Shared Flashcard Set


Assists for Yoga Asanas
Various Asana Assists for Yoga Teachers
4th Grade

Additional Fitness Flashcards








Urdhva Hastasana



Behind the Student:

Use your hands to assist in the outward rotation of the arms.


Use your hands to encourage the student to relax the shoulders down the back


Check for hip alignment






Behind the Student:

Put one hand on their sacrum and press firmly, while sliding your other hand down their spine coming to rest at the nape of the neck.


In Front of the Student:

Rest your chest and torso against their back, wrapping your arms and hands around the thighs (you may have to crouch to get the proper position).

Press down with your chest/torso, while hugging your arms against the thighs and gently lifting upwards.




Ardha Uttanasana




Behind the Student:

Press firmly with one hand on their sacrum and slide the other

hand halfway up the spine, encouraging lengthening.




Chaturanga Dandasana




Side of Student:

Continue to keep your hand on the sacrum as they jump, step, or lower down into the posture. Check for correct shoulder height, hip height and firm, activated ankles and toes. 




Urdhva Mukha Svanasana



Behind the Student:


Stand with the student between your legs. Use your hand on their shoulders and gently press your knees into their shoulders to encourage opening of the chest.




Adho Mukha Svanasana


Side of the Student:

Using your hands, help gently pull the hips upwards from Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.


In Front of the Student:

Check for correct alignment in the elbows, arms and shoulders.


Press firmly on the sacrum with both hands (fingers pointing outwards). Use your weight to lean into the adjustment.



Behind the Student:

Place on hand on the calf and slide the other down the calf to the ankle, encouraging the flattening of the feet against the mat.

Take the right hand to the student's inner left thigh. Place the left hand in the same position on the right thigh (your arms should be cris-cross). Bend your knees and lean back, using your hands against the student's thighs for stability and to encourage inward rotation of the stendent's legs. Lower yourself down further to encourage the student's feet to flatten against the mat. 





Utkatasana (Chair Pose Series)


From the Front:

Check for correct arm alignment and take the hands to assist in them sitting back enough.


From the Back:

Stand directly behind the student, bend your knees and guide them to sit on your thigs for support. Use your hands to encourage the external rotation of the arms and relaxation of the shoulders.





Virabhadrasana I


From Behind the Student:

Step your foot on the outside of their back foot, to help encourage it to flatten on the mat. Use your arms to assist with the outward rotation of the arms and relaxation of the shoulders. 


Check to see that the hips are square and the gaze is upwards.




Virabhadrasana II


From the Back/Side of the Student:

Stand close to the student and place one hand on the thigh of their bent knee and the other on the hip of their straight leg. Use your hands to encourage outward rotation on the hip of the straight leg and guide the bending knee to proper alighnment over the 2nd/3rd toes.


Check the arm alighnment and ensure that the shoulders are relaxed and down.




Virabhadrasana III


From the Front of the Student:

Hold the student's hands for support, guiding them into a 90 degree angle fold.


From Behind the Student:

Use both hands to grab the ankle of the extended leg, helping them to balance and ensure the leg is extended at hip height.




Ardha Chandrasana


From Behind the Student:

Use your hand to encourage the lower arm on the folding side to inwardly rotate. Place your other hand on the opposite side hip, offering resistance 

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