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All brothers are required to live in the Chapter House both sophomore and junior year unless extenuating circumstances arise and the brother’s excuse is reviewed and accepted by the Executive Board.
- By the due date specified by the Executive Board, each brother must:
o Pay dues in full, or
o Meet with the Treasurer to set up a payment plan.
- Failure to do one of the above will result in a meeting with the Standards Board.
- If a brother incurs a debt of dues, his payment plan for the following semester must include that debt.
- If a brother is following a payment plan that reflects debt and he misses a payment, he must immediately meet with the Standards Board. He will automatically be placed on Social Probation until the issue is resolved.
- Rent contracts are mandatory for every brother.
- If a brother misses or does not pay in full one rent payment, a letter explaining the situation will be sent to the brother’s parents and the brother will be allowed two weeks to pay the money he owes. If the brother does not pay in full after the two-week window, he will be allowed one week to move out. The brotherhood will be notified of the situation. If a brother made to move out due to defaulting on rent payments, the money he owes is still due to the brotherhood (eviction does not absolve him of his debt).
- The above rules apply to summer payments as well. However, in the case of default on summer rent payments, the brother will not be allowed to move in at the start of the school year.
- Financial Aid package details must be disclosed and discussed with the House Manager and will be included in rent contract.
Quorum and Meetings
- Chapter meetings are required.
- In the event that a brother has a legitimate reason for absence or tardiness he must contact the Secretary prior to the meeting and inform him of the reason. Failure to do so will result in a $10 fine added onto the brother’s dues.
- If a brother misses four meetings during a semester for any reason (including excused absences), he will be placed on Social Probation until he attends a meeting. If another meeting is missed he will be placed on Social Probation again.
Fines, Assessment, and Disciplinary Action
- Social Probation: No participation allowed in House funded events. Brothers on Social Probation may attend any house sponsored (but not funded) event, but to do so they must pay 150 percent of the price to attend. The extra money will either go towards the brother’s dues debt or will act as a dues credit for the following semester (this includes semi-formal, formal, and date parties).
- If a brother on Social Probation is seen at a House event he is not permitted to attend, nothing will be said at the time. However, the brother will have a mandatory meeting with the Standards Board as soon as possible after the party.
- (See fine listed under Quorum and Meetings section).
Cleanups and Setups
- All cleanups must be scheduled within 48 hours after a party by the House Manager/Social Chair/Rush Chair.
- All in-house brothers are required to attend general House Cleanups.
- All in-house brothers are required to attend rush cleanups and setups.
- All sophomores are required to attend post-party cleanups.
- All in-house and off-campus brothers are required to attend registered party cleanups and setups.
- Concerning off-campus cleanups, at least two members of said house must be present and actively helping to clean. Sophomores are also required to attend these clean-ups.
- It is each brother’s duty to notify the Warden of inability to attend a required cleanup. In addition, brothers who cannot attend cleanups because of legitimate excuses must inform the Warden of additional times when they are available for additional cleaning/house servicing (the likes of which will be left up to the discretion of the Warden).
- Failure to contact the Warden or to show up for the alternatively scheduled cleanup will result in immediate Social Probation until the cleanup is complete.
- Social Chairs and Rush Chairs are required to live in the Chapter House.
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