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Chapter 16 - Grammatica
Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo, Il congiuntivo imperfetto, frasi con il se, Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi, Il passato remoto
Language - Italian
Undergraduate 2

Additional Language - Italian Flashcards





Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo

- As you learned in Chapter 15, the subjunctive is used in dependent clauses introduced by che when the verb or expression in the main clause indicates desire, personal opinion, doubt, or uncertainty.

- The indicative is used in dependent clauses introduced by che when the verb or expression in the main clause indicates certainty.

- The verbs and expressions in the chart on the back indicate certainty and are therefore followed by verbs in the indicative.


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo


Verbi ed espressioni che indicano certezza

sono/é certo/sicuro                      I am/it's certain/sure

é chiaro                                      it's clear

é ovvio                                       it's obvious

é vero                                        it's true

riconosco                                    I recognize

so                                              I know

vedo                                           I see


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo - Note the difference between the expressions of certainty and the more subjective expressions in the sentences below.


So che il Presidente viene nella mia cittá.

- I know the President is coming to my town.


Credo che il Presidente venga nella mia cittá.

- I think that the President will come to my town.


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo


É vero che c'é un nuovo partito.

- It's true that there is a new party.


É possibile che ci sia un nuovo partito.

- It's possible that there is a new party.


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo

- As you learned in Chapter 15, the subjunctive is used in the dependent clause after verbs that express uncertainty, personal opinion, doubt, and desire when the subjects of the dependent and the main clause are different.


Spero che tu sia andato a votare

- I hope you went to vote.


Il sindicato vuole che voi facciate sciopero.

- The union wants you to go on strike.


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo

- When the subject of the two clauses is the same, the infinitive is used.


Il Presidente crede di agire per difendere la Constituzione.

- The president thinks he is acting to defend the Constitution


Crede di sapere giá tutto sulle elezioni europee.

- He thinks he already knows everything about European elections.


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo


1. Verbs like volere, dovere, potere, preferire, and desiderare are followed directly by an infinitive.


Desidero tenermi al corrente sui partiti.

- I wish to keep current on political parties.


Preferisci fare sciopero o andare a lavorare

- Do you prefer to go on strike or go to work?


Il congiuntivo o l'indicativo


2. Some verbs require a prepostition before the infinitive. The following verbs require the preposition di.


avere paura di                                       to be afraid

credere di                                             to belive

decidere di                                            to decide

dubitare di                                            to doubt

pensare di                                             to think

sperare di                                             to hope


Spera di vincere le elezioni.

- He/she hopes to win the election.


Pensiamo di passare la frontiera facilmente.

- We plan to cross the border easily.


Il congiuntivo imperfetto

- The verbs and expressions that govern use of the present subjunctive also govern use of the imperfect subjunctive.

- The imperfect subjunctive is used when the verb of the main clause is in a past tense and the action of the dependent clause took place at the same time or later than that of the main clause.


Il congiuntivo imperfetto


Era difficile che potesse vincere le elezioni.

- It was unlikely that he could win the election.


Sperava che io andassi a votare con lui.

- He hoped I would go to vote with him.



Il congiuntivo imperfetto

- The imperfect subjunctive is formed by dropping the -re of the infinitive and adding the appropriate endings


Il congiuntivo imperfetto


1. The following verbs have the same irregular stems in the imperfect subjunctive as in the imperfect indicative.


Pensavo che gli studenti facessero sciopero.

- I thought students were on strike.


Era impossibile che dicesse la veritá.

- It was impossible that he was telling the truth.


Il congiuntivo imperfetto


2. The following verbs have irregular infinitive stems and regular endings.


Speravi che dessimo appoggio ai Verdi?

- Were you hoping we would support the Green Party?


Credevamo che il ministro fosse onesto.

- We thought the minister was honest.


Non era possibile che loro stessero zitti.

- It was impossible for them to be quiet.


Il congiuntivo imperfetto (II)

- You have learned about use of the imperfect subjunctive when the verb of the main clause is in a past tense.

- The imperfect subjunctive is also used in a dependent clause when the verb of the main clause is in the present conditional and the two clauses have two different subjects.


Il congiuntivo imperfetto (II)


Vorrei che mia sorella smettesse di fumare!

- I wish my sister would quit smoking


Mi piacerebbe che tutti avessero un lavoro.

- I would be pleased if everybody had a job.


Preferirei che tu non gettassi la carta per terra.

- I would prefer that you not throw paper on the ground.


Frasi con il se

- Hypothetical (if) sentences describe a situation that the speaker believes might occur but is unlikely.

- If sentences consist of two clauses: the if clause that expresses a condition and the main clause that expresses the result of that condition.

- Use se + the imperfect subjunctive to express the condition and use the present conditional to express the outcome.


Frasi con il se


Se avessimo un buon lavoro, troveremmo anche un bell'appartamento.

- If we had a good job, we would also find a nice apartment.


Se tu avessi il permesso di soggiorno, potresti guadagnare di piú.

- If you had the residence permit, you could make more money.


Jorge capirebbe l'italiano meglio se a casa non parlasse sempre spagnolo.

- Jorge would understand Italian better if he didn't always speak Spanish at home.


Frasi con il se

- In sentences that express a real or likely situation, the main clause and the if clauses are always in the indicative.


Se vuoi andare all'universitá in Italia devi studiare l'italiano.

- If you want to go to college in Italy, you must study Italian.




Frasi con il se


Dovete avere il visto se volete andare in Italia!

- You must have a visa if you want to go to Italy!


Se volete provare un buon ristorante cinese andate a Piazza di Spagna.

- If you want to try a good Chinese restaurant, go to Piazza di Spagna.


Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi

- You have studied three tenses of the subjunctive: the present, past, and imperfect.

- The use of one of these tenses in a dependent clause depends on the tense and mood of the verb in the main clause, and on the time relationship between the actions expressed in the main clause and in the dependent clause.


Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi


Present or future indicative + present subjunctive

(same time of future action)


Credo che sia difficile inserirsi in un nuovo Paese.

- I think it's hard to become integrated in a new country.


Non permetteró che voi lasciate l'Italia per sempre!

- I won't permit that you leave Italy forever.


Dubito che in futuro l'emigrazione aumenti.

- I doubt emigration will increase in the future.


Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi


Presente indicative + past (pp) subjunctive

(past action)


Sono contenta che abbiano imparato l'inglese subito!

- I am happy that they learned English quickly!



Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi


Indicative past tenses + imperfect subjunctive

(same time of future action)


Pensavo che voi conosceste alcune tradizioni italiane.

-I thought you were familiar with some Italian traditions.


Ho creduto che loro volessero sapere di piú sulla storia della loro famiglia.

- I believed that they wanted to learn more about the history of their family.


Il congiuntivo: l'uso dei tempi


Conditional + imperfect subjunctive

(same time or future action)


Come sarei contenta se trovassero subito lavoro!

- How happy I would be if they found a job soon!


Il passato remoto

- The passato remoto is used to express events that took place in the distant past and have no relationship to the present.

- The passato remoto is used in contemporary Italian mostly in literary and other written texts


Il passato remoto


Quando arrivó in America, mio nonno cercó subito lavoro.

- When he arrived to America, my grandfather looked for a job right away.


Dante scrisse la Divina Commedia.

- Dante wrote the Divine Comedy.


Il passato remoto

- In conversational Italian, use of the passato remoto is regional.

- It is more commonly used in the south and in some regions in central Italy than in the north.

- As a beginning Italian student, you should use the passato prossimo conversationally and learn to recognize the passato remoto when you encounter it in your readings.


Il passato remoto

- Recognizing the infinitives and the endings of the passato remoto of regular verbs will help you identify actions and determine who is doing them.

- The context can help you identify irregular verbs.


Connobi molte persone interessanti.

- I met many interesting people.


Diede il libro al ragazzo.

- He gave the book to the boy.


Il passato remoto

- Like the passato prossimo, the passato remoto is used with the imperfect and the past perfect to talk about the past.


Quando andammo a Roma faceva freddo.

- When we went to Rome, it was cold.


Il passato remoto


1. The passato remoto of regular verbs is formed by adding the appropriate endings to the infinitive stem.


Il passato remoto


2. Some verbs are irregular only in the first- and third-person singular (io, lui/lei), and the third-person plural (loro), and they follow a 1-3-3 pattern. The first-person singular always ends in -i, and the third-person singular in -e, and the third-person plural in -ero. The other persons are regular.


Il passato remoto

- avere: ebbi, avesti, ebbe, avemmo, aveste, ebbero

- chiedere: chiesi, chiedesti, chiese, chiedemmo, chiedeste, chiesero

- conoscere: conobbi, conoscesti, conobbe, conoscemmo, conosceste, conobbero

- dipingere: dipinsi, dipingesti, dipinse, dipingemmo, dipingeste, dipinsero

- dire: dissi, dicesti, disse, dicemmo, diceste, dissero

- fare: feci, facesti, fece, facemmo, faceste, fecero

- leggere: lessi, leggesti, lesse, leggemo, leggeste, lessero

- mettere: misi, mettesti, mise, mettermmo, metteste, misero


Il passato remoto

- nascere: nacqui, nascesti, nacque, nascemmo, nasceste, nacquero

- prendere: presi, prendesti, prese, prendemmo, prendeste, presero

- sapere: seppi, sapesti, seppe, sapemmo, sappeste, seppero

- scrivere: scrissi, scrivesti, scrisse, scrivemmo, scriveste, scrissero

- vedere: vidi, vedesti, vide, vedemmo, vedeste, videro

- venire: venni, venisti, venne, venimmo, veniste, vennero

- volere: volli, volesti, volle, volemmo, voleste, vollero


Il passato remoto


3. Some verbs in the passato remoto are irregular in all their forms.


- bere: bevvi, bevesti, bevve, bevemmo, beveste, bevvero

- dare: diedi, desti, diede, demmo, deste, diedero

- essere: fui, fosti, fu, fummo, foste, furono

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