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Additional Cosmetology Flashcards





013) Facial bone/s not affected by a facial massage: 

A) Palatine, Turbinal, Nasal

 B) Ethmoid, Sphenoid

 C) Palatine, Turbinal, Vomer, Ethmoid, Sphenoid

 D) Palatine, Turbinal, Vomer, Lacrimal, Sphenoid




• Ethmoid bone (ETH-moyd BOHN). light sppongy bone between the eye sockets; forms part of the nasal cavities.

• Sphenoid bone (SFEEN-oyd BOHN). Bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together.

The ethmoid and sphenoid bones are not affected when performing services or giving a massage.


030) The largest and strongest bone of the facial skeleton is known as the:


A) Maxillea

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic




man•di•ble-the mandible, the largest and strongest bone of the face, serves for the reception of the lower teeth. It consists of a curved, horizontal portion, the body, and two perpendicular portions, the rami, which unite with the ends of the body nearly at right angles





031) The lower jawbone is know as the:

A) Maxillae

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic




man•di•ble-the mandible, the largest and strongest bone of the face, serves for the reception of the lower teeth. It consists of a curved, horizontal portion, the body, and two perpendicular portions, the rami, which unite with the ends of the body nearly at right angles


032) The upper jawbone is know as:

A) Maxillae

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic




 Maxillae (mak-SIL-ee) (singular: maxilla, mak-SIL-uh). Bones of the upper jaw. There are two maxillae. 


033) Another name for the Malar bone is:

A) Maxillae

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic




Zygomatic bones (zy-goh-MAT-ik BOHNS), also known as malar bones or cheekbones. Bones that form the prominence of the cheeks. There are two zygomatic bones.


zygomatic bone- (malar bone) In the human skull, the zygomatic bone (cheekbone, malar bone) is a paired bone which articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone. It is situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek, part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and parts of the temporal and infratemporal fossa. It presents a malar and a temporal surface; three processes, the frontosphenoidal, orbital, maxillary, and temporal; and four borders




034) The cheekbone is also know as the:

A) Maxillae

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic






Zygomatic bones (zy-goh-MAT-ik BOHNS), also known as malar bones or cheekbones. Bones that form the prominence of the cheeks. There are two zygomatic bones.


zygomatic bone- (malar bone) In the human skull, the zygomatic bone (cheekbone, malar bone) is a paired bone which articulates with the maxilla, the temporal bone, the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone. It is situated at the upper and lateral part of the face and forms the prominence of the cheek, part of the lateral wall and floor of the orbit, and parts of the temporal and infratemporal fossa. It presents a malar and a temporal surface; three processes, the frontosphenoidal, orbital, maxillary, and temporal; and four borders




035) The voice box, or "Adam's apple" is referred to as:


A) Maxillae

B) Mandible

C) Hyoid

D) Zygomatic




Hyoid bone (Hy-oyd _ BOHN). u-shaded bone at the base of the  tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles. The larynx (lar-inks), commonly called the "voice box," is a tube shaped structure comprised of a complex system of muscle, cartilage, and connective tissue. The larynx is suspended from the hyoid bone, which is significant in that it is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with any other bone. The framework of the larynx is composed of three unpaired and three paired cartilages. The thyroid cartilage is the largest of the unpaired cartilages, and resembles a shield in shape. The most anterior portion of this cartilage is very prominent in some men, and is commonly referred to as an "Adam's apple."




145) The thin bones located at the front of the inner wall of the orbits: 

A) Zygomatic

B) Radious

C) Lacrimal

D) Ulna




The lacrimal bone, the smallest and most fragile bone of the face, is situated at the front part of the medial wall of the orbit. It has two surfaces and four borders.

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