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als vol 3a

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1. In your own words, explain the significance of the oath of enlistment.
1. Your response should center on: The oath of enlistment is the commitment that starts our career. Its significance is different for each of us and we all raise our right hand for different reasons, but the oath of enlistment brings us all together because the promise is the same, to defend our constitution from all enemies.
2. What characteristic distinguishes the Profession of Arms from all other professions?
2. The unlimited liability clause
3. What is the relationship between the AF Core Values and Airmanship?
3. Your response should center on: The Air Force Core Values are what we stand for, how we live our lives, and how we lead others. As Airmen, we must embrace these beliefs, traditions, values, principles, and techniques of our profession, hence encompassing Airmanship. Airmanship embodies the Air Force Core Values.
4.___ Moral courage
B. the will to stand up for what is right, regardless of personal cost
5.___ Physical courage
D. the observable action taken when faced with fear, pain, uncertainty, or danger.
6.___ Hardiness of spirit
A. the internal force one uses to face and handle mental and/or physical challenges
7.___ Resiliency
C. the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands
8. Explain the relationship between warrior ethos and the Air Force Core Values.
8. Your response should center on: The relationship between Warrior ethos and the Air Force Core Values is that they both contain very similar characteristics of one another. The Core Value of Integrity speaks to moral and physical courage, military/executive bearing, and self-discipline and self-control that stems from Warrior Ethos. Service Before Self touches on our hardiness of spirit to persevere despite any physical and mental hardships. Finally, Excellence in All We Do requires us to continuously hone our skills and seek opportunities that will develop/enhance decision-making abilities under pressure or in combat situations, which enable us to develop the confidence, judgment, courage, and integrity to perform.
9. Give examples of physical and mental hardships you have had to face yourself and might face as a supervisor.
9. Your responses should center on: Falling ill or suffering a serious injury are two examples of physical hardships I might encounter. Marital problems, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after a deployment, and financial circumstances are all mental issues that could weigh heavily on me or any one of my troops.
1. What do the three diamonds in the Air Force symbol represent?
1. The star is framed with three diamonds that represent the Air Force Core Values.
2. What are the primary benefits of customs and courtesies?
2. The primary benefits of customs and courtesies are self-discipline and pride.
3. What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Dress and Appearance?
3. AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel.
4. What is considered to be the backbone of military discipline?
4. Drill has been and will continue to be the backbone of military discipline.
5. What signals the start of the official duty day?
5. Reveille is the signal for the start of the official duty day.
6. What is the twofold purpose of a Retreat ceremony?
6. The retreat ceremony signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the flag.
How does the understanding of and application of customs and courtesies impact NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness?
Your responses should have centered on:
• Being more proud of who we are helps us be motivated to have Excellence in All We Do.
• As I become more familiar with my role as a supervisor, I can better educate my future subordinates.
• Taking pride in who we are and what we do makes it easier for us to present a united front
1. SSgt Hester, a PME instructor who is conducting a lesson on customs and courtesies, tells his students, “It is important to be professional in and out of uniform. Whether you’re in Air Force PT gear or ABUs, you must always render the proper respect to the flag during the ceremony marking the end of the duty day.”
SSgt Hester’s final comment BEST explains __________________.
a. reveille
b. retreat
c. drill
b. CORRECT: SSgt Hester’s final comment best explains retreat, which according to the Customs and Courtesies chapter serves as a twofold purpose. It signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the flag.
1. Define ethics.
1. Ethics is a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values.
2. ________ ________ is the art of observing those moral obligations and precepts that is appropriate to a person’s role within the military profession.
2. Military Ethics is the art of observing those moral obligations and precepts that is appropriate to a person’s role within the military profession.
3. Give examples of three accepted ethical codes.
3. AFI 36-2618, Airmen’s Creed, Professional Development Guide (PDG), Code of Conduct, DOD Joint Staff Guide 5260 Service Member’s Personal Protection Guide, Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
4. According to Dr. Toner, what are four ethical principles that provide the framework for and promote ethical behavior?
4. The four ethical principles are the three O’s (owning, ordering, and oughting), the three P’s (principle, purpose, and people), the three R’s (rules, results, and realities), and the three D’s (discern, declare, and do).
5. Leaders who model _____ ______ inspire confidence in those they lead, inspiring them to accept and follow decisions from ethical leaders and organizations with an ethical climate rather than from unethical leaders or organizations with a corrosive environment.
5. Leaders who model ethical behavior inspire confidence in those they lead, inspiring them to accept and follow decisions from ethical leaders and organizations with an ethical climate rather than from unethical leaders or organizations with a corrosive environment.
6. Everyone in the Air Force must make decisions. What are the three qualities individuals must possess to make ethical decisions?
6. The first is the ability to recognize ethical issues and to reason through the ethical consequences of decision, while being able to see second and third order effects. The second is the ability to look at alternative points of view, deciding what is right in a particular set of circumstances. The third is the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty; making a decision on the best information available.
7. A. Worry over Image
A making decisions based on how the decision will impact one’s reputation/standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community etc., rather than on military rules, regulations, and conduct of conduct.
8. B. Ethical Relativism
B making decisions based on personal values/beliefs rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.
9. C. Drive for Success
C making decisions based on a “win at all cost” attitude rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.
10. D. Loyalty Syndrome
D making decisions based on respect and/or loyalty to an individual, unit, or organization, etc, rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conducts.
How might appropriate and effective use of ethical leadership concepts impact NCO, Unit, and mission effectiveness?
b. CORRECT: SSgt Dooney’s actions illustrate falling for an ethical trap. According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, ethical traps is when confusion or uncertainty as to what action or behavior should be taken because of conflicting opinions/values/beliefs rather than on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct. In this case, SSgt Dooney fell into the ethical trap of worrying over image, which is making decisions based on how the decision will impact one’s reputation/standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, etc.
How might inappropriate and ineffective use of ethical leadership concepts impact NCO, Unit, and mission effectiveness?
d. CORRECT: According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Ethical Relativism is making decisions based on personal values/beliefs rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct. In this situation, instead of adhering to military rules and regulations SSgt Mayberry bases his decisions on his personal religious beliefs. Although his actions do not appear to impact morale yet, his application of ethical relativism has caused one or two members to talk about switching flights, which indicates a negative impact on his effectiveness.
1. Recently promoted, SSgt Dooney is well respected and liked throughout the work center. Although he is in charge, he still desires to have the same relationship with his former peers, so he makes decisions based on their desires. As a result, the work center has missed several important deadlines and Dooney is having a hard time getting people to accomplish even the simplest mission related tasks.
SSgt Dooney’s actions BEST illustrate ______.
a. adherence to an ethical principle
b. falling for an ethical trap
c. observance of military ethics
2. SSgt Mayberry, the NCOIC is strongly devoted to his religious beliefs. While on watch he does not allow any talk about things he considers secular, like partying and drinking, and denies time off for activities which in his opinion, are not in good taste and do not promote ethical behavior. Although morale seems okay, one or two members have talked about switching flights.
Because SSgt Mayberry ______, his actions will MOST likely ______ his effectiveness.
a. appropriately placed principle ahead of purpose and people; enhance
b. failed to place people ahead of principle and purpose; hinder
c. applied ethical relativism; enhance
d. applied ethical relativism; hinder
1. ___ Physical Health
D. This type of wellness requires one to focus on five specific components: Cardio-respiratory endurance, Muscular endurance, Muscular strength, Body composition, and Flexibility.
2. ___ Emotional Health
A. Relationship and financial problems, family crisis, grief and loss, experiencing failure, illness, or injury, difficulty adjusting to a new life change, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), career problems, and low self esteem.
3. ___ Spiritual Health
B. This type of wellness determines one’s ability to find comfort, meaning, and hope when faced with difficult and often tragic circumstances, allowing them to return to a state of psychological well-being.
4. ___ Social Health
C. This type of wellness requires a support network consisting of family, friends, and coworkers and offers tremendous benefits for your health and wellness especially when dealing with difficult situations.
5. Why do people commit suicide?
5. Although no one knows for sure, theory suggests it is because they believe they:
Are a burden to others, do not contribute to the group, are a liability to the group’s well-being or safety, have no sense of belonging or connection to others or to the unit.
6. What are some advanced warning signs of suicide?
6. Express an intention of harming themselves, suicide plan, decreased or impaired emotional status, access to the method of suicide described, thoughts of suicide.
7. According to the trend data (table 1), what were the most prevalent problems associated with suicide?
7. Relationship problems, legal problems, financial problems, deployed in previous year, receiving psychological services
8. What are common barriers that at-risk personnel face when seeking out help?
8. Denying the problem exists, avoiding the problem altogether, fear that accessing help will result in a negative career impact, fear that the chain of command will be contacted
9. What are three common reactions that people have when faced with a suicide situation?
9. Fear, anxiety, and anger
10. What are the general goals for post-suicide intervention?
10. Help friends and colleagues understand and begin the grieving process, to help maintain mission readiness and morale, identify/refer individuals who are at increased risk for distress
11. How does the Air Force define substance abuse?
11. The use of any illicit drug, the misuse of any prescribed medication, or the abuse of alcohol. Any substandard behavior or performance in which the consumption of alcohol is a primary contributing factor. Any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others.
12. What are some of the substandard behaviors/performances associated with alcohol abuse?
12. Driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence, domestic disturbance, aberrant behavior, altercations, or underage drinking
13. What do the numbers in the 0-0-1-3 formula represent?
13. 0 = Number of underage individuals drinking alcohol
0 = Number of individuals driving under the influence
1 = Maximum number of alcoholic drinks per hour
3 = Maximum numbers of alcoholic drinks per night
14. What are some examples of how enlisted leaders can practice and advocate the de-glamorization of substance abuse?
14. Responsible drinking at social outings, ensure nonalcoholic drinks are also available, share consequences of risky behavior, don’t promote alcohol drinking contests, don’t promote drinking at all
15. What are the five methods used by the Air Force to identify substance abuse?
15. Self-Identification, Commander referrals, Medical identification, Substance-related incidents, drug testing
16. What are some of the outward signs of substance abuse?
16. Frequent financial shortages, avoids friends and colleagues, blames others for their problems and shortcomings, has complaints leveled concerning domestic disturbances or problems at home, demonstrates a decline in personal appearance, complains of vague illnesses
17. How would you define intervention as it relates to substance abuse?
17. The process of helping the member recognize at the earliest possible moment that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse. This professionally structured event includes significant others in the member’s life.
18. From your reading, how would you define stress?
18. Stress is the body’s reaction to an external demand, the physical, mental, and emotional response to a situation.
19. What are the organizational factors that can cause stress?
19. Task Demands, role demands, interpersonal demands, organizational structure, and organizational leadership
20. What are the three general categories of stress symptoms?
20. Behavioral, physiological, psychological
21. What is the difference between combat stress and operational stress?
21. Combat stress happens when there is a change in mental function or behavior during combat as a result of actual battle conditions or the potential for battle conditions.Operational stress occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior during military operations other than war.
22. List at least five risk factors associated with combat/operational stress.
22. Duration or deployment of more than six months, repeat deployments without sufficient time to recover and reset, sleeping less than 6-8 hours per day on average, witnessing death up close, especially of other Airmen or civilian non-combatants, being responsible for the death or serious injury of a non-combatant or allied combatant, being physically injured, handling remains, especially other Airmen, history of other stress injuries, previous mental health problems, lack of mutual trust with other unit members, being impacted by family, relationship, or other home front stressors, being young and inexperienced, potential exposure to nuclear, biological, and chemical agents.
23. List at least 10 warning signs associated with combat/operational stress.
23. Hyperactivity, trembling or cowering, loss of feeling in limbs, loss of mobility, “spaced out” appearance, irritable or angry outburst, reckless behavior, poor hygiene, memory loss, inability or sleep or fear of sleep, hallucinations, misconduct, significant mood changes, withdrawal, depression, apathy, confusion, emotional outbursts, frantic, panicky behavior.
24. What are the four types of PTSD signs?
24. Reliving the event, avoiding situations that remind you of the event, feeling numb, feeling keyed up.
25. ___ Unlawful Discrimination
D. Discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex that is not authorized by regulation.
26. ___ Personal Discrimination
C. Actions taken to deprive an individual or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally.
27. ___ Systemic Discrimination
E. The action by an institution that, through its policies or procedures, deprives a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.
28. ___ Prejudice
F. A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.
29. ___ Stereotype
G. Exaggerated belief about a category of people. It rationalizes our conduct toward that category.
30. ___ Racism
A. Any attitude or action or a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person of group because of race.
31. ___ Sexism
B. Attitudes and beliefs that one sex is superior to another.
32. How does the Air Force define Sexual Assault?
32. Sexual assault is intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
33. How does the Air Force define Consent?
33. “Consent” shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated or unconscious.
34. How does the Air Force define a:
34. Bystander: A person who sees the potential for a sexual assault. Victim: The person assaulted by the perpetrator. Facilitator: The person who enables, encourages, or creates a situation that allows a perpetrator to act. Perpetrator: The criminal who assaults the victim.
35. What is the difference between restricted and unrestricted reporting?
35. In unrestricted reporting an investigation is conducted, in restricted reporting a sexual assault victim can disclose details of his or her assault to specified individuals without triggering the official investigation process.
36. Aggravated Assault __
D. Causing serious physical injury to another; using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; committing an assault by any means of force that causes temporary but substantial disfigurement, etc.
37. Workplace Violence__
F. Any act of violence, against persons or property, threats, intimidation, harassment, or other inappropriate, disruptive behavior that cause fear for personal safety and/or involve a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm to individuals, or damage to government resources or capabilities
38. Overconfidence__
G. When one responds to a workplace violence incident with an “I can handle it” attitude when the right thing to do is consult with professional help
39. Workplace Bullying__
A. The repeated, unreasonable, and unwanted actions by individuals or groups directed at individuals or groups with the intent to intimidate, harass, degrade, or offend.
40. Assault__
E. A violent physical or verbal attack, an unlawful threat, or an attempt to do violence or harm to somebody else
41. Inaction__
C. Not taking action associated with workplace violence when warning signs are evident.
42. Zero Tolerance Policy__
B. Places all employees on notice that threats, assaults, or other acts of violence, made directly or indirectly, even in jest, toward other employees or customers will result in severe disciplinary action. Employees subjected to a threat or assault must immediately report the incident to their commander. Employees are also encouraged to report any unusual situation that has the potential to cause workplace violence
1. During a staff meeting, SSgt Bank says, “If you are the victim of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that causes an offensive or hostile working environment, you need to report this immediately. In addition, if you are the victim of threats, harassment, or behavior that causes fear for your personal safety, this is something you need to report through the chain of command. Finally, another area you don’t have to endure alone is if someone has forced abusive sexual contact with you. As your supervisor, I need you all to be able to focus and trust your fellow Airmen.”
SSgt Bank’s final comments BEST explain _________ and its impact on unit effectiveness.
a. Sexual Assault
b. Sexual Harassment
c. Workplace Violence
a. CORRECT: SSgt Bank’s final comments best explain sexual assault which, according to the Emergent Leadership Issues lesson, is defined as “the intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy (oral or anal sex), and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (to include unwanted and inappropriate sexual contact), or attempts to commit these acts. Sexual assaults can occur without regard to gender or spousal relationship or age of victim. When sexual assault occurs by an Airman against another Airman, trust is broken, cohesion is destroyed, and lives are altered. Rebuilding trust, cohesion, and lives can take a long time.
2. Sitting with SSgt Roy, TSgt Ingram says, “You seem a little different since you returned from combat operations.” Roy replies, “Lately, I feel anxious all the time…like I need to watch my back.” Ingram adds, “I’ve also noticed that you don’t play sports or take on challenging tasks anymore.” Roy replies, “I couldn’t care less about those things. Why take excessive risks? Besides, I don’t have the energy I used to have because every time I try to sleep my mind replays graphic scenes from the last convoy. Aside from that, I think I’m handling it all pretty well.”
This scenario BEST illustrates ____________ and its impact on NCO effectiveness.
a. potential sources of stress
b. combat and operational stress
c. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
c. CORRECT: According to the Emergent Leadership Issues lesson, SSgt Roy is demonstrating symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD includes four types signs and symptoms: 1, reliving the event (“…my mind replays graphic scenes from the last convoy”); 2, avoiding situations that remind you of the event (not illustrated); 3, feeling numb (“I really couldn’t care less about those things anymore”); and 4, feeling keyed up (“…I feel anxious all the time…like I always have to watch my back”).
3. SSgt Amani tells TSgt Rowe, “I noticed something was different about SrA Jack. He let me know he was going through a rough patch and after our talk, he decided to speak to a chaplain. Even though I had a lot of work to do, I drove him to the chapel and waited until he was finished. I talk with him every day and he seems to be feeling much better now.”
SSgt Amani’s _______ will MOST likely ________ his effectiveness.
a. understanding of stress management; enhance
b. misunderstanding of stress management; hinder
c. understanding of the Wingman Concept; enhance
d. misunderstanding of the Wingman Concept; hinder
c. CORRECT: According to the Emergent Leadership Issues lesson, a good wingman is alert, gets involved, and takes action because they believe getting help is a sign of strength-not weakness. In addition, the Wingman Concept incorporates the skills of Ask, Care, and Escort (ACE). SSgt Amani was alert, noticed something was wrong with SrA Jack, and engaged him. He also escorted him to the Chaplain and did not leave him alone. Because SSgt Amani understands the Wingman concept he took appropriate actions (ACE) and those actions will most likely enhance his effectiveness with SrA Jack and other members of the work center.
4. As SSgt Conklin conducts his ORI preparation meeting, SrA Watt stumbles in late. After the meeting, Conklin asks Watt, “Have you been drinking?” Watt replies, “I didn't get home until early this morning from a party. Maybe I have had a little too much to drink.” Conklin replies, “Watt, your actions are in violation of the standards. Let’s go see the first sergeant.”
SSgt Conklin’s _________ will MOST likely __________ his effectiveness.
a. inappropriate substance abuse prevention; decrease
b. appropriate substance abuse prevention; increase
c. inappropriate substance abuse intervention; decrease
d. appropriate substance abuse intervention; increase
d. CORRECT: According to the Emergent Leadership Issues lesson, leaders have a responsibility to intervene when they suspect substance abuse and they must report all substance abuse or suspected substance abuse incidents (i.e. showing to work smelling of alcohol, use of illicit drugs). Because SSgt Conklin intervened and reported the substance abuse, his effectiveness will most likely increase.
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