Shared Flashcard Set


Ancient Egyptian and Bronze Age Agean
USF Art History I
Art History
Undergraduate 3

Additional Art History Flashcards





Slate Palette of Narmer

3000-2920 BC

1. Pharaoh is always clothed (clothing shows importance) in Egyptian Art and his name(chisel and fish) are shown above him.

2. The Bulls at the top represent a symbol for one of the gods.

3. Originally used to mix make-up on, but this one was not used, more of an offering made to the gods.

4. Overall theme shows the idea of the unification of Egypt, papyrus represents upper Egypt.

5. Insures passage of soul into the afterlife through worship of Horus(falcon).


Great Pyramids

4th Dynasty

1. Symbolize the the sun god manifesting himself on earth as a pharaoh.

2. Were finished with a polished limestone.

3. Estimated 2.3 million blocks which weighed 2.5 tons each.

4. A change occurred from the king being the communicator to the gods to him being the manifestation of the god on earth.

5. Made as a symbol of the sun.


Statue of Seated Scribe

5th Dynasty 2450-2350 BC

1. Many minor political figures could establish sculptures of themselves.

2. Many times they are seated, standing, or striding in their sculptures.

3. This piece is located in the Lourve


Kneeling statue of Hatshepsut as Pharaoh

18th Dynasty, 1473-1458 BC

1. In some figues when she is depicted as pharaoh she leaves and displays her feminine traits.

2. Majority of her statues are strictly masculine traits.


Fragment from banquet scene showing musicians and dancers.

18th Dynasty, 1400-1350 BC

1. Top= Dignataries shown attending a commerative banquet at Thebes.

2. Bottom= Shows the worship of Haethor(wine god or godess.)

3. it is a celebration to help someone pass into the afterlife.

4. Art shows a constant baseline where feet are all in line to show order.


Limestone Stela of Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their daughters

18th Dynasty, 1353-1335 BC


Painted Wooden Chest of Tutankhamen

18th Dynasty, 1333-1323BC

1. The tomb remained undiscovered by looters until 1922 when it was accidentally discovered.

2. It was found with small figures, preserved cats, chests, statues, and foods.

3. The chest shows victory and order over chaos, although it was likely just art since he dies at age 18.

4. The representation of god as opposed to the pharaoh being the god.


Female Figurine


1. Statues and figures are normally men of the "speedos" type.

2. They tradionally have no facial features., with the arms crossed on the chest.

3. Made of a very brittle marble.

4. Believed mainly to be used for fertility purposes, and maybe for the transition into the afterlife.

5. Range from few inches to 5 ft, and size may have something to do with uses.


Palace at Konossos

1700-1400 BC

1. Center Courtyard surrounded by administrative buildings, with no evidence of residences.

2. Pillars with a double headed-axe (Labyrinth), symbolizes the worship of mother earth. 

3. No evidence of a king or queen.

4. They have a very large fascination of plants and animals in their art. It is all very lively and full of activity.


Fresco with Scene of Bull Leapers

1450-1400 BC

1. Fresco is very active and full of life, and has a large focus on athletics and the display of the muscles.

2. Fresco possibly is showing the worshipping of the bull.

3. The age and gender of the people of that time are defined by skin color, clothes, decoration, and hair style.


Faience figurine of a woman, "Snake Goddess"

1600 BC

1. Use of geometric shapes becomes eveident, cones rectangles.

2. She holds snakes which represent life and vitality.

3. Glazed faience, egyptian style, With wide eyes.

4. Believed to be a female dominated society, although men and women wore girtle.


Harvester Vase

1500 BC

1. Vase has 27 moving figures, most with willowing instruments and scythe.

2. It has 1 naked mansinging with an egyptian type instrument.

3. It utilizes layering to show depth, and the bottom half of the vase is missing.


Marine style octopus jar

1500 BC

1. Art covers the whole entire jar.

2. Sea life figures very heavily into their life so it makes sense that that would include it into their art.

3. Filled in with seaweed in the blank spots, and its a very assymeterical design.


Citadel at Mycenae

1300-1250 BC

1. It was a large fortification with a wall all the way around the city.

2. Everything was very large and pumped up and full of vitality.

3. 3 types of arches used: post & lentil( =l ), corbell ( > ), and arch ( ) ).

3. Parts of the art ie, the lions facing the single column is influenced very heavily by creteian artists.


Grave Circle A, Mycenae

1600-1500 BC

1. Change in burial style, went to circle graves that have large shafts inside the city walls.

2. Gold hammered mask was a sign of the wealty and powerful aristocrats in society; It was hammered out and laid on the face of the deceased.

3. Daggers: assumed to be made by creteian artists, very croweded figures shown in a lion hunt.

4. Displays power, royalty, wealthy persons.

5. Technique call "Niello" enlaying of gold and silver figures.

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