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CBU comps #142-165
CBU comps sample questions

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Axis II is for:
a. Personality Disorders
b. Borderline Intellectual Functioning
c. Autistic Disorder
d. "A" and "b', as well as Mental Retardation
Your male client tells you that for the past twenty years he has secretly tried on woman's clothing. He goes on to explain that this is sexually arousing to him. He denies any homosexual tendencies. The most likely diagnosis would be:
a. Ego-dystonic homosexuality
b. Transexualism
c. Gender Identity Disorder
d. Transvestic Fetishism
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy would be least effective with which of the following disorders:
a. Major Depressive
c. Paranoid Schizophrenia
d. Dysthymic DO
A client tells you that lately she has been feeling dizzy and nauseous, and she has been having skin irritations. She tells you that she is allergic to salted peanuts, but has been eating bags of them anyway. The most likely diagnosis for this woman would be:
a. Malingering
b. Factitious DO
c. Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
d. Pain DO
A man avoids going to weddings, parties, and other social events because these symptoms have consistently triggered a panic attack in the past. Based on these symptoms, the best diagnosis is:
a. Panic DO with Agoraphobia
b. Panic DO without Agoraphobia
c. Specific Phobia
d. Social Phobia
For a diagnosis of Dysthymic DO, an adult:
a. must have experienced two or more discrete episodes of depressed mood over a two-year period
b. must have experienced episodes of Major Depression and depressed mood for at least two years
c. must have experienced a depressed mood on most days for at least two years
d. must have experienced one or more episodes of major Major Depression and one or more episodes of depressed mood over a one-year period
If you were interested in assessing a child's perspective of her relationship to others in her family, you would want to do the following test:
a. Kinetic Family Drawing
c. Vineland Adaptive Scale
d. TAT
Magical thinking, depression, illusions, discomfort in social situations, and inappropriate affect are most characteristic of:
a. Schizoaffective Personality DO
b. Schizoid Personality DO
c. Schizotypal Personality DO
d. Avoidant Personality DO
Your client describes a history, a ten-year history, of cocaine abuse. He tells you that in recent months he has been using the drug three or four times a week, he's been missing work and he is experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort and chronic headaches. The best course of treatment would be:
a. Neurologist, group therapy, and family therapy
b. 12-step meetings, psychiatrist, group therapy
c. Medical evaluation, 12-step meetings, individual therapy
d. Individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy
a. are performed to reduce stress
b. are experienced as ego-syntonic
c. involve non-functional behaviors
d. are logically related to a specific goal
A diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder requires a history of:
a. Manic and Mixed Episodes
b. Manic and Major Depressive Episodes
c. Hypomanic and Major Depressive Episodes
d. Manic Episodes
The most important factor suggesting risk of successful suicide would be:
a. a history of suicide attempts
b. age 70 or older and male
c. substance abuse
d. bankruptcy
The key disturbance in delirium is:
a. reduced clarity in awareness of the environment
b. a marked change in affectivity
c. the development of multiple cognitive deficits
d. an impairment of memory
For a diagnosis of Substance Dependence:
a. there must be evidence of tolerance and/or withdrawal
b. there must be at least three characteristics symptoms within a one-month period
c. there must be evidence of clinically significant impairment or distress
d. there must be evidence of tolerance, but withdrawal is not always associated with Substance Dependence
A five-year-old exhibits the following symptoms: excessive distress whenever he is not in close contact with his mother, distress whenever he goes to school (e.g. kindergarten), and nightmares about not being able to be with his mother. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Rett's DO
b. Generalized Anxiety DO
c. Autistic DO
d. Separation Anxiety DO, early onset
A counselor working from the perspective of Rogers' person-centered therapy rejects the use of diagnosis because:
a. the validity of diagnostic labels has not been empirically demonstrated
b. it forces the therapist, rather than the client, to assume the "expert" role
c. it results in an in-congruence between self and experience
d. it discourages the process of arriving at in-depth interpretations of the client's behavior
The primary goal of Freudian psychoanalysis is:
a. to free associate
b. catharsis
c. to alter irrational thought beliefs
d. to uncover unconscious conflicts
A therapist sympathetic with the views of the neo-Freudians is most likely to focus on which of the following in therapy with a client:
a. the impact of interpersonal relationships
b. the unconscious (biological) determinants of behavior
c. the individual's unacknowledged wishes and needs
d. the individual's goals for the future
Ted comes to see you because he is not performing well at work. He reports that last week he was fired. Ted wants to do better at work. As a cognitive-behavioral therapist, you would first treat Ted by:
a. taking an in-depth chronological history to get a baseline of his work history
b. identifying for him the emotional and environmental triggers or distractors to good work performance
c. having him journal factors that affect his work performance and then identifying his automatic self-statements about his job performance
d. identifying positive reinforcers for Ted that would promote good work performance
A client displays a long-standing pattern of affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood and high impulsivity. During the course of treatment, he has shifted from idealizing his therapist as a clinician to becoming highly critical and accusing her of not caring enough. In working with this client, the therapist's approach should emphasize which of the following:
a. providing a stable treatment framework and encouraging reality-based thinking
b. exploratory, insight-oriented strategies
c. early interpretation of the negative transference
d. short-term psychotherapy focused on improving the client's adaptation to his circumstances
From the perspective of traditional psychoanalysis, transference is:
a. an impediment to therapy process
b. a form of resistance
c. a symbolic transaction
d. a defense mechanism
A woman is planning to seek full custody of her children. She asks you how that will be decided. She hasn't met with a lawyer yet. You should tell her:
a. it will be decided according to the best interests of the family group
b. to see a lawyer who specializes in custody cases
c. the court will decide
d. it will be decided according to the wishes of the children
When working with an American Indian family in therapy, it is important for the therapist to:
a. avoid self-disclosure
b. identify each family member's level of acculturation
c. conduct therapy in a "value-free" environment
d. use highly directive techniques
Noah, age 25, and Cindy, his 24-year-old girlfriend, have been living together for five months. They come to see you after Noah phoned in distress. Recently, the couple has been fighting daily and Noah has hit Cindy a few times. Both are recovering alcoholics. In the first session, Cindy explains that she comes from an alcoholic family and that she was often physically abused by her first husband. Noah says that he feels terrible about hitting Cindy, but that his rage sometimes gets out of control. In terms of the violence, you are legally obligated to:
a. warn Cindy of the danger she is in and report Noah to the police
b. help Cindy get a restraining order
c. get Cindy to a shelter as soon as possible
d. you have no legal obligation in this circumstance
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