Shared Flashcard Set


Ch. 15
Undergraduate 4

Additional Psychology Flashcards




What are some physical causes in historical therapy?
1. Evil spirits; ride them by inducing vomit. Also used a technique called trephing which drilled a quarter size howl in the top of the head
-Possession by witches - Per the Monk named Cramer and his book The Hammer for Witches; you had to identify by body marks, water trial, lead vision. once identified she would be excuted.
-Hysteria; ancient Greeks thought that it was caused by a wandering uterous
-Animalism; thought mentally ill wanted to be an animal when they became nonsensical. they would treat them by making them uncomfortable enough to become human again by chaining them outside, bleeding, purging or vomiting
What are some psychological causes in historical therapies?
Anton Mesmer - he argued if your animal magnetic field got out of wack you would become mentally ill. He treated by using a magnetic wand and a Baquet
-Jean Martin Charcot - he separated physical and psychological symptoms using hypnosis. If the symptoms left it was psychological problem vs. the physical problem staying...grad student issue
How did hospitals come about?
Paris France was full of beggars. They opened the first hospital to get the beggars off the streets. Eventually they segregated teh physically and mentally ill.
Historically how were the mentally ill treated?
-chained blistered and purged
-tried to incite strong emotion to restore sanity
-aquatice shock treatment
-spinning treatment
-hospital in London would open doors on Sunday and charge to view mentally ill
Who changed how the mentally ill were treated?
A group of monks first started to give the mentally ill beds and treat them with kindness. It spead to the Quakers and across the world as the norm.
What are insight therapies?
Insight therapies help you get inside your problems to get well.
What types of psychology is used in insight therapies?
1. Psychoanalysis - dig deep to solve your problem (Freud, Adler, Sullivan)

2. Humanistic Therapy - understand what life is all about to solve your problems.
What is psychoanalysis?
It was thought that people repress everything traumtic, and you coudln't get better until that traumtic event was dug out.
What are the 4 methods used in Psychoanalysis?
1. Free Association – if you let your mind just drift it would gradually drift towards your conflict…say whatever is on your mind. Somehow they would take it back to your childhood.
2. Dream Analysis – Freud would have you keep a notebook by your bed so he could see the deeper meaning. One problems is it is open to interpretation
3. Analysis of Resistance – the more your deny the more the doctors would push you
4. Analysis of Transference – They would try to get the problems transferred on to them to be able to talk about the feelings about the therapist which in turn could push the problems back on the parents.
What is humanistic therapy (sometimes called client-centered therapy)?
-Therapy based on the assumption that people have the ability and freedom to lead rational lives and make rational choices.
-Their major goal is to obtain Self Actualization by Mirroring what you are saying
-they bath you unconditional postive regard
-Carl Rogers
What is Gestalt therapy?
Originated by Fritz Perls
-emphasizes the importance of fully experiencing in the present moment, their feelings, thoughts, and actions, and then taking responsibility for them.
What is Existential Therapy?
-emphasizes free will – u can control your life
-find the meaning of life
-take responsibility for your existence – don’t just float along
What are the two modern day therapies?
1. Behavioral Therapyy
2. Cognitive Therapy
What is behavioral therapy?
-based on the idia that abnormal behavior is learned
-removing inappropriate or maladaptive behaviors
-replace them with more adaptive responses
What is cognitive therapy?
Therapies that assume maladaptive behavior can result from irrational thoughts, beliefs and ideas.
Can be broken down into 3 types of therapies.
What 3 ways can cognitive therapy be broken down?
1. Classical Conditioning Therapies
2. Operant Conditioning Therapies
3. Cognitive Therapy
What are the characteristics of Classical Conditionign Therapies?
-Aversion Therapy – associates bad feeling towards something. Used in substance abuse and gambling
Nauseating Substance (UCS) that causes Nausea, Aversion (UCR)
Now that Favorite drink (CS) causes Nausea, Aversion (CR)….works in the short term
-Systematic Desensitization
-Immersion or flooding
-Exposure and response prevention
-immerse the person in the obsession or fear situation…prevent the rituals or escape until the obsession or fear subside
What are the characteristics of Operant Conditioning Therapies?
-shifting the reward contingencies
1. token Economies
-give tokens for performance that can be traded for goods or privileges. The advantage to these is it doesn’t disrupt what they are doing
2. Time outs – to remove rewards that maintain behavior the bad behavior
-removing the person from the situation before rewards occurs to cause extinction
3. Stimulus Satiation – giving something less attraction
-giving the person too much of the desired thing, making it unattractive (going to work at an ice cream polar you don’t eat it that much anymore, you are around it too much)
Use modeling with the above and it will:
-provide a role model lacking the fear of doing the behavior
-participant modeling works best (had fear then got over it, they make the best role models)
What are the charateristics of cognitive therapy?
-you are thinking maladaptively bc you think badly. We fix the thinking and it will go away
-founded by Ellis (rational emotive therapy) and Beck (cognitive therapy)
-it is very confrontational and directive (opposite of insight therapy)…they will argue with you and tell you what to do or do differently. They will laugh in your face if they think you did something stupid
What are the 3 Cognitive Therapy goals?
1. Change negative appraisals
2. Change efficacy evaluations
3. Avoid irrational beliefs and conclusions
What does it mean to change negative appraisals?
for everything you screwed up you did a lot of good stuff. You need to focus on the good stuff. Lets start making a list of everything you did right
What does it mean to change efficacy evaluations?
people believe that they can’t do things, because of this belief you just don’t even try. They will try to change this..list success you have had in the past
What does it mean to avoid irrational beliefs and conclusions?
avoid beliefs that are making you anxious and depressed even though you are not justified
What are 6 examples of irrational beliefs and conclusions?
1. I must be perfect: learn from the mistake and move on, don’t ruminate, focus on what you have done right.
2. Its awful when things don’t turn out as expected: problems- the assumption that the expected would have been wonderful – and now that it didn’t turn out it will turn out terrible
3. I must find the perfect solution to the problem: if you do this you will never find a solution and the problems will just sit there-you do nothing and the problem continues.
4. Everyone must approve of me: if they disapprove examine what you are doing see if it is ok and then move on. Who cares if they are upset.
5. The past determines the future: no matter the circumstance at least one person has come out better and moved on
6. Happiness just happens: happy people work at being happy, they do not sit around being miserable. You have to get out there and take the bull by the horns and find something that makes you happy
Why have mental hosipitals decreased since the 1950s?
Drug therapies played a huge role of decreasing the 500k mental hospitals in the 1950s to the 100k in the 1990s
What are the 4 Psycho Active Drug catagories?
1. Antipsychotics
2. Antidepressents
3. Anti - Mania Drugs
4. Anti - Anxiety Drugs
What are Antipsychotics?
-drugs that reduce dopamine
-may cause Tardive Dyskinesia (1 in 7), they will develop muscular ticks – most common is the mouth darting out or the lips smack
-Atypical Antipsychotics: Clozapine, Risperidone, Olanzapine, Sertindole, Quetaipine
What are the 4 categories of Antidepressants and what do they do?
-MAO Inhibitors – breaks down nor and ep, serotonin, and dopamine
-Tricyclics – more ep
-SSRI – only effective on Serotonin and prevent reuptake
-Atypical Antidepressants
What are a few cautions regarding antidepressants?
-loss of interest in sex and insomnia
-MAO inhibitors can’t be taken with any food containing tyramine
-SSRIs have fewer side effects, leading to overprescription
-Atypical antidepressants will work on cases where others don’t
What are anti-mania drugs used to treat?
Bipolar disorder
-Lithium Carbonate – original bipolar drug
-antipsychotics, antidepressants, or tranquilizers work on some folks as well
What are the most common anti anxiety drugs?
-Librium, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin
What is ECT or Electoconvulsive therapy?
-Causes convulsions and rebalances neurotransmitters
-If you use too much you will wipe on their memories
-They discovered 150 volts, in the micro-amperage for 1 to 2 seconds works best.
What is psychosurgery?
Lobotomies done from 1935-1955
-surgically separated connections between prefrontal lobes and thalamus
-the people stopped being motivated, other roots to the emotional centers were found and they would start raging again however they still weren’t motivated.
What types of therapists are there?
1. Psychiatrists
-MDs who go on to specialize in mental problems
-can prescribe drugs
2. Psychologists
-Ph.Ds or Psy.D.s (skips disortation and research) in clinical psychology
-state licensed
3. MFCCs, MFTs, other Master Degree Therapists (family therapy)
4. Psychoanalysts
5. Social Workers
6. Therapists
-can be anyone
-no oversight
What are the recovery rates for therapy?
Your therapists should make you better based on the number of weeks of therapy. 100 weeks of therapy you should be 90% better
What ethical practices are forbidden?
handling your clients money, no sex with client
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