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ASPPA DC-2 Chapter 2 Key Terms
ASPPA DC-2 Chapter 2 Key Terms

Additional Finance Flashcards




1.25 Test
The 1.25 test is satisfied if the ADP of the HCE group does not exceed 1.25 times the ADP of the NHCE group. For example, if the ADP of the NHCE group is 4 percent, the ADP of the ADP of the HCE group would be limited to 1.25 x 4% or 5%.
ACP Test
The actual deferral percentage (ADP) test is the exclusive means of showing that the 401(k) arrangement satisfies the nondiscriminatino requirements of IRC 401(a)(4)
Actual contribution ratio
Actual deferral ratio
Normally a particiapnt is benefiting under a defined contribution plan only if he or she received an allocation of employer contributions or forfeitures. In a 401(k) plan, the participant is benefiting if he or she is an eligible employee under the 401(k) plan.
Current year testing method
The alternative testing method to the prior year testing method is the current year testing method. Under the current year testing method, the ADP limit and ACP limit for the HCEs is determined with reference to NHCE data forthe same plan year.
Dual eligiblity
When a plan has more than one set of eligibility requirements that apply to employees covered by the plan, the plan has dual eligibility provisions. To determine excludable employees under that type of plan, the exclusion for employess who fail the satisfy the plan's age/service requirments applies to the lowest age/service requirments applicable to ANY employee benefiting under the plan for the plan year.
First few weeks rule
A plan may include compensation earned for a year that is paid within the first few weeks of the next year (the first few weeks rule), so long as all similarly situated employees are treated uniformaly and compensation is not counted in more than one year.
Five-year rule
The five-year rule is the general rule that an amendment to change from the current year testing method to the prior year testing method is permitted only if the plan used the current year testing method for each of the five preceding plan years (i.e., the five plan years preceding the plan year in which the change to the prior year testing method takes effect).
Limited participants
The IRS refers to employees who are eligible to make pre-participation rollovers as limited participants because their participation rights in the plan are limited to the right to make rollovers until they satisfy the plan's eligibility conditions. The IRS makes it clear that a limited participant is not considered an eligible employee under a 401(k) plan merely because he or she is eligible to make a rollover contribution. Until the employee actually satisfies the eligibility requirements to participate in the 401(k) arrangement, he or she is not considered an eligible employee for ADP purposes.
Mandatory disaggregation
The employer is required to disaggregate the 401(k) arrrangement and the 401(m) arrangment to test coverage. This is often refferred to as mandatory disaggregation and means that each disaggregated portion of the plan is treated as if it were a sperate plan for purposes of testing coverage.
Otherwise excluded employees
When determining the coverage testing group, the employees who have not satisfied the plan's age and service requirements are excluded. If the plan's age and service requirements are more LIBERAL than the STATITORY requirements of age 21 or one year of service, the plan is covering employees it otherwise could exclude from the coverage testing group. For example, a plan with a six-month eligibility condition is covering employees that would have been excluded under a one year of service condition. These employess are known as otherwise ecsludeable employees.
Prior year testing method
The default testing method under the statute is the prior year testing method. Under the prior year testing method, the ADP limit and the ACP limit for the HCEs is determined with reference the NHCE data from the prior plan year. The regulation referr to the plan year from which NHCE data is taken as the application year.
Statutory Employees
Under a special testing rule, the employer may disaggregate the portion of the plan covering the otherwise excludable employees from the rest of the employees (the statutory employees)
2 percent spread test
The test is satisfied if the ADP of the HCE group is BOTH (a) not more than two percentage points greater than the ADP of the NHCE group, and (b) not more than twice the ADP of the NHCE group. In other words, to arrive at the limite for the HCE group, add 2 percent to the NHCE group's perentage or double that pcercentage, which ever produces the smaller result.
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