ rage with political leaders by the use of absurd, asymmetric designs.
ii. Graphic designs consisted of typography of all different sizes and styles randomly distributed on a page.
c. Art deco: United buildings, objects, fashion, and typographical and graphic designs by its stylish and distinctive look.
i. Noted for its streamlined shapes, curved sans serif typographical lettering, and modern look.
d. Pop art: combined organic vines of art nouveau designs and rebellious philosophy of dada.
i. Style is connected with alternative lifestyles and rebellion against authority, demonstrated by the beatnik culture.
e. Punk: placed typographical and other visual elements on pages in angry, rebellious and random ways.
f. New wave: influenced by ease of typographical and visual manipulations made possible by computer technology.
i. Connected with a youthful culture that viewed all new technology as exciting.
g. Hip-hop: started as a fashion, graphic design, graffiti art and dance accompaniment to rap music
When was USA Today launched? Whose philosophy heavily influenced its layout and design?
It was launched in 1982, and was heavily influenced by Mario Garcia’s modular approach.
What is Milton Glaser's concerns in relation to website design?
He is concerned about the prevalence of poorly designed websites
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