Shared Flashcard Set


ANTH 105
Undergraduate 1

Additional Anthropology Flashcards




Amazonian cities
hree keys to amazonian cities: very dispersed and connected cities, based on chiefdom rule, and had containers to store large amounts of food. The Archaeologist who discovered these Amazonian cities was Mike Heckenberger
Angkor Wat
•Built b/w ~A.D. 1113 and 1150.
•one of the largest religious monuments ever
•Originally Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu, converted to Buddhist in the 14th century, Buddha statues added.
•The city where the temple was built, Angkor, is located in modern-day Cambodia and was once the capital of the Khmer Empire
•Built by Suryavarman II, a Khmer King
Aztec sacrifices
•Aztecs linked w/ sacrifice and cannibalism
•Sacrificed tens of thousands a year
•Sacrificial rituals to bring rain, to commemorate temples, and as a kind of thanksgiving.
•Remove hearts and hold them while still beating
•Aztecs are connected with Mesoamerican customs of blood letting, dedicatory offerings and the sacrifice of war captives. Most sacrificial victims were prisoners of war or slaves
Chavin de Huantar
•"Mother Culture" (850 BC-200 BC)
• Located in the Andean highlands, in Peru, 3000 meters (10,000 ft) above sea level.
•Land is well suited to herd camelids and farm high altitude tubers (potato, oca) and native grains (quinoa).
•Stylistic pattern of stone carvings and pottery called Chavin Horizon.
•The largest platform, Castillo or New Temple. The Great Image (Lanzon) was a carved white granite pillar in the Old Temple. It was an anthromorhpic figure
•Main deity called The main deity called “El Lanzon” or the “Smiling God” or “Snarling God”
Chichen Itza
•Most significant late Maya center in Yucatan. Located in eastern portion of Yucatan near 2 large sinkholes (cenotes)
•First (smaller) phase of construction Puuc influence architecture. Second phase (~987 AD), much more monumental buildings with Mayan architecture (about 2 sq. mi. in size).
•Relief carvings Jaguars, carved warrior figures, carved tzompantlis (skull racks), sculpted chac mools.
•Chac mools = life-size stone figures in a reclining position with flexed legs and the head raised turned in one direction. Naval of chac mools had a bowl for offerings
•Contained 15 large plaza groups numerous ball courts. During era it was largest, most powerful Maya center in the region. (Late 900’s AD – 1100 AD)
• Cenote of Sacrifice: offerings (including people) were thrown into the well. Painted Mayan Blue, a blue pigment made from indigo and white clay
Conquest of the Aztec
•began February 1519, victorious August 13, 1521 a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger captured Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.
•Thought Cortes was a god. Brought horses and guns (never seen before)
•Cortes took Moctezuma captive in own temple, ruled through him for months.
•After the massacre at the Main Temple of Tenochtitlan and a rebellion by the population of the city, Cortés and his men had to fight their way out of the capital city during the Noche Triste in June, 1520. However, the Spanish and Tlaxcalans would return with reinforcements and a siege that led to the fall of Tenochtitlan a year later.
•The collapse of the Aztec Empire was a major milestone in the formation of New Spain, which would not be formalized by the Spanish Crown until 1535 A.D. The Spanish claimed the Aztec empire as 'New Spain'.
correct chronological order of these indigenous American cultures
•Chavin (900 BC – 200 BC) -Northern Peruvian Andes Mts.
•Moche (100 AD – 700 AD) - Trujillo, northern coast of Peru
•Khmer classic era (800 CE – 1327) - Cambodia
•Aztec (~1100 AD – 1522 AD) - Mesoamerica (Yucatan/Lake Texcoco
•Inca ( 1200 AD - 1572 AD)
El Nino
Weather condition causing times of torrential downpours and droughts in Peru (Moche). The Moche people tried to save their civilization, from the effects of the El Niño by periodic abandonment of agriculture systems and associated rural sediments. They tried to restore the damage agriculture infrastructure and residential and administrative architecture. They constructed new canals and aqueduct systems. They formed a community mobilization to remove intrusive sediments generated by all the rain. They had competitive, warfare's and conflicts over access to productive resources zones. Everything they tried failed. Over time things got worse; the political system collapse and people moved out of the cities into fortified towns to defend themselves from invaders, what happened after that? Most likely, they got invaded and their culture got amalgamated by the culture of the invaders, thus the end of The Moche Civilization.
El Paraiso
El Paraíso is the modern name of a Late Preceramic (3500-1800 BC) archaeological site located in the Chillón Valley on the central coast of Peru. The importance of El Paraíso as the "largest and earliest example of monumental architecture in the New World"
(pyramids) Significant ones in Moche culture are the Huaca del Sol and the Huaca de la luna. They are separated by a plaza that is half a kilometer across. Located in northern chile
Machu Picchu
•Most famous archaeological site in Peru, South American Inca site, situated on the eastern frontier of the Inca empire
•Was property of the descendants of the Inca ruler Pachakuti, one of several royal estates built as commemorative memorials to his military/political exploits, clear reflection of Pachakuti’s concern with religion, found an intact intihuatana (large stone pillar used ceremoniously). The site may not have been visited by Spanish conquistadores.
Descendants of the great places
•Inca believed they descended from the great Tiwanaku civilization at Lake Titicaca
•Incas identify themselves with the sun. They even persuade their people that they are the living descendants of the monarch of the heavens. The most sacred idol in the Inca pantheon is a great golden disc representing the sun. It is known as Punchao, which means daylight or dawn
(200 BC-600 AD) Established near Trujillo on the northern coast of Peru, largest settlement on the north coast of Peru in its day, one of a number of centers that shared Mochica tradition, dominated by two major pyramids (huacas): Huaca del Sol and Huaca del Luna which are both solid adobe structures. These two pyramids served different purposes and required millions of mud bricks. Moche influence extended from the north (Chicama Valley) to the south (Viru and Santa) by 300-400 AD. Society was highly stratified, and included various themes of their lifestyle in terms of their pottery crafting.
Moche pots and symbolic themes
Various themes depicting their lifestyles, pottery themes included: living beings/daily activities, warriors and prisoners, religious figures, mothers with children, and sexuality. All gave further insight to the types of activities the Moche revered.
Moche rulers
Highly stratified society, marked disparities had been noted in quantity and quality of grave goods, indicating the obvious distinction between rulers and lower classes, can also be distinguished by variability in domestic architecture. In general, men wore loincloth and shirt beneath a belted tunic, more important people wore a large cloth mantle, few important individuals wore animal skin headresses decorated with feathers and small pieces of metal.
Moche sex pots
Pottery portrayed a range of erotic practices including masturbation, fellatio, sodomy and orgies. Showed a clear reverence for sexual activity and indicated it was a major part of their society at the time
Moche warfare
The Moche were known for their ritualized warfare, where the loser was sacrificed to the gods to provide the land with fertility. The battles depicted on the pottery where 1 v 1 in a pit, and each combatant wore a loincloth, patterned tunic, and a conical helmet. The battles were not fought to the death, rather the first one to fall to the ground lost. After, the loser was sacrificed in a variety of ways, such as bloodletting, skinning, or tied up to be consumed by vultures. The death was always slow and painful to appease the gods.
Names of Monuments
Moche - Huaca del Sol and Huaca del Luna
Chavin - El Castillo and Lanzon
Cahokia - Monks Mound
Chaco - Pueblo Bonito, kivas
Tenochtitlan - Templo Mayor
Preservation Law
Eight Ethical Principles of the Society for American Archaeology:
1) Stewardship
2) Accountability
3) Commercialization
4) Public education and outreach
5) Intellectual property
6) Public reporting and publication
7) Records and preservation
8) Training and resources
•Moche archaeological site in northern Peru that is famous for the tomb of El Señor de Sipán (Lord of Sipán)
•main tomb was found intact and undisturbed by thieves. Tombs were found in Sipán's Huaca Rajada, an area near Chiclayo. Many huaca were found showing Moche jewelry, masks, and art. The tomb of the Lord of Sipan has been dated to around 100AD.
•Also discovered were hundreds of small clay pots with individual faces, understood to be offerings made by the lord's subjects.
Aztec Capital, located on a Modern Mexico City’s island. It was founded in 1325 and was taken over by the Spanish in 1521. The main gods worshipped in this city were the God of Water (Tlaloc) and the Warrior God of the Sun (Huitzilopochtli). Human sacrifices were performed because it was thought that human blood was the key to keeping the 5th sun alive.
Terra preta
Soil discovered in the Amazon, culturally enriched by decomposed civilians, shows Amazon was heavily populated. This soil is known as “Indian Black Earth”.
Toltec (Arkansas)
Intermediate space, abandoned and moved to Cahokia, carried with them intimate knowledge of the lunar cycle.
Trempealeau (Wisconsin)
Colony emerged from Cahokia, found to be created for religious reasons (mission).
diet of humans living at prehistoric sites
Chinese Food – Millet Noodles, meat, fish, shellfish, wine, fruits, vegetables, pickling, salt
Mesopotamia – Weat, barley, dates, lentils, olives, oranges, onions
Zimbabwe – Grain crops, bananas, cattle
West Africa – Millet, fishing, hunting, gathering
Southeast Asia – Rice
Egypt – Sheep, Goat, Pig, Cattle, Duck ,Geese, Fish, Turtles, Crocodile, Hippo
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