Shared Flashcard Set


AQA Physics module P1a
Revision cards for this module
10th Grade

Additional Physics Flashcards




Describe thermal conduction in as much detail as possible. 

Thermal conduction occurs when particles collide and energy is transferred between particles. 

Conduction is only effective in solids because the particles are close together.

Particles in liquids and gases are too far apart to collide often enough. 

Describe thermal convection in as much detail as possible

Hot liquids or gases have a lower density because the particles are more spread out.  The hot liquid or gas then rise or move upwards through the colder, denser liquid/gas. 


Convection can obviously not happen in solids because the particles cannot move from place to place.

Describe thermal radiation in as much detail as possible.
All objects emit (give off) and absorb (take in) heat energy as infra-red radiation or waves.
What features of a good house prevent heat loss due to conduction?

Double glazing - the trapped air between the glass panes is an excellent insulator

Cavity wall insulation - Between the two layers of brick which make up the houses outer wool there is a layer of rock wool which again contains trapped air, an excellent insulator.

Loft insulation - again in the loft a layer of insulation (a material with trappped air in it) stops conduction though the roof.

What features of a good house prevent heat loss due to convection?

Doors and windows are kept closed so that air cannot move freely.

There are no gaps around the windows or doors again to stop air moving freely.

What features of a good house prevent heat loss due to radiation?
Paint the walls of the house a shiny pale (white basically) colour rather than dull dark (black) to reduce the emission of infra-red radiation.
Describe the features of a sankey diagram

The width of the arrows is equal to the amount of energy.

Useful energy arrows go horizontally across the page.

Wasted energy arrows go vertically off the main arrow.

Describe efficiency in as much detail as possible.

Efficiency describes how much energy put into a machine is converted into useful energy.

Efficiency = useful energy out / energy in x 100 

For example, a typical light bulb needs 100 J of electrical energy every second and only 10 J of that is converted into useful light energy, the rest is wasted thermal energy.  The efficiency of a light bulb is therefore only 10%! 

How does shape affect the rate of heat loss?

The greater the surface area the more heat energy that move hot to cold places.

Elephants have large ears not to hear better but to cool themselves down faster because of the large surface area.

Small animals have a large surface area to a small volume and hence lose heat energy quicker than large animals.

What is power?

Power decribes how quickly an object converts energy.  Power is measure in Watts.

1 Watt means 1 joule of energy is converted every second.

1 kilowatt (kW) = 1000 Watts (W)


What units do we pay for electricity in?

How do we work out how much electricity we've used?


We pay for electricity in kilowatthours (kWh)

Number of kWh = power of machine x time used

                               in kilowatts         in hours     

To convert watts into kilowatts divide by 1000

Describe evaporation

Evaporation is when a liquid becomes a gas at a lower temperature than its boiling point.

The bonds between the particles at the surface of a liquid are weakest.

If a particle at the surface has lots of energy it can break its bond and escape from the liquid.

This reduces the temperature of the liquid.

How can you increase the speed at which evaporation occurs?

Increase the temperature of the liquid

Increase the surface area of the liquid

Have a wind blow across it.


How can you change the speed of heat transfer by conduction.

Metals are excellent conductors because they contain 'free electrons' which allows heat energy to be transferred quicker. 

Materials with trapped air in them are excellent insulators.  This slows down the speed at which heat energy is transferred

How can you increase the speed of heat transfer due to convection?
Leaving doors or windows open makes it easier for gases to move and for heat to escape due to convection.
How can you increase the speed of heat transfer due to radiation.

Dull black objects are good at emitting and absorbing heat energy which will increase the speed of heat transfer.


Shiny white/silver objects are really bad at emitting and absorbing heat energy which will slow down the speed of heat transfer.


Increasing the temperature of an obejct increases the speed of heat transfer.


Increasing the surface area of an object will increase teh speed at which it either absorbs or emits heat energy. 

What is a U value?

A U value describes how fast heat moves through an object.

A high u value means it allows heat to transfer wuickly.

A double galzed window will have a lower U value than a single glazed window because heat travels through it slower.

How can you stop heat escaping from a house.  For each example explain what method it stops and how.

Closing doors and windows/filling gaps - stops convection because gases can't escape

Wall and loft insulation - material contains trapped air which is an excellent insulator and slows conduction down.

Paint the house white - it stops the house absorbing heat in the summer and emitting heat in the winter because white object are very bad at emitting and absorbing infra red radiation.

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