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BZ110 Exam 1 Vrs A Sp 09
Exam on Ch. 1,3,5,11
Undergraduate 2

Additional Biology Flashcards





1. Protozoans in the genus Trypanosoma cause

A. Malaria in both humans and birds.

B. amebic dysentry and intesinal ailments.

C. African sleeping sickness and Changs' disease.

D. birth defects if infecting a woman at appropriate stage of pregnancy.

E. toxoplasmosis, often contracted from cats.





C. African sleeping sickness and Changs' disease.


2. Why is crossing over not possible in meiosis II?

A. because homologous chromosomes are no longer in the same cell.

B. because the enzymes needed for it to occur are no longer present.

C. because prophase only occurs in meiosis I.

D. because meiosis II is much shorter than meiosis I.



A. because homologous chromosomes are no longer in the same cell.


2. Which of the following is NOT part of Mendel's law of segregation?

A. Each individual contains two factors for each trait.

B. One factor must be domonant and one factor recessive in each individual.

C. FActors separate from each other during gamate formation.

D. Each gamate contains one copy of each factor.




B. One factor must be domonant and one factor recessive in each individual.


4. Which of the following is NOT true about the cell theory?

A. Its various parts were described by Schleiden and Schwann.

B. It states that all organisams are composed of cells.

C. It states that all cells come from preexisting cells.

D. It states that small organisms can arise spontaneously.

E. It is accepted today by biologists as applying to virtually all forms of life.







D. It states that small organisms can arise spontaneously.


5. If the nucleous divides many times without cytokinesis occurring, the result is

A. cell death.

B. interphase.

C. a multinucleated cell.

D. asters

E. an incomplete spindle

C. a multinucleated cell.

6. During which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?

A. prophase I

B. anaphase I

C. prophase II

D. telophase II




A. prophase I


7. A high-powered microscope that produces a surface image from scattered secondary electrons is the

A. immunofluorescence microscope.

B. brightfield light microscope.

C. transmission electron microscope (TEM)

D. scanning electron microscope (SEM)

E. confocal microscope





C. transmission electron microscope (TEM)



8. Which correctly describes ribosomes?

A. Ribosomes contain DNA and protein.

B. Ribosomes are active in carbohydrate synthesis.

C. Ribosomes subunits leave the nucleolus and form ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

D. Ribosomes are products of the Golgi body.

E. Ribosomes are only found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum in prokaryotic cells.





C. Ribosomes subunits leave the nucleolus and form ribosomes in the cytoplasm.


9. Which of the following is a correct statement concerning the comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

A. Mitosis is common to both groups.

B. Flagella and cilia both groups are identical with a "9+2" microtubular pattern.

C. The DNA nucleoid of a prokaryote is not membrane bound; the nucleus of a eukaryote is membrane bound.

D. Eukaryotic organisms have oxidative enzymes bound to the plasma membrane; prolaryotes have them packaged in mitochondria.

E. All of the choices are correct.




C. The DNA nucleoid of a prokaryote is not membrane bound; the nucleus of a eukaryote is membrane bound.


10. Which is correct usage of phenotype and genotype?

A. Phenotype is the cause of genotype.

B. Phenotype is restricted to characteristics involving size and color.

C. One genotype may produce many phenotypes.

D. Two different genotypes may produce the same phenotype.

E. All of the choices are correct.



D. Two different genotypes may produce the same phenotype.


11. In a phospholipid bilayer, the

A. fat-soluble ends are oriented toward the exterior of the cell, water-soluble toward the inside of the membrane.

B. water-soluble ends are oriented toward the exterior and interior of the cell, whereas the fat-soluble fatty acids are oriented toward the inside of the membrane.



B. water-soluble ends are oriented toward the exterior and interior of the cell, whereas the fat-soluble fatty acids are oriented toward the inside of the membrane.


12. Which occurs during metaphase?

A. Centrioles move to opposite poles.

B. Chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.

C. Chromosomes move to opposite poles.

D. The nuclear envelope disappears.

E. None are correct.



B. Chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.


13. How can humans acuire Toxoplasma gondii infection?

A. By ingestion of raw or rare meat

B. By ingestion of cysts from cat feces

C. Vertically (from mother to unborn child)

D. All of the above




D. All of the above


14. Most of the time, although many have other options, protozoans reproduce asexually by

A. conjugation

B. binary fission

C. fusion of gamates

D. parthenogenesis

E. autogamy



B. binary fission


15. The function of the contractile vacuole in protozoa is

A. water balance

B. digestion

C. locomotion

D. excretion of nitrogen wastes

E. respiration



A. water balance


16. Which sequence of stages in mitosis is correct?

A. Prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase

B. Prophase, telophase, anaphase, metaphase

C. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

D. Telophase, anaphase, prophase, metaphase

E. Anaphase, metaphase, prophase, telophase



C. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase


17. The process of independent assortment refers to:

A. the random meeting of an egg and sperm.

B. the orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I.

C. the orientation of chromosomes at metaphase II.

D. the random choice of which cell in germ-line tissue will begin meiosis.

E. whether sexual or asexual reproduction will occur.



B. the orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I.


18. In the biological hierarchy, systems of social interaction, as observed in bees, are emergent at the                    level.

A. cellular

B. organismal

C. population

D. molecular

E. gene



C. population


19. In some organisms, programmed cell death or                is necessary for growth, development and continued health.

A. independent assortment

B. apoptosis

C. mutation

D. phagocytosis



B. apoptosis


20. Which represents the correct sequence of stages in the cell cycle?

A. S, G1, G2

B. G2, S, G1

C. G2, G1, S, G0

D. G1, S, G2

E.G1, G2, S



D. G1, S, G2


21. Duplication of DNA occurs:

A. twice, before meiosis I and meiosis II

B. before meiosis II only

C. during interphase

D. during prophase I



C. during interphase


22. The pairing of homologous chromosomes:

A. occurs during anaphase II

B. occurs during telophase I

C. is called crossing over

D. is called synapsis

E. only occurs in mitosis



D. is called synapsis


23. You expect to find a ratio of 9:3:3:1 among the F2 offsping in which type of cross?

A. monohybrid cross

B. dihybrid cross

C. test cross

D. sex-linked cross

E. None of the choises are correct




A. monohybrid cross

B. dihybrid cross

C. test cross

D. sex-linked cross

E. None of the choises are correct


24.                   is similar to phagocytosis except that small areas of the surface membrane are invaginated into cells to form tiny vesicles containing fluids.

A. Pinocytosis

B. Active transport

C. Contransport

D. Endocytosis

E. Exocytosis



A. Pinocytosis


25. The Dutch scientist, Leeuwenhoek, sent letters to the Royal Society of London

A. containing detailed descriptions of "animacules;" organisms he observed with high-quality lenses.

B. describing box-like compartments he called "cellulae."

C. announcing that all plant tissues are composed of cells.

D. announcing that all animal tissues are made of cells.



A. containing detailed descriptions of "animacules;" organisms he observed with high-quality lenses.


1. Giardia lamblia causes

A. malaria in both humans and birds and is carried by mosquitoes

B. dysentary and intesitinal ailments and is found in contaminated water.

C. African sleeping sickness and is carried by tsetse flies.

D. birth defects.

E. toxoplasmosis, often contracted from cats.



B. dysentary and intesitinal ailments and is found in contaminated water.


27. When does separation of homologous chromosomes occur? (Referring to separation of the homologs that make up the homologus pair)

A. prophase I

B. anaphase I

C. interphase

D. anaphase II




B. anaphase I


28. The correct sequence of steps of the scientific method are:

A. observation, question, conclusions, empirical test, hypothesis, publication

B. publication, question, observation, empirical test, hypothesis, conclusion

C. hypothesis, observation, question, empirical test, publication, conclusions

D. observation, question, hypothesis, empirical test, conclusions, publication







D. observation, question, hypothesis, empirical test, conclusions, publication


29.The theory that all forms of life decended from a common ancestor through a branching lineage constitutes Darwin's theory of

A. perpetual change

B. common descent

C. multiplication of species

D. natural selection

E. None of the choices are correct.



B. common descent


30. In humans, gamates are             while somatic cells are               .

A. diploid; diploid

B. haploid; diploid

C. haploid; haploid

D. haploid; triploid

E. triploid; triploid



B. haploid; diploid


31. The principle of natural selection is founded on which of the following?

A. There is a variation among organisms (within popuations) for anatomical, bx and physiological traits.

B. The variation is at least partly heritable so that offspring tend to resemble their parents.

C. Organisms with different variant forms are expected to leave different numbers of offspring to future generations.

D. All of the choices are correct.

E. None of the choices are correct.




D. All of the choices are correct.


32. The current theory of the structure of the plasma is best described by the         model.

A. sandwich

B. fluid mosaic

C. untit membrane

D. electrochemical

E. nuclear envelope



B. fluid mosaic


33. Which is NOT a characteristic of mitochondria?

A. A mitochondrion has two membranes.

B. Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration

C. ATP is produced here.

D. Mitochondria contain their own genome.

E. Mitochondria are replicated by the nuclear chromosomes.



E. Mitochondria are replicated by the nuclear chromosomes.


34. Plasmodium spp are transmitted to humans by             

A. fleas

B. ticks

C. mosquitoes

D. rats



C. mosquitoes


35. The distinction b/w mitosis and meiosis is a distinction b/w

A. body cell formation vs sex cell formation

B. normal duplication-division vs reductional division.

C. production of cells with diploid chromosome number vs haploid numbers chromosome number.

D. maintenance of an organism vs the sexual production of offspring.

E. All the choices are correct.



E. All the choices are correct.


36. Which is true of sex determination?

A.Most animals use a XY and XX system.

B. Some animals use XX-XO system where the "o" is a missing chromosome.

C. Some animals rely on temp

D. Each of the above systems can be found among some animals.



D. Each of the above systems can be found among some animals.


37. Which of the following, if mutated, is a cancer-causing gene?

A. the R2D2 gene

B. the p53 gene

C. the apoptopic gene

D. the rRNA gene




B. the p53 gene


38. In humans, germ-line cells are in:

A. the brain

B. the muscle cells

C. the kidneys

D. the ovaries and testes

E. the eyes



D. the ovaries and testes


39. Embryos, larvae, and metamorphosis are related to which property of life?

A. Development

B. Metabolism

C. Adaptation

D. Evolution

E. Environmental interaction



A. Development


40. Offspring inherit from parents

A. gamates, that then fuse to form the new individual.

B. body tissues, these then provide the template for the new offspring's tissues

C. pure info provided in a sequence of codons that replicate the parents' genome

D. genes, a germinal orginization that guides the orderly sequence of development.

E. the phenotype, since only this is expressed in the new organism.




D. genes, a germinal orginization that guides the orderly sequence of development.


41. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Mitosis gives rise to gamates

B. Mitotic cell division is especially rapid during early development of an organism, then slows with age.

C. DNA is replicated multiple times during mitosis

D. Nuclear division is called cytokinesis




B. Mitotic cell division is especially rapid during early development of an organism, then slows with age.


42. Cell products such as undigested residues are removed from the cell through

A. facilitated transport

B. passive transport

C. cotransport

D. endocytosis

E. exocytosis



B. passive transport


43. Which of these is not a unique feature of meiosis?

A. synapsis

B. reduction division

C. diploid daughter cells

D. haploid daughter cells



C. diploid daughter cells


44. Sex chromosomes of a normal human male would be





E. None of the choices are correct





45. The distinction b/w phagotrophs(or holzoic feeders) and osmotrophs(or saprozoic feeders) is a difference b/w

A. eating living and eating dead organic matter

B. digestion of food across the membrane vs engulfing food in a vacuole.

C. ingesting visible particles or organisms vs absorbing dissolved substances.

D. producing your own food vs using the chemical bonds in food molecules made by others.

E. direct transport vs indirect transport of food molecules.



C. ingesting visible particles or organisms vs absorbing dissolved substances.


46. Genetic recombination is possible b/c of              during or after meiosis.

A. independent assortment

B. crossing over

C. fertilization with a nonrelated gamete

D. All of these are correct.




D. All of these are correct


47. Which of the following is a correct statement comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

A. Both must provide for transfer of genetic info

B. Both must have some individuals that reproduce.

C. Both must conduct metabolism.

D. Both must separate their living organized interior from the chaotic exterior.

E. All of the choices are correct.




E. All of the choices are correct.


48. If a sperm cell of a worm contains 6 chromosomes, it comes from a worm that has           chromosomes in each body cell.

A. 3

B. 6

C. 12

D. 24

E. 48




C. 12


49. In most animal cells, the majority of the cell cycle is spent in

A. metaphase.

B. anaphase.

C. interphase.

D. prophase.

E. telophase.




C. interphase.


50. In a monohybrid cross with parents of AA and aa genotypes, F1 offspring would show the genotype(s)

A. AA and Aa

B. Aa and aa

C. AA, Aa, and aa

D. AA only

E. Aa only






E. Aa only

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