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Chapter 7 Writing Today
Chapter 7 Review
Undergraduate 1

Additional English Flashcards




the writer uses a specific set of criteria to determine the quality and effectiveness of a product, service, or person. In consumer magazines, like Consumer Reports, evaluations are used to assess the quality of products like cars, televisions, and mobile phones. In the workplace, personnel evaluations are used to determine how well an employee is doing his or her job.
a writer expresses his or her opinion, which is based on common expectations about what makes something appealing or effective.
The main difference between writing a review of something and writing an evaluation
An evaluation uses a set of clearly defined criteria to objectively measure the quality of the subject. A review relies on the unstated “common expectations,” which are shared between the writer and reader, to support an opinion.
two basic organizations for an evaluation
(These patterns can be altered to fit the topic, purpose, reader, and context of your evaluation.)
1) Introduction==>Definitions of Criteria==>Description of the subject==>Assessment of subject through first criterion (both strengths and weaknesses==>Conclusion: Overall impression or recommendation
2)Introduction==>Definitions of Criteria==>Description of the subject==>Strengths of the subject when assessed against criteria==> Weakness of the subject when assessd against criteria==>Conclusion: Overall impression or recommendation
An evaluation typically has the following features:
An introduction that identifies the subject being evaluated.
• A set of defined criteria that can be used to measure the quality or effectiveness of the subject.
• A description of the subject.
• A criterion-by-criterion discussion of the subject.
• A conclusion that offers an overall assessment of the subject.
The primary goal of an evaluation is to
offer an objective assessment of the subject. An evaluation of a product, like a car, needs to rely on more than an opinion or how someone feels about it. So an evaluation should be based on a defined list of criteria.
It means observing something in a way that minimizes personal bias and feelings. Being ___________ means using a set of criteria developed in advance to make an impartial and independent assessment of a product, service, or person.
Philosophers might argue that there is no such thing as objectivity because opinions and feelings unavoidably influence how we view the world.
you can identify and minimize those biases, while gaining a critical perspective on your subject. The secret is to develop your set of criteria up front. If your readers agree with your criteria, they will likely agree with your assessment of the product, service, or person you are evaluating.
Inquiring: Developing a Set of Criteria:
1. decide what you want to evaluate: a car model, your dorms food service, mobile phone service etc...
Pick something that you can evaluate objectively. If you absolutely adore or bitterly detest something, that subject might not be the best one for your review. You want to pick something you can be unbiased about.
2. using brainstorming, make a list of the qualities you would expect your subject to have. For example, let’s say you want to evaluate this year’s Mini Cooper Clubman. What are the qualities you would expect this kind of car to have?
3. turn this long brainstorming list into a shorter list of five to seven criteria, and sort all these qualities into a handful of major categories
4. Your criteria should include qualities that both you and your readers will agree on. In other words, at this point, you’re setting down some rules for doing the evaluation. If you and your readers agree on these “rules,” then chances are good they will accept your conclusions about your subject. If, however, they disagree with your criteria, then it’s unlikely they will agree with your evaluation.
Researching: Defining Your Set of Criteria
define what you mean by these specific criteria. That way, readers will know what you mean by words like “performance” or “interior comfort.”
do some research to figure out what experts consider acceptable and unacceptable when evaluating something like your subject. For example, to evaluate a car, you should do some Internet research through sources like the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Car magazines would also be helpful to determine what a buyer should expect for costs, visual appeal, and comfort.
As you do your research, look for both “quantitative” and “qualitative” information to help assess your subject.Your research should give you a good idea about what kinds of measurable and nonmeasurable qualities would be expected in the product, service, or person you are evaluating.
Quantitative information
involves elements for which you can compare numbers, such as sticker price, gas mileage, and years of warranty coverage.
Qualitative issues
involve aspects that cannot be measured, such as the car’s physical attractiveness or its interior comfort.
Researching: Gathering Information on Your Subject
With your criteria identified and defined, you can now collect information on the subject of your evaluation. Your criteria should help you pinpoint the kinds of information you need to fully assess the product, service, or person you are writing about.
The strongest evaluations are ones that
“triangulate” their facts through a combination of online, print, and empirical sources.
Search the Internet.
If you are evaluating a product or service, you might start out by using Internet search engines to see what others have written about your subject. On the Internet, you should be able to locate many of the facts you need to determine whether your subject measures up against your criteria. You might also find some other evaluations written by experts. It’s fine to read those evaluations and even to use them as sources, but don’t let them bias your own evaluation. Instead, use other evaluations to understand the differing assessments of your subject.
Observe Your Subject in Action.
Keeping your criteria in mind, examine and interact with your subject. If you are evaluating a car, for example, go out and take a test drive. If you are evaluating a service, try it out and keep notes about how well that service worked. Make sure you keep detailed notes. Also, pay attention to your reaction and the reactions of others when you are observing or interacting with your subject.
Experiment on Your Subject.
Organizations like the Consumers Union and Underwriters Laboratories actually do experiments on products. They test drive cars, drop toasters, and crank up the volume on stereos. These experiments help them generate data to measure the quality and usefulness of a product. For some kinds of products, you might be able to set up experiments that determine which products are better than others.
Interview or Survey Others.
Depending on your subject, you might find an expert you could interview. On almost any college campus, someone is probably an expert who knows about your subject. This person might be able to give you some useful information or provide you with some helpful quotes that you could include in your evaluation. You could also survey people about their opinions. What do they think of your subject? How did they react to it? What do they like and dislike about it?
Find Print Information.
Most products and services will be discussed in popular and trade magazines that are available at your library. Popular magazines that specialize in your subject’s area, such as Bicycling for bicycles or Outside for camping equipment, can be especially helpful. Trade magazines, which cover a specific industry, are typically more technical than popular magazines, but they do a good job of covering what is happening behind the scenes with specific products and services.
Organizing and Drafting Your Evaluation
The organizational patterns of evaluations are typically straightforward
should identify your topic (the subject of your evaluation) and purpose (your intention to evaluate it). The ______________ will include a brief description of the subject as well as some background information. you may or may not want to state your overall assessment of your subject (your main point). In most workplace situations, you should state this assessment up front, so your readers can immediately find your main point and then observe how you came to your decision as they read the body of your evaluation. In nonworkplace documents, like magazine articles, you might decide to wait until the conclusion of the evaluation to give your overall assessment of your subject. That way, your readers will feel as though you led them to your final decision.
Defining your criteria means
creating some guidelines that will help you and your readers determine if your subject is measuring up to objective standards.
measurable and nonmeasurable qualities
Criteria usually mix _______________ and ___________________ ______________ to describe what is considered good or bad by the evaluator. For example, in the criteria above, the person doing the evaluation is rather specific about quantities like the price of the car and its gas mileage. Actual ranges of performance are given for these kinds of measurable features. However, qualitative issues involving appearance, such as choices of paint color, are described for readers but not in a measurable way.
Description of the Subject
Now that you have defined your criteria for the readers, it is time to offer a full description of your subject. First provide an overall description of how it looks. Then divide your subject into its major parts and describe each of these parts separately. Depending on the length of your evaluation, your description might be a paragraph to a few paragraphs long.
Your ________________ should be as objective as possible. Save any evaluative comments or opinions for later.
Assessment of the Subject
Now that you have defined your criteria and described your subject, you are ready to make some judgments about it. Evaluations tend to follow one of two paths at this point: Criterion-by-criterion pattern and Strengths-and-weaknesses pattern.
This section of the evaluation is the place to express your opinion about the subject. Your opinions, however, should be based on the criteria that you defined earlier in the evaluation. This direct connection between criteria and your comments in this section will make your evaluation sound objective to the readers.
Criterion-by-criterion pattern
You can address each criterion separately, discussing the subject’s strengths and weaknesses. better for longer evaluations, because it will allow you to balance your positive comments with your criticisms.(See the diagram on the left on page 103.)
Strengths-and-weaknesses pattern
You can discuss all of the subject’s strengths according to your criteria. Then you can discuss the subject’s weaknesses, again addressing all the criteria at once. works well for smaller evaluations. (See the diagram on the right on page 103.)
Your readers will expect the conclusion to wrap up with an overall assessment of the subject. You may have already stated your overall assessment in the introduction. If so, you should state it again here, with more emphasis. If you didn’t state your overall assessment in the introduction, you need to state it very clearly here.
A good conclusion briefly states
the main point of the evaluation. Then it stresses the importance of the subject and offers readers a “look to the future.” The conclusion should be as short and concise as possible. No new information should be introduced at this point in the evaluation.
Choosing an Appropriate Style
Evaluations typically use a “plain style” because they are supposed to sound objective. Plain style doesn’t mean a flat, boring tone. It means the sentences tend to be simple and straightforward and the paragraphs make direct claims and provide support for those claims.
Keep Sentences Simple and Active
Badly written evaluations can sound stuffy and convoluted because their authors want to share too much technical information with readers, or they rely too heavily on the passive voice. These authors want to sound like experts, but they really just confuse and lose readers.
Sample Sentence that is too complex
It is widely recognized that the Mini Cooper is an automobile that is beloved among a segment of trendy, youthful individuals who desire a sporty car that is exceptional and attains above average fuel economy.
Sample sentence Simplified
Young people love the Mini Cooper because it is a unique, sporty car that gets good gas mileage.
Avoid Clichés
Evaluations occasionally devolve into strings of clichés because the author wants to sound like an insider who knows the lingo of the field. The occasional cliché is fine, but strings of clichés like the ones in this example sentence become tiresome and irritating to readers. In reality, these tired phrases signal laziness and a lack of creativity from the author. After all, clichés really just show that the author does not want to make an effort to speak plainly or come up with original ways to express ideas.
Designing Your Evaluation
In an evaluation, it’s important to show as well as tell. If you are evaluating a product, your readers want to see that product. If you are evaluating a service, it would be helpful if your readers could visualize that service.

That said, evaluations typically are not designed to be flashy. They tend to take on the design of the place in which they are published. Evaluations of cars, for example, tend to show up in car magazines or on Web sites, which have their own established designs. Evaluations of people, like those used in the workplace, often follow prescribed formats to ensure consistency.
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