Shared Flashcard Set


Brian Tutino

Additional Other Flashcards




10.01 Truthful and Accurate Information Provided to the BACB
Behavior analysts only provide truthful and accurate information in applications and documentation submitted to the BACB
Behavior analysts ensure that inaccurate information submitted to the BACB is immediately corrected
10.02 TImely Responding, Reporting, and Updating of Information Provided to the BACB
Behavior analysts must comply with BACB deadlines including but not limited to notifying the BACB within 30 days of the date of any of the following grounds for sanctioning status:

(a) A violation of this Code, or disciplinary investigation, action or sanction, filing of charges, conviction
or plea of guilty or nolo contendre by a governmental agency, health care organization, third-party payer or educational institution. Procedural note: Behavior analysts convicted of a felony directly related to behavior analysis practice and/or public health and safety shall be ineligible to apply for BACB registration, certification, or recertification for a period of three (3) years from the exhaustion of appeals, completion of parole or probation, or final release from confinement (if any), whichever is later;
(b) Any public health- and safety-related fines or tickets where the behavior analyst is named on the ticket;
(c) A physical or mental condition that would impair the behavior analysts’ ability to competently
practice; and
(d) A change of name, address or email contact.
10.03 Confidentiality and BACB Intellectual Property
Behavior analysts do no infringe on the BACB's intellectual property rights, including
a. BACB logo, ACS logo, ACE logo, certificates, credentials and designations including trademarks service marks, registration marks and certificate marks owned and claimed by the BACB
B. BACB copyrights to original and derivative works including, BACB copyrights to standards, procedures, guidelines, codes, job take analysis. Workgroup reports, surveys and
C. BACB copyrights to all BACB-developed examination questions, item banks, examination, specifications, examination forms and examination scoring sheets. Behavior analysts are prohibited from disclosing content of any BACB examination materials, regarding how that content became known to them.Behavior analysts report suspected or known infringements and/or unauthorized access to examination content and/or any other violation of BACB intellectual property rights immediately to the BACB.
10.04 Examination Honesty and Irregularities
Behavior analysts must immediately report suspected cheaters and any other irregularities relating to the BACB examination administrations to the BACB. Examination irregularities include unauthorized access to BACB examinations or answer sheets, copying answers, permitting another to copy answers, disrupting the conduct of an examination, falsifying information, education or credentials, and providing and/or receiving unauthorized or illegal advice about or access to BACB examination content before, during, or following the examination. This prohibition includes use of or participation in any “exam dump” preparation site or blog that provides unauthorized access to BACB examination questions.
10.05 Compliance with BACB Supervision and Coursework Standards
Behavior analysts ensure that coursework (including continuing education events), supervised experience, RBT training and assessment, and BCaBA supervision are conducted in accordance with the BACB’s standards if these activities are intended to comply with BACB standards.
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