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Carl Rogers
On Becoming a Person
Undergraduate 3

Additional Psychology Flashcards





Objective Knowledge
-not dependent on the mind for existance
3 conditions for facilitating personal change in psychotherapy

1. congruence
2. unconditional positive regard
3. empathic understanding
-when therapist is what he is, allows for genuine relationship
-more he is able to be the complexity of his feelings, without fear, the higher his degree of congruence
-more genuine and congruent the therapist, more likely personality of patient will come out
-ex. NON-congruence-TV/radio host who is speaking in voice/tone that is not his, not genuine
-when therapist experience a warm, positive and acceptant attitude toward what is in the client
-genuine willingness of therapist for client to be whatever he is feeling in any given second
-"without reservations, without evaluations"
-when therapist is sensing the feelings and personal meanings which the client is experiencing in each moment, perceiving from the 'inside' as seen to the client
-very rare
-experiencing clients moment-to-moment experiences without losing separateness of his identity.
Subjective Picture (read carefully 66-69)

"therapy in its occurrence is a highly personal, subjective experience. This experience has qualities quite different from the objective characteristics it possesses when viewed externally."
-based on or influenced by personal feeling
The Therapists experiences

-"what i am and what i feel are good enough to be a therapist"
-here is my client, scared of him, but as he speaks i feel respect for him, i sense how frightening his world is.
-I want him to know I can stand in his world with him and I am not afraid. Maybe I can make his world safer.
-I want my feelings to be transparent as possible, so that he will not fail to perceive them.
-what i am and what i feel are good enough to be a basis for therapy, if i cant transparently be what i am and what i feel in relationship to him. Then perhaps he can be what he is, openly and without fear.
The Client's Experiences
-goes through far more complex sequences
1. i am afraid of him. i want to trust him but i dont know if i can. he will see a bad part of me.i wont be completely open
2. but now i have shared bad side. he hates me, but i cant find any evidence of that. maybe what i told him isnt so bad. maybe im okay with it. maybe i want to know more about myself
3. i am frightened again. there is so much i dont know that is frightening and it is flowing. i want more. i am vulnerable
4. troubled with contradictions in myself, but i can find solid ground
5. i am listening to what is going on inside me. it is scary but i want to know me. i trust him
6. i can tell him everything, maybe i can do this with other people too
7. i am on adventure, sometimes i am defeated but i am learning who i am. could i be myself outside this relationship?

"...A Tentantive Formulation of a General Law of Interpersonal Relationships"

9 pts.
1. -Freud's study of humans on case studies
-rogers exploits extrapolates from the growth potentials of his clients, to human relationships as a whole

2. Congruence-accurate matching of experiencing and awareness and (communication).
-seems to be natural in children, lost in adulthood
-incongruence-phenom that individual cannot judge his own degree of congruence.

3. person can not judge his own congruence. ex. guy who is really passionate about topic and starts yelling when having discussion, then turns around and tells his friends, believing that he is not angry. he later realizes.
4. Defensiveness (denial to awareness)-when person not aware of his incongruence because he is not ready/able to see.
Falseness (or deciet)-when Kathy is twiddling her thumbs all night at party and tells the host she had the best time as she walks out the door to go home. she knows she is bored, but she says otherwise.

5. congruence: context of personal perception. internal frame of reference
ex. non-congruent=trees are green
ex. congruent=this tree is lavender

6. easy for one to tell when another is congruent/non congruent
7. Jones & Smith (very important!!! 342-344)
-communication from Smith->Jones=some congruence of Smith
-the greated congruence of smith, the more likely Jones will experience it as clear communication
-the more clear the communication from Smith, the more Jones responds with clarity
-the more Smith is congruent on the topic, the more sure of himself/less defensive, allowing for him to recieve clear communication, flipping the situation back to Smith, and starting process all over.

limiting element=threatening material, making one of the two incongruent
8. tentative statement of general law:
-assuming minimal willingness of two people to come in contact, to recieve communication over period of time, this holds true: the greater the congruence of relationship, and more understanding of exerience and conversation, the more meaningful the relationship may grow

9. the existential choice
-do i dare communicate with my full congruence/experience? fear of threat or rejection. the choice you make determines whether the interpersonal relationship will be increasingly/mutually therapeutic.

The Creative Process:
-"my definition, then, of the creative process is that it is the emergence in action of a novel relational product, growing out of the uniqueness of the individual on the one hand, on the materials, events, people, or circumstances of his life on the other."
Elements part of creative process:
1. must be something observable, some product of creation

2. these products must be novel constructions, grows out of unique qualities of individual in his interaction with materials of experience.

3. creativity is not restricted to some particular content (constructive and nonconstructive)
Motivation for Creativity
-man's tendency to actualize himself, to explore full potentialities (found to be very similar in psychotherapy)
-creativity waits inside every individual
The Inner Conditions of Constructive Creativity
1. openness to experience: Extensionality
-opposite of psychological defensiveness

2. internal locus of evaluation ***perhaps most important condition of creativity is that the source or locus of evaluative judgement is internal. the creator doesn't base his opinion of his creativeness on the reaction of someone else, who might just not understand. ex. Galileo and Copernicus made creation which were considered blasphemous at the time, but are now important and creative and constructive.

3. the ability to toy with elements and concepts
-it is as though out of the wasteful spawning of thousands of possibilities there emerges one or two evolutionary forms with the qualities which give them a more permanent value.
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