Shared Flashcard Set


2002 AP EXAM
11th Grade

Additional Biology Flashcards




In humans, the HIV virus primarily attacks which of the following types of cells?
(A) Epidermal cells
(B) Red blood cells
(C) White blood cells
(D) Glial cells
(E) Neurons
White blood cells
In an experiment on birds learning to sing, young male chicks were exposed only to the songs sung by another species. Later, as they approached maturity, songs of their own species were played to them. When the birds reached maturity, they were able to sing neither the typical song of their species nor the full song of the second species. Which of the following accounts for this result?
(A) Birds innately sing the song typical of their species.
(B) Birds pass through a critical period early in life when learning their species-typical song is possible.
(C) Birds can learn their typical song if they hear at any time.
(D) Birds must be able to practice their song in order to develop it.
(E) Birds are capable of imitating any song that they hear.
Birds pass through a critical period early in life when learning their species-typical song is possible.
A biologist counted 2,500 cells from an embryo on a microscope slide and recorded the following data.

Stage Number of Cells
Prophase 125
Metaphase 50
Anaphase 50
Telophase 25
Interphase 2,250
Total 2,500

If these cells had been dividing randomly, it could be reasonably concluded that
(A) the duration of anaphase is approximately one-half that of telophase
(B) prophase is approximately three times as long as telophase
(C) metaphase is the shortest stage of the cell cycle
(D) interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle
(E) the chromosomes can first be .seen in prophase
interphase is the longest stage of the cell cycle
The different species of finches on the Galapagos Islands are believed to have arisen as a result of natural selection acting on populations of finches that had experienced
(A) convergent evolution
(B) gene flow
(C) the bottleneck effect
(D) geographic isolation
(E) hybrid sterility
geographic isolation
Which of the following describes the mechanism by which a plant stem grows toward light?
(A) The plant seeks light in order to maximize photosynthesis.
(B) Nerve like impulses stimulate contractile cells on the lighted side of the stem.
(C) Cells on the dark side of the stem elongate more than those on the lighted side.
(D) The plant grows into an open area where its leaves will not be shaded by competing plants.
(E) The greater energy supply on the lighted side of the stem stimulates metabolism and growth on that side.
Cells on the dark side of the stem elongate more than those on the lighted side.
The LEAST effective means of controlling pest species such as rats or roaches over a long period of time is generally to
(A) limit food supplies
(B) reduce the number of potential habitats
(C) distribute pesticides throughout the habitat
(D) introduce predators of the pest
(E) introduce a disease which affects only the pest
distribute pesticides throughout the habitat
Which of the following levels of organization includes all of the others?
(A) Population
(B) Ecosystem
(C) Community
(D) Organism
(E) Habitat
All of the following statements concerning characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct EXCEPT:
(A) A rise in the population of prey is often followed by a rise in the population of predators.
(B) A rise in the population of predators is followed by a decrease in the population of prey.
(C) Camouflage is an adaptation that protects prey.
(D) The production of large numbers of offspring within very short periods of time ensures the survival of some prey populations.
(E) The population of predators most often eliminates the population of prey.
The population of predators most often eliminates the population of prey.
The function of which of the following organelles directly requires oxygen?
(A) Ribosome
(B) Mitochondrion
(C) Nucleus
(D) Centriole
(E) Golgi apparatus
Flowering plants are capable of fertilization in the absence of water because the
(A) processes of pollination and fertilization occur in the soil.
(B) pollen tubes deliver the sperm to the eggs
(C) eggs develop without sperm by parthenogenesis
(D) eggs have a structure that aids in their dispersal by wind
(E) sperm contain large amounts of cytoplasm
pollen tubes deliver the sperm to the eggs
Adaptations that have enabled vertebrates to survive on land include all of the following EXCEPT
(A) a water-resistant epidermis
(B) development of a bony skeleton
(C) development of lungs
(D) external fertilization
(E) embryos enclosed within membranes
external fertilization
An animal that has a high surface-area-to-volume ratio of the body, and takes in all the oxygen it needs through its outer epithelium is most likely which of the following?
(A) a fish
(B) an earthworm
(C) a mamma1
(D) an insect
(E) a snake
an earthworm
Toads in a particular population vary in size. A scientist observes that in this population, large males mate with females significantly more often than small males do. All the following are plausible hypotheses to explain this observation EXCEPT:
(A) Females select large males more often than they select small males as mates.
(B) Small females are more likely to mate with small males and large females are more likely to mate with large males.
(C) Large males are successful in competing for mates more often than small males are.
(D) Large males occupy more breeding territory than small males do.
(E) The calls produced by large males are more attractive to females than the calls made by small males.
Small females are more likely to mate with small males and large females are more likely to mate with large males.
In the development of a seedling, which of the following will be the last to occur?
(A) Initiation of the breakdown of the food reserve
(B) Initiation of cell division in the root meristem
(C) Emergence of the root
(D) Expansion and greening of the first true foliage leaves
(E) Imbibition of water by the seed
Expansion and greening of the first true foliage leaves
Which of the following behaviors involves the LEAST learning?
(A) A lion capturing its prey
(B) A newborn human grasping something placed in its hand
(C) A mouse finding food in the kitchen of a house
(D) A mockingbird singing the song of a different species
(E) A chimpanzee finding its way through a forest
A newborn human grasping something placed in its hand
In most vertebrates, the sperm cell normally contributes which of the following to the new organism?
(A) Many mitochondria
(B) Significant amounts of RNA
(C) A haploid complement of chromosomes
(D) Most of the cytoplasm of the zygote
(E) Two sex chromosomes
A haploid complement of chromosomes
Most cells that have become transformed into cancer cells have which of the following characteristics when compared to normal, healthy cells?
(A) Shorter cell cycle
(B) More carefully regulated rates of cell division
(C) Lower rates of mitosis
(D) Higher rates of protein translation
(E) Identical DNA
Shorter cell cycle
If organisms A, B, and C belong to the same order but to different families and if organisms D, E, and F belong to the same family but to different genera, which of the following pairs of organisms would be expected to show the greatest degree of structural homology?
(A) A and B
(B) A and C
(C) Band D
(D) C and F
(E) E and F
E and F
A prokaryotic cell has which of the following?
(A) Centrioles
(B) Lysosomes
(C) Plasma membrane
(D) Mitochondria
(E) Endoplasmic reticulum
Plasma membrane
Which of the following statements regarding coenzymes is true?
(A) They are essential for metabolic reactions in animals but not in plants.
(B) They can facilitate metabolic reactions by combining with enzymes at their active sites.
(C) They are minerals that alter the pH of cells and thus increase the probability of chemical reactions.
(D) They are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells.
(E) They typically work best at temperatures below 37°C.
They can facilitate metabolic reactions by combining with enzymes at their active sites.
An animal with anterior, posterior, dorsal, and ventral surfaces on its body must exhibit
(A) protostomic development
(B) coelomate development
(C) segmentation
(D) radial symmetry
(E) bilateral symmetry
bilateral symmetry
The fruit produced by angiosperms is an evolutionary adaptation that most often
(A) nourishes the seeds within the fruit on ripening
(B) aids in seed dispersal
(C) attracts pollinators
(D) inhibits seed germination until favorable environmental conditions occur
(E) provides an energy source for the plant egg cell prior to fertilization
aids in seed dispersal
Which of the following types of chemicals released into the air by female gypsy moths and female silk moths attract males of their respective moth species?
(A) Ecdysones
(B) Pheromones
(C) Auxins
(D) Phytotoxins
(E) Neurotransmitters
Which of the following best describes opportunistic, or r-strategy, organisms?
(A) They reach sexual maturity rapidly.
(B) They reach their adult size slowly.
(C) They attain a large body size.
(D) They live for a long time.
(E) The size of their population remains fairly constant.
They reach sexual maturity rapidly.
Which of the following terns refers to both the movement of a ribosome along a piece of mRNA and the movement of a piece of one chromosome to another chromosome?
(A) Transduction
(B) Transgenesis
(C) Transformation
(D) Translocation
(E) Transplantation
Which of the following hormones is directly responsible for the maintenance of the uterine lining during pregnancy in mammals?
(A) Melatonin
(B) Oxytocin
(C) Progesterone
(D) Prolactin
(E) FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone)
The fact that tracheophytes can survive on land is due to which of the following?
(A) Alternation of generations
(B) A dominant gametophyte stage
(C) Adaptation to damp habitats
(D) Water transport through vascular tissues
(E) Mechanisms other than photosynthesis for carbohydrate production
Water transport through vascular tissues
As the initial cleavage divisions proceed in a frog embryo, which of the following results?
(A) The embryo increases in size.
(B) The cytoplasmic content of the individual cells increases.
(C) The yolk mass increases in size.
(D) Individual cells become smaller.
(E) Individual cells become haploid.
Individual cells become smaller.
Which of the following provides the weakest evidence that mitochondria were once free-living prokaryotes?
(A) Mitochondrial ribosomes resemble those of prokaryotes.
(B) Mitochondria have DNA that is circular and does not have associated protein.
(C) Enzyme pathways on mitochondrial membranes resemble those found on modem prokaryote membranes.
(D) Mitochondria reproduce by a process similar to binary fission.
(E) Mitochondria and prokaryotes both are found in a variety of sizes.
Mitochondria and prokaryotes both are found in a variety of sizes.
Which of the following is an actively dividing tissue in plants?
(A) Cambium
(B) Xylem
(C) Endodermis
(D) Phloem
(E) Pith
Analysis of DNA sequences from two individuals of the same species results in a greater estimate of genetic variability than does analysis of amino acid sequences from the same individuals because
(A) different DNA sequences can code for the same amino acid
(B) some amino acid variations cannot be detected by protein electrophoresis
(C) DNA sequencing is a more reliable technique than protein electrophoresis
(D) proteins are more easily damaged than is DNA
(E) DNA is more heat-sensitive and therefore varies more
different DNA sequences can code for the same amino acid
Which of the following is correct concerning development of embryos in animals but not in plants?
(A) Gastrulation occurs within the embryo.
(B) Fertilization produces a diploid embryo.
(C) Embryonic cell divisions are mitotic.
(D) Fusion of gametes results in a zygote.
(E) Cell differentiation occurs.
Gastrulation occurs within the embryo.
Which of the following physiological effects would likely occur first in a volunteer who was breathing air from which the CO2 was removed?
(A) Decreased blood pH
(B) Decreased respiratory rate
(C) Increased respiratory rate
(D) Increased pulse rate
(E) Increased blood pressure
Decreased respiratory rate
Which of the following best describes why the polymerase chain reaction is a standard technique used in molecular biology research?
(A) It uses inexpensive materials and produces perfect results.
(B) It can purify specific sections of a DNA molecule.
(C) It can produce large amounts of specific DNA sequences.
(D) It can duplicate the entire human genome.
(E) It can produce large amounts of mRNA.
It can produce large amounts of specific DNA sequences.
Double fertilization in an ovule of a flowering plant results in which of the following?
(A) Two embryos
(B) Two seeds in a fruit
(C) One embryo and one endosperm
(D) Two fruits joined together
(E) One endosperm 'and one cotyledon
One embryo and one endosperm
Which of the following best describes the cells that result from the .process of .meiosis in mammals?
(A) They are diploid.
(B) They can be used to repair injuries.
(C) They are genetically different from the parent cell.
(D) They are genetically identical to all the other cells in the body.
(E) They are identical to each other.
They are genetically different from the parent cell.
The function of which of the following structures is NOT directly related to diffusion or active transport across its membranes?
(A) Aorta
(B) Small intestine
(C) Nephron tubule
(D) Capillary
(E) Alveolus
A part of the brain used in the transfer of information from one cerebral hemisphere to the other is the
(A) medulla oblongata
(B) corpus callosum
(C) cerebellum
(D) hypothalamus
(E) pituitary
corpus callosum
Fruits often ripen faster when placed in closed paper bags because of the effect of
(A) cytokinin
(B) abscisic acid
(C) CO2
(D) gibberellin
(E) ethylene
Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both
(A) require protein carriers
(B) depend on a concentration gradient
(C) occur via contractions of cytoskeletal elements attached to membrane proteins
(D) are endergonic processes and thus require the hydrolysis of ATP
(E) occur in eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells
depend on a concentration gradient
Which of the following statements about mitochondrial chemiosmosis is NOT true?
(A) A proton gradient is established across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion.
(B) The potential energy released from the mitochondrial proton gradient is used to produce ATP.
(C) The mitochondrial proton gradient provides energy for muscle contraction.
(D) Proteins embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane play an important role in ATP synthesis.
(E) Heat energy is required to establish the electron transport chain.
Heat energy is required to establish the electron transport chain.
ATP serves as a common energy source for organisms because
(A) it is the smallest energy molecule
(B) it stores the least energy of any energy source
(C) its energy can be easily transferred to do cellular work
(D) it is extremely stable and can be stored in the cell for long periods of time
(E) traces of it have been found in fossils of ancient organisms dating back to the beginning of life on Earth
its energy can be easily transferred to do cellular work
A spermatocyte produces the following four sperm cells. These cells are the result of nondisjunction during which of the following phases?
(A) Interphase (G1 or G2)
(B) Interphase (S)
(C) Mitosis
(D) Meiosis I
(E) Meiosis II
Meiosis I
Which metabolic process is common to both aerobic cellular respiration and alcoholic fermentation?
(A) Krebs cycle
(B) Glycolysis
(C) Electron transport chain
(D) Conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
(E) Production of a proton gradient
Which of the following is responsible for the cohesive property of water?
(A) Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atoms of two adjacent water molecules
(B) Covalent bonds between the hydrogen atoms of two adjacent water molecules
(C) Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule
(D) Covalent bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule
(E) Hydrogen bonds between water molecules and other types of molecules
Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule
All of the following correctly describe the fate of the embryonic layers of a vertebrate EXCEPT
(A) neural tube and epidermis develop from ectoderm
(B) linings of digestive organs and lungs develop from endoderm
(C) notochord and kidneys develop from endoderm
(D) skeletal muscles and heart develop from mesoderm
(E) reproductive organs and blood vessels develop from mesoderm
notochord and kidneys develop from endoderm
Which of the following processes is associated with some prokaryotic cells but not with eukaryotic cells?
(A) Photosynthesis
(B) Aerobic respiration
(C) Meiosis
(D) Nitrogen fixation
(E) Endocytosis
Nitrogen fixation
The control of breathing is centered in which of the following areas of the brain?
(A) Anterior pituitary
(B) Corpus callosum
(C) Cerebellum
(D) Medulla oblongata
(E) Cerebrum
Medulla oblongata
Certain metabolic pathways are affected by the buildup of a product that interacts with an enzyme catalyzing one of the initial steps of the pathway; this can be an example of
(A) transcriptional regulation
(B) thermodynamic regulation
(C) translational regulation
(D) feedback inhibition
(E) posttranslational modification
feedback inhibition
All of the following statements about neurotrans¬mitters are generally true EXCEPT:
(A) They may cause depolarization or hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane.
(B) They are actively transported across the synaptic cleft.
(C) They are released from membrane-bound packets. called vesicles.
(D) They may be enzymatically degraded at the postsynaptic membrane.
(E) They bind. to specific. receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.
They are actively transported across the synaptic cleft.
A customer observed that a particular potted plant in a restaurant was bigger and greener than other plants in the room. When asked, the owner said that he poured leftover club soda (carbonated water) into that plant's pot every day. Which of the following best explains how the club soda affected that plant's growth?
(A) The basic pH of the club soda caused the plant to grow rapidly.
(B) The temperature of the club soda promoted faster growth.
(C) Oxygen bubbles from the club soda oxygenated the soil.
(D) The roots absorbed the CO2 necessary for photosynthesis.
(E) The roots received more moisture, and the leaves were exposed to more CO2
The roots received more moisture, and the leaves were exposed to more CO2
A major function of the Casparian strip of the endodermal cells of a root is to
(A) protect the meristem as the root tip grows through the abrasive soil particles
(B) allow for expansion of the vascular cambium as the root grows laterally
(C) control the movement of materials into the vascular cylinder of the root
(D) initiate lateral root growth
(E) serve as a site for the storage of excess sugars in the form of starch
control the movement of materials into the vascular cylinder of the root
Which of the following is correct concerning a spherical cell?
(A) As the diameter decreases, the surface area remains the same.
(B) As the diameter decreases, the surface area increases.
(C) As the diameter decreases, the surface-to volume ratio increases.
(D) As the diameter increases, the volume decreases.
(E) The surface-to-volume ratio is independent of the diameter.
As the diameter decreases, the surface area increases.
Which of the following directly produces the most ATP per mole of glucose during aerobic cellular respiration?
(A) Glycolysis
(B) Electron transport chain and chemiosmosis
(C) Substrate-level phosphorylation
(D) Kreb's cycle
(E) Alcoholic fermentation
Electron transport chain and chemiosmosis
All of the following could reduce the yield of photosynthetic products EXCEPT
(A) lower concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(B) increased photorespiration
(C) reduced carbon dioxide concentrations in the air spaces of the leaf
(D) increased frequency of stomatal openings
(E) fewer Calvin cycle enzymes
increased frequency of stomatal openings
Which of the following is true about the production of polar bodies in humans?
(A) It increases genetic variability.
(B) It provides the maximum amount of cytoplasm and resources to the ovum.
(C) It occurs in male and female vertebrates during meiosis I.
(D) It is completed prior to fertilization.
(E) It results in nondisjunction.
It provides the maximum amount of cytoplasm and resources to the ovum.
Coat color in mice is determined by genes at two loci. When black mice from a particular population mate, they produce offspring in the following ratios: 9 black: 3 brown: 4 white. These results suggest that white coat color is expressed as a result of
(A) dominance
(B) incomplete dominance
(C) codominance
(D) a sex-linked trait
(E) epistasis
Which of the following can be diagnosed by examining a karyotype of an individual’s white blood cells?
(A) Sickle cell anemia
(B) Alzheimer disease
(C) Down syndrome
(D) Cystic fibrosis
(E) Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Down syndrome
All of the following are common to C3 andC4 photosynthesis EXCEPT
(A) Photolysis
(B) Initial step of CO2 fixation
(C) Cyclic photophosphorylation
(D) Noncyclic photophosphorylation
(E) Chemiosmotic phosphorylation
Initial step of CO2 fixation
In mammals, a decrease in body temperature results in which of the following responses?
(A) Release of thyroxine decreases the rate of metabolism.
(B) Blood vessels close to the surface of the skin constrict.
(C) Increased secretion of epinephrine restricts the amount of sugar released into the circulatory system.
(D) The adrenal glands increase the release of acetylcholine into the circulatory system.
(E) Blood vessels in deep muscles constrict so that heat is conserved.
Blood vessels close to the surface of the skin constrict.
Centipedes and millipedes should NOT be placed in group B because they
(A) have an exoskeleton
(B) display radial symmetry
(C) lack a coelom
(D) are unsegmented
(E) have an endoskeleton
have an exoskeleton
Which of the following phyla is represented by group E?
(A) Mollusca
(B) Cnidaria (Coelenterata)
(C) Porifera
(D) Chordata
(E) Annelida
Clam, octopus, and oyster are classified in which group?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
A reasonable conclusion to draw from the results of the experiment is that
(A) DNA is the genetic material
(B) DNA replication is semiconservative
(C) DNA is a double helix
(D) DNA is translated into protein
(E) mutation is a change in the genetic material
DNA is the genetic material
What was the purpose of treating the extract with protein-degrading enzymes in Procedure II?
(A) To demonstrate that the transforming factor is an enzyme
(B) To demonstrate that the transforming factor is not a protein
(C) To destroy nucleic acids in the extract
(D) To destroy any capsules in the extract
(E) To prevent the extract from being contaminated by nonencapsulated bacteria
To demonstrate that the transforming factor is not a protein
What was the purpose of treating the extract with DNAse in Procedure III?
(A) To remove the encapsulated bacteria from the extract
(B) To serve as a positive control by demonstrating that a protein in the extract is the transforming factor
(C) To serve as a negative control by demonstrating that transformation does not occur without DNA
(D) To destroy enzymes in the extract
(E) To destroy any capsules that might be in the extract
To serve as a negative control by demonstrating that transformation does not occur without DNA
Based solely on the curve, what can be said concerning the calculated reaction rates at 1 minute and at 2 minutes?
(A) The rate after 2 minutes is greater than the rate after 1 minute.
(B) The rates are the same at 1 minute and at 2 minutes.
(C) The rates are affected by high concentrations of inhibitors.
(D) The rates are both zero.
(E) The greater the rate, the faster the enzyme is denatured.
The rates are the same at 1 minute and at 2 minutes.
The rate of the reaction could also be determined by
(A) measuring the change in the amount of enzyme
(B) measuring the change in the amount of substrate
(C) measuring the change in salt concentration
(D) adding more substrate
(E) adding more enzyme
measuring the change in the amount of substrate
What is the most likely explanation for the change in the slope of the line between 3 and 5 minutes?
(A) The enzyme had denatured.
(B) The enzyme had achieved its maximum velocity.
(C) A large amount of the substrate had been consumed.
(D) An allosteric inhibitor appeared.
(E) There was a dramatic change in the pH.
A large amount of the substrate had been consumed.
During which time interval is the reaction rate lowest?
(A) 0-1 minute
(B) 1-2 minutes
(C) 2-3 minutes
(D) 3-4 minutes
(E) 4-5 minutes
4-5 minutes
Based on graphs I and II, which of the following is the best conclusion that can be reached?
(A) Decreases in leaf water potential are caused by increased transpiration.
(B) The increased rate of transpiration increases leaf water potential.
(C) The flow of water through the stem has no effect on leaf water potential.
(D) Leaf stomata are closed at 10 A.M.
(E) Water is most likely to flow into the leaf at 4 A.M.
Decreases in leaf water potential are caused by increased transpiration.
In this experiment, water flow up the stem could be measured in which of the following structures?
(A) Phloem
(B) Xylem
(C) Lenticels
(D) Stomata
(E) Casparian strip
All of the following changes would be likely to decrease the rate of transpiration at 8 A.M. EXCEPT
(A) causing the stomata to close
(B) increasing the humidity of the atmosphere
(C) increasing the water potential of the atmosphere
(D) increasing the water potential of the soil
(E) placing the plant in total darkness
increasing the water potential of the soil
Which of the following factors affecting the hydrologic cycle would have the LEAST impact on calcium loss from the disturbed watershed?
(A) Total precipitation
(B) Surface runoff
(C) Evaporation
(D) Transpiration
(E) Porosity of soil
Based on the graph, which of the following best describes why losses of calcium did not occur immediately in the deforested watershed?
(A) It takes months to leach calcium from the soil.
(B) Other minerals were more soluble and were leached out first.
(C) The deforestation occurred during the winter when runoff was low.
(D) Calcium is hard to detect in small amounts.
(E) Leaves do not appear on deciduous trees until the spring.
The deforestation occurred during the winter when runoff was low.
To estimate the total amount of calcium lost annually by each of the two watersheds, it would be most useful to measure which of the following variables?
(A) Average daily temperature in each watershed
(B) Daily precipitation falling on each watershed
(C) Volume of water flowing out of each watershed each day
(D) Concentration of other ions in the soil of each watershed before and after deforestation
(E) Amount of calcium present in the precipitation falling on each watershed
Volume of water flowing out of each watershed each day
What can be inferred from the data in the graph about the loss of calcium in the deforested watershed?
(A) It occurs in no predictable pattern.
(B) It increases with time.
(C) It is at a peak when temperatures are highest.
(D) It appears to be correlated with the seasons.
(E) It increases after each application of herbicide.
It appears to be correlated with the seasons.
Which of the following is best supported by the data?
(A) Deforestation does not change the amount of water flowing through a watershed.
(B) The time of year during which deforestation occurs has no impact on the negative effects related to it.
(C) The loss of calcium affects several other variables in the forest ecosystem.
(D) Calcium loss can be rated as the most damaging aspect of mountainside deforestation.
(E) The presence or absence of plants greatly affects the loss of calcium from the soil.
The presence or absence of plants greatly affects the loss of calcium from the soil.
During which of the following time periods could the population have been in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the G locus?
I. 1960-1964
II. 1965-1972
III. 1973-1980

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III
1960-1964 and 1973-1980 only
Assuming that the population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the G locus, what percentage of moths in the natural population was white in 1962?
(A) 2%
(B) 4%
(C) 8%
(D) 20%
(E) 64%
Assuming that the population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the G locus, what percentage of the gray moths that emerged in 1980 was heterozygous?
(A) 0%
(B) 25%
(C) 33%
(D) 67%
(E) 100%
Assuming that the population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the G locus, what was the frequency of allele G in the gray moths that emerged in 1980?
(A) 0.33
(B) 0.50
(C) 0.67
(D) 0.75
(E) 1.00
Which of the following is the most likely reason for the observed differences in the frequency of the G allele between 1965 and 1972?
(A) Emigration of white moths from the population
(B) Chance
(C) Selection against gray phenotypes
(D) Speciation
(E) Mutation
Selection against gray phenotypes
The rate of migration of the DNA fragments through the agarose gel is determined by the
(A) ratio of adenine to cytosine in the fragment
(B) presence of hydrogen bonds between base pairs
(C) length of time the electrophoresis unit is allowed to operate
(D) number of nucleotides in the fragment
(E) volume of the starting sample
number of nucleotides in the fragment
Which of the following is true of the dye used to stain the fragments?
(A) It increases the contrast between the agar and the DNA fragments.
(B) It must be accounted for when calculating the molecular weight of the fragments.
(C) Its charged areas interfere with the migration of the DNA.
(D) It is bonded only to the sticky ends of the fragments and can directly determine the sequence of the DNA fragments.
(E) It gives a three-dimensional view of the structure of the DNA fragments.
It increases the contrast between the agar and the DNA fragments.
The type and density of the gel are important because
(A) they influence the rate of migration of the fragments
(B) they may cause some DNA molecules to replicate
(C) some DNA nucleotides may be lost due to chemical reactions with the gel
(D) some DNA molecules may sink to the bottom and not migrate
(E) some DNA molecules may cross-link
they influence the rate of migration of the fragments
The procedures described can be used to do all of the following EXCEPT
(A) isolate and purify certain DNA fragments
(B) synthesize novel DNA molecules
(C) study the activity of restriction enzymes
(D) calculate the size of DNA fragments
(E) identify the source of DNA material
synthesize novel DNA molecules
Which of the following occurs in the tissue that is placed in 0.6 M sucrose?
(A) The cells become turgid.
(B) The cells burst.
(C) The volume of the vacuoles decreases.
(D) The volume of the cytoplasm increases.
(E) The cells remain the same as before.
The volume of the vacuoles decreases.
The approximate molarity of the solution in which the mass of the plant pieces would not change is
(A) 0.0 M
(B) 0.1 M
(C) 0.3 M
(D) 0.5 M
(E) 0.7 M
0.3 M
Water enters and leaves the plant cells primarily by
(A) endocytosis
(B) phagocytosis
(C) osmosis
(D) active transport
(E) facilitated diffusion
The best explanation for the red-eyed F1 females is
(A) mutation
(B) culture contamination
(C) dominance
(D) multiple loci
(E) sex-influenced traits
There are white-eyed females in the F2 generation because
(A) white is a dominant allele
(B) the white allele is autosomal
(C) a mutation has occurred
(D) these F2 females have two white alleles
(E) the white allele is located on the Y chromosome
these F2 females have two white alleles
Which of the following best describes the mode of inheritance of eye color in the white culture?
(A) Autosomal
(B) Dominant
(C) Located on the Y chromosome
(D) Sex-linked
(E) Lethal
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