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Review Questions
Political Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Political Studies Flashcards





3 different functions of Congress

(list & explain)


1. Enact Legislation/Lawmaking: has authority to make laws necessary to carry out powers granted to the Nat'l Govt.


2. Representation representing various interests with in American Society, giving them a voice in Nat'l Govt.


3. Oversight: see's that the executive branch carries out the laws faithfully and spends the $ properly


4 types of Congressional Committees

 (example of each & what they do)




1. Standing: permanent, responsible for a particular area; draft legislation, organize hearings, & participate in altering bills

(Agriculture Committee)

2.  Select: created for a specific time period/purpose

(Senate Select Committe on Intelligence)

3. Joint: composed of members of both houses for advisory function

(Joint Committee on Library)

4. Conference: joint committees formed temporairly to work out differences in House/Senate versions of bill


House Rules Committee
controls the scheduling of bills for debate
specialize in some aspect of the committee work
Leadership Structure in the House of Rep.

House is presided over by the Speaker (elected member of majority party)

Active in developing the party's positions on issues and in persuading party members in the House to support these positions

Leadership Structure in the Senate

the most important party leadership position is that of the majority leader, who heads the majority party caucus; formulates the majority party's legislative agenda and encourages party members to support it


assisted by the majority whip (see's to it that the party's strongest advocates are present for debate)


-minority leader & minority whip-

how a bill becomes a law (5 steps)

1. Introduction: a bill is introduced in the House or Senate where it is sent to the relevant committee


2. Committee Action: Hearings are held with the committees & subcommittees where the bill can be revised and a recommendation to pass or table the bill is made


3. Floor Action: House Rules Committee defines rule for debate, in Senate the leadership proposes rules for floor action; legislation is debated, amendments are proposed and the bill is voted on by the full membership of House/Senate


4. Conference Action: If the bill passes it is sent to that chamber for consideration to make sure that the other chamber hasn't alredy passed a similar bill. Only if a bill passes through BOTH chambers in IDENTICAL form is it sent to the president


5. Presidential Action: If the president signs the bill it becomes a law. A presidential veto can be overriden by a 2/3 majority vote in each chamber


Formal requirements to serve as a representative or senator


"Typical" rep. or senator


House: 25 years, citizen for 7 years


Senate: 30, citizen for 9 years


typical: white, male lawyer (33%) or other professional (total 90%)

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