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ARS 101-Unit One Egypt
Unit One Egypt flash cards
Art History
Undergraduate 1

Additional Art History Flashcards





Palette of Narmer  c.2950- PREDYNASTIC found in Heiraconpolis in a temple protected by being buried

-Mostly ceremonial;used for grinding coal into eyeliner

-Top front: Two bull people (associated with a Goddess) with a cat fish an chisel engraved in a top square

-Middle Man wearing white crown of upper egypt striking another man (possibly another king) down; adorned with

 items worn by king (Kilt, goatee, crown); sandal bearer in the background; Horus the sky god ( Being from upper

 egypt) is shown standing on papyrus reeds (symbolic of lower egypt) that are connected to a head which he is controlling by a stick in the nose (Upper Egypt >Lower)

-Shows two figures being crushed underneath the king (depicitng his enemies)


-Top:Same but with floor plan and side view of castle square instead

-Middle 1: Similar king and sandbear but with Red Crown (Lower Egypt) ; scribe in front of them, nome bearers (presented smaller; holding sticks w/ symbols) infront of him, decapitated bodies with heads between legs infront of them.

-Middle 2: Serpent cats with long necks intertwined (each held by two people w/ leashes); their intertwining forms the depression for coal makeup; signifies unification

-Bottom: Bull (King Narmer) trampling man infront of a fortification; symbolizes the King and fertility

                  Functions as documentation of a possible event and propaganda for the king

                  Narmer thought to be the first king to unite the land





Step Pyramid of Djoser  c. 2630-OLD KINGDOM

- FIRSTcompletely stone structure; Found in Saqqara (Lower Egypt)
-Imhotep: Thought to be the pyramid's architect; was the high priest of the sun, later to become the God Re; known as Chancellor and "Great Seer"

-Mastaba (where the pyramid started): the type of tomb (Arabic translation for bench outside of home; not an egyptian name); rectangular with a chapel at the top for people to bring offering

-Bottom tunnel shut off so no one could enter after sealed

-Buriel chamber= stone; the rest= mud bricks

-Whole complex that was laigned with the north and south

-There were fake doorways where people came so the king could act as an intermediary

-South Tomb: depicated Djoser running in the hed-sed festival (Pharaoh ran in the festival a certain number of years after he began his rule; celebrated his continued rule); Not meant to be seen by anyone (believed to send power to king in afterlife)

-had shafts 100 feet down to hold family members

-Held some alibaster articfacts

Statue of King Sozer; found thorugh hole on one side of the pyramid


Khafre c. 2500- OLD KINGDOM 

-His pyramid includes the sphinx

-Ruled after Khufue

-Statue ^ found in the Valley temple; Dressed like Sozer (headress false beard, serious face, kilt, seated in chair)

made of black stone that had a grid snapped onto all sides for consistency (tools include chisels, stone tools, drills, hammering, grinding, polishing, painting, drilling, plaster

     *Sema-tway- Depicted on the side of the statue; symbolizes combo of upper and lower

     * Horus shown on the back of Khafre's head; symbolic of protecting the king

     *associated with the miyth of Osiris





Portrait of Hesira c. 2600- OLD KINGDOM

-Hesira was a scribe ( scribes were very important in Ancient world)

-Panel carved out of wood in tomb

-Depicts the science of eygptian art (grid a picture; having certain rules for how the body is presented)

     *Has profile face, frontal eyes, two left feet one infront of the other, chest is frontal

-Worker scene:Not well done; shows grain production and harvesting for afterlife; not detailed or done on a grid


·      Statue of King Sozer found on one side of pyramid of djoser thorugh hole


o   Has wig and false beard


§  Wig called Nemi’s head rest


§  Fetsival robe


o   Has a solemn, strict way


o   Stonepainted; open possibilities of what they could do artistically



Pyramid's of Giza c. 2500

-Tomb's of the fourth dynasty kings; aligned east to west (life to death); consists of the three pyramids (the largest being Khufues), the Valley Temple, the causeway, the mortuary temple, and the Sphinx

 -The pyramids used to be covered in white stone (polished limestone)

-Shape inspired by the benben stone

-Many pyramids (not those of Giza) were piles of rubble built upon with stone


Khufu's Pyramid- tallest of the three; east to west (buriel part to the west)

-Temple which held prayers and rituals for the king

-Top stone: pyramidiade (covered in gold)

-Tallest strucutre until the 19th century (eiffel tower)

-Originally 480 ft; now 450 ft

-Made of 2 million stones with the corners correlating to the directions of the compass

-Originally had an underground buriel chamber, but halted production after Khufu's father's grave robbery; built one going up into the pyramid instead

Inside chamber lined with granite

-To build all the pyramids farmers were hired during the 3 months flooding of the nile (around 100,000)

-Only one 3-4 inch statue of Khufu ever found; originally found without a head (found by petrie); made of ivory

Ben-Ben Stone (Myth)

Myth- A mound of earth believed to be related to the Sun God Ra; would be the highest and firstpoint to arise out of the nile after it flooded

(has parallels with the stroy of Noah's Arc)

Myth of Osiris

Atum (God of everything) make shu and Tehunt who make Geb and Nut who make Osiris and Isis ,and Seth and Nephthys.

   -Osiris beecomes the king of egyppt; he's a good king who helps egypts crops. Seth tries to get rid of him so he can be king by tricking his brother into getting into a chest which he then throws in the Nile. Isis (his sister and wife) turns into a bird and brings him back to life. Seth kills hims again and chops him up, this time scattering his pieces throughout the nile. Isis again collects all his pieces and saves him but he is now king of the under world (Osiris is depicted with green skin and in a white robe)

     -Horus, the son  of Isis and Psiris, is now the rightful king but has to battle with Seth for the throne. He eventually becomes the king


Menkhaure and A Queen (Possibly Khamaranebti) c. 2400OLD KINGDOM

-Men. was the owner of the third pyramid of giza

-Statue was found in the Valley temple; not life sized

Excavated in 1910 for the Boston Museum of fine arts

-her arm is around him; possibly mean marriage

-Was painted; is unfinished


Ka-aper c.2400- OLD KINGDOM

-made for private indiviual out of wood for his tomb

-made in separate pieces

-Inlaid eyes

-rounder physique in contrast with that of royals who had idealized bodies; made in likeness

-Largeness usually meant prosperity

Ka and Ba

-Ka was a person's creavtive life forces (leaves bodies when dead but still exists)

   *represented by two raised hand; needed sustenance and a place to dwell

-Ba was the personality or character for each person; represented by human headed bird; could leave the tomb and would become Akh when combined with Ka

-Means the dead need providing for (only really applies to the king)


o   Ti Watching the Hippopotamus Hunt  c.2400 (+ general tomb info)-takes place in a marshy area or nile (indicates vegetation with green lines)


§  Top: greenery and animal life, primarily birds


§  Main part (ti):


·      Ti is shown to be much larger than the other people

·      The hippos are shown as the same size as the fish- significant because it shows man has power over animals even dangerous ones like hippos; hippos representing death and shows ti having dominance over death




Pyramid texts
Old kingdom; walls covered with religous texts/prayers/incantations; just for and about the king
Gift of the Nile (Herodotus)

>No Nile, no agriculture


       > Three times a year the Nile floods, overflows


              banks, and deposits silt (inundation)


       > Stark contrast between the greenery and the sandy


              desert; has effect on the art


       >Egypt called black land for agriculture; Desert was


              red land


              -Influenced a dualistic view in religion


Black Land; fertility, growing, abundance

Red Land; desert, death, harsh,




Lower Egypt

Near the mediterranean; Papyrus was its signfying plant

Wadjet was goddess

Upper Egypt

Near Memphis and Cairo; Lotus is signfying plant (grows near the nile)

Nekhbet was Goddess

The two plants of the two sections coming together; symbol of duality
Heiraconpolis (Greek)

"Nekhen"(Ancient name)

>In Upper Egypt (Pre-dynastic)


       >Excavated by the British; end of 19th century


       >Items buried under floor of the main temple


         complex; buried because they were Holy to protect


         them when the temple because too full of sacred    






Mentuhotep  c.2000


-King comes from Upper Egypt

-Succeeds at re-unifying the kingdom

-from Del el Bahri

-Wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt and wearing the short rob that sozer wears that goes over the shoulders

-Arm crossed (Osiris depicted in this pose with black skin also; indicates connetion to Osiris)), colosial sized, simplified figure


-Made of sand stone; means theres less room for detail






Pectoral of Senusret II  c.1800-found in the tomb of the princess (daughter of the king)

-Heavy necklace on chest with counterpose on back to keep it in place

          -    Found by Petri in Lahun

          -water and mud had pushed box of jewelry into a niche where tomb robbers couldn’t find it

- Person on the bottom is “Heh” ( which means millions of years)


-tadpole near “Heh” depicted to show metamorphosis and fertility

- Horus standing on “shen”





Head of Senusret III  c.1830   

-Very detailed, with bags under eyes and furrowed brow and heavy eyelid and downturned mouth



Jewelry of egypt

 Famous for it in Egypt, plentiful with gold


·      All the gold belongs to the kings


·      Found in Dahshur and Lahun


·      (look on outline for jewelry example)


·      Liked opaque stones-made many beaded stone jewelry


·      Added heiroglyphs



*Female Offering Bearer (Tomb Model, Tomb of Meketra) c.1900


·      Had “tomb models”- figurines everywhere made of wood instead of painted reliefs on walls


·      “Female Offering bearer” is the best as far as craftsmenship- personification of offering; holding basket with fowls



-another collapse and unification (Second intermediate period)

-People from outside invade Egypt called the Hyksos- eventually kicked out and build up army and they start to conquer areas around (ex: Israel)


Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut   c.1470

o   Builds burial chamber to the west; built on opposite side of the mountain as the valley of the kings


o   Has impressive building


o   Has been somewhat restored


o   Statues outside were smashed and restored


o   Columns (Greek learn from Egypt)


o   In one columnade is a depication of the expediation of the land of punt


o   Commemorates the divine birth


§  Tells story (made up) of Rah coming to her mother and conceiving her





·      Marries half brother that came to throne after her father


·      Her husband dies but has no heir


·      Next heir is too young so she rules, but never lets the next heir rule

-oddly obese woman





Queen of Punt

·      Shows her as an oddly obese woman



*Seated Statue of Hatshepsut      c.1470


·      Similar to typical kingly statue


·      Wears nemies head dress and rob with palms down


·      Felt as though she needed to legitimizes herself


·      Shows herself to be dressed like a man



         Hatshepsut Kneeling  c.1470


·      Shown as male; wearing false beard and nemi’s head dress


·      Conforms to the male identity


·      Not many people in Egypt see the royalty



Temple of Amen-Re, Karnak  c.1579-1075


·               Karnak temple-


o   Each king added onto the temple


o   East and west alignment and temple to the south slightly connected, aligned to the north and south (Luxor)


·      Hypostyle Hall (detail)- Every inch used for writing (Columns)


o   Talked of the Kings



Temple of Luxor-

·      Sacred space that started large to small- meant for individuals to visit not large groups

first temple





The Amarna Periods



o   Amenhotep III-Dies


o   Amenhotep IV- takes his brothers place and then changes his name to Akhentan and moves capital to Amarna


o   Gives alliegance to Aten (A sun symbol)

Changed the human form as depicated


Colossal Figure of Akhenaten from Gempaaten, Karnak  c.1340




o   Nefertiti- Painted and plastered, very beautiful with elongated neck


o   Thought to be a fact German knock off-possibly made so the original could stay, and was found out when Hitler took all the countries treasures (no on wanted to say anything)





         Akhenaten and His Family  c.1340





o   Tutankhaten- changed to Tutankhamen


o   Moves country back to original god and place



Inner Coffin of Tutankhamen c.1330

o   Only intact tomb found in the Valley of the Kings


o   Found by Howard Carter (Archeologist trained by Petrie) and Lord Carnarvon (His patron)

                            Carnarvon went to Egypt for health

o   Uncovers stone steps and a door to the tomb


o   Digging out for another tomb buried Tut’s tomb


o   Deduced that the tomb had been entered twice by tomb robbers looking for cloth perfums oils, etc


o   Thousands of objects found


o   Throne found that was probably from his time in Amarna




Pectoral of Tutankhamen  c.1330


·      Found in treasury


·      Scarab beetle(Khepru) with the solar disk(Re) and wings and half disk at bottom(Neb)


o   Pushes dung through the sand- reminds them of the movement of the sun.


o   Scarabs lay eggs in the dung so they see small scarabs crawling from the orb symbolizing new life


·      Abu-Simbel- Temple  built by Ramses



Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel c.1260    


·      Ruled for around 60 years


·      Has around 100 children…..



*Queen Nefertari Making an Offering to Isis, tomb of Nefertari  c.1260


         -Temple for her built in the Valley of the Queens


         -Restored in 1918’s by gettys. institute Teamed with Egyptian artifact.


         -One of the most detailed and decorated

-found in 1904

-Subject matter brought up from book of the dead instead of an autobiography of her life (Her relationship with the Gods)

-Nefertari offering to Isis- Isis wearing Hothar’s headdress(pair of horns w/ the solar disc)


·      Holds the Onkh


·      Nefertari is holding two jars in offering to the Goddess


·      Pile of offering for Nefertari that is under the influence of Isis


·      White unique background


·      Nefertari wearing a vulture headdress




*Fowling Scene, tomb of Nebamun  c.1360


·      New kingdom relief from private tomb


·      Fowling bird hunt


·      Hunting in the marshes (there are fish birds, his pet cat)


·      His wife is standing behind him and his naked daughter is kneeling near him


·      Unrealistic small papyrus boat holding three people


·      Probably not actually hunting-too rich-too nicely dressed


o   Wife wearing hat that has cone of scented fat; meant for a banquet


o   Possibly symbolic of a large feast (vegetation, fowl hunting, nice dressing)


o   Meant to imply state of his life





Judgment of Hu-Nefer Before Osiris from The Book of the Deadc.1285

o   Hu-Nefer held by Anubis(the jackel headed God)


§  Jackels ravage tombs for the dead bodies


§  They take something that harms them and uses it to guard them


o   Weighing done by , Goddess Maat of truth and justice who weighs heart against feather; if heart weighs too much Ammit eats the heart(hybrid monster)


o   Thoth records the weighing and Horus presents Hunefur to Osiris



Book of the Dead

·      New kingdom equal to pyramid and coffin texts-not an accurate name


·      Real title is Book of going forth by day


·      Anyone can use


·      Started writing them on sheets of papyrus and placed with mummy in tomb


·      Varied according to wealth of the decseaed




: Comes to England with strong man


                      circus act, marries british woman and travel to


                     Constantinopole. On the way offered chance to                    go to Egypt, introduces water system.

Found a tomb in the Valley of the Kings of    




       Plundered through egypt



                            - Brought a large portion of a statue back to






- Home schooled and then traveled in 1880 to


                     Egypt alone after teaching himself heiroglyphics


              - Weird guy, didn't like tourists, trained a whole


                     generation of Egyptologists


              - More interested with learning about Egypt than


                     bringing back artifacts; pushes the value of

                           anything he found no matter how same

Rosetta Stone


: Hieroglyphic at the top,


              Demotic in the middle, and Greek at the bottom; found by napolean




knew the language and was able to  


                     translate the Rosetta Stone


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