Shared Flashcard Set


AH Final 2011
AH Final 2011
Religious Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards





In August of 1846 Bates wrote a tract which later became a book which is still available. What is the title of that book which is on a distinctive Bible Truth?



"The Seventh-day Sabbath, a Perpetual Sign."

What is Dr. Samaan's most effective argument

on which day of the week is the Sabbath?




You can figure out which day was the Sabbath. It said that the women that came to embalm Jesus had to leave as it was the "preparation" day (which is Friday) and that "the Sabbath drew near." Then "early on the first day of the week" (or Sunday) they went to the tomb and found that Jesus wasn't there.


What did Pope Jon Paul say in his encyclical about the Sabbath and Sunday?




He said that  the 7th day Sabbath is the Sabbath but that through Peter, the Catholic church was given the keys to change God's law.


What does the word Shabbat mean?



Simply "rest day" so some "sabbaths" were ceremonial.

From whom did John N. Andrews learn the Sabbath truth?



John was 17 and he learned it from his 15 year old friend Marion Stowell.

What did John Andrews write 16 year after he began to keep the Sabbath?




He wrote a book entitled:

"History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week"


What did Samuel Bacciocchi write?




He wrote a book entitled "From Sabbath to Sunday".

By late 1845 and early 1846 a small group of believers began to form around two united doctrines.





1. The ministry of God in the heavenly sanctuary

2. The binding nature of the 7th day Sabbath


Revelation 11:15-19





Revelation 11:15-19 says "At the sound of the 7th trumpet, the temple of God was open in heaven and there was seen in His temple the ark of this testament"


(and in the ark was the 10 commandments. EGW this in vision. She saw the ark and the 10 commandments with a special light on the 4th commandment. )


Bates saw a connection between the Sabbath and the 3 angels messages of Revelation 14:12 and he presented them in consecutive order. Who was it that didn't immediately accept the Sabbath?



The Whites.

The best way to present the Sabbath is to always anchor it in Christ. How do you show that?




1. It represents His glorious acts of creation (in Eden) and recreation (at the cross).

2. The 10 commandments were inscribed with his own finger on the tablets of stone.

3. It is what Jon the Revelator called "The Lord's Day" when he wrote and said "I was on the Spirit on the Lord's Day." The Sabbath is the Lord's day (See Rev. 1:10&11)


Matthew 12:8





The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath

(So the Lord's day is the Sabbath. So when it says that John the revelator was in vision on the Lord's day, it was the Sabbath.)


Luke 4:16




Which day did Jesus keep? "As his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day...." (in the judgement day you aren't going to be judged by if you kept the wrong day but if you kept the day that God's son kept.)

Matthew 5:17





" Do not think I came to destroy the law or the prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."


Luke 23:55




They rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment"

We believe in the conditional immortality of the soul. What does that mean?




It means that the good angers are immortal because God gives them life, but the evil angels will have their "immortality" taken away when they are thrown into the lake of fire.


What does "forever and ever" mean?




It is a Semitic language expression that simply means "to do a good job of finishing it." So the lake of fire burns until everything is burned up not for an endless amount of time.


In 1840 after 3 years of intensive Bible study about the nature of man, George Storrs, (Methodists minister) reached the following conclusions:




1. Human beings do not possess inherent and unconditional mortality

2. Immortality is conditional and will be given only to the believers at Christs second coming

3. Only God possesses immortality.

I Timothy 6:16
"He alone has immortality."

In 1842 George Storres became very prominent.

What did he teach?




1. In the fall of 1844 he was the foremost advocates of Samuel Sheffield Snow's 10th day 7th month movement. He taught about the true midnight cry.

2. His teaching of conditional immortality was circulating around the time of the great disappointment.


The three main pioneers of SDA church were: (and they accepted this beliefe of conditional immortality)




Joseph Bates

Ellen White

James White


Helpful ideas when sharing the Biblical doctrine of conditional immortality




1. Genesis 3:3,4 most people (many unknowingly) believe Satan's original lie and disbelief of God's truth about the nature of man of "you shall not surely die."

2. The Bible presents a holistic concept of man not a dualistic one. Man is indivisible

3. What does the Bible say about man and the "unmaking of Man? (Se Genesis 2:7 and the unmaking of man Ecc. 12:7)


The biblical doctrine of a conditional immortality is really helpful against deceptive doctrines such as:




Ever burning hell



New Age


The reason that the biblical doctrine of the conditional immortality of the soul is helpful with these doctrines (of ever burning hell, reincarnation, spiritualism, and new age) is that:




1. If the soul is mortal then it can't burn in hell forever.

2. If the rewards and punishments are giving right after death, then why is there a need for pre-advent and executive judgements? Why the need for pre-and post millennial resurrection? Why the need for Jesus to return to reward his saints if they have already been rewarded?


The scattering time of the millerite movement was between 1844 and 1848. It was marked by:




Disappointment, discouragement, chaos, disillusionment. There were many different ideas and no unifying leadership or teachings.


The gathering time was between 1848 and 1850 and was characterized by:




1. The first approach consisted of a series of Sabbath Conferences that ran from 1848-1850.

Bates and whites exerted strong leadership  and had intensive sessions of Bible study and prayer with people.

3. They began the publications.


Joshua V Himes had always been the "advent" publisher but he refused to publish anything now because he did not agree with:




1. The heavenly sanctuary doctrine

2. The 7th day Sabbath.


James White then began a paper called:



To the Remant Scattered Abroad

What did the paper "To the Remnant Scattered Abroad" include (which was published by James White)?




A broad recounting of EGW's visions

250 copies were mailed.


Who paid for "The Remant Scattered Abroad"




James White

H. S. Gurney


What was EGW's White's first book?



"A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of EGW"

What book helped the Whites to Understand the Sabbath truth?




"The Sabbath a Perpetual Sign" by Joseph Bates

??????What was the title of another book written by Bates regarding the Sabbath?  (I am not sure on this one as my notes are not clear...)



"A Vindication of the Sabbath"

Bates'wife was discouraged as they had no money. What did she say to her husband Joseph Bates?




Bates' Wife Prudence said "Oh you always say "The Lord will Provide the Lord will provide" and she ran off to her room to cry. Mr. Bates went to the post office and there was money in a letter and he had groceries delivered to Prudence in large quantities. She told the delivery boy that the groceries didn't belong there. Then she had another good cry when she realized that God had indeed provided.


What were the names of the booklets written by Joseph Bates?




The Second Advent Waymarks and High Heaps

A Seal of the Living God


What did James White Write along with Joseph Bates?



A Word to the Little Flock

What was contained in  the pamphlet

"A Word to the Little Flock" 

which was written by

James White along with Joseph Bates?



  • Some of the visions of EGW
  • Bates Endorsement of those visions
  • Articles by James White on the 7 last plagues
  • the Signs of Christ's Return.
EGW had a vision about publishing work. What was it?

That James should print a little paper which would begin small at first but like streams of light would one day go all over the world. (She had this vision at one o the Sabbath Conferences in Dorchester Mass)


So what was the paper that James White began after EGW's vision that he should publish a paper?



"The Present Truth began in the summer of 1849 with 1,000 copies of this 8 page paper. It was mainly about the Sabath.

What name changes did "The Present Truth" journal go through?




The Present Truth

The Advent Review

The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald

The Adventist Review


It is the oldest continually published journal in the USA today. 


John Andrews




  •  Wrote many scholarly publications
  • He wrote an Exposition on Revelation 13 and the United States of America.
  • He was also our first missionary (1874) and he went to Switzerland.
  • He wrote the History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week.  
Andrews University is named after him. 

Annie Smith



  • Sister of Uriah Smith who was editor of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
  • She was a song writer and poet. She wrote 45 poems and 10 hymns (the words to the hymns)

Uriah Smith



  • Editor of the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald  a post he held for 50 years.
  • Wrote a poem about prophecy that rhymed perfectly and was 35,000 words
  • He also wrote the book "Daniel and Revelation" which we can still purchase in the ABC.
  • Brother to Annie Smith

John Loughborough



  • He was considered as the first historian  in our movement. He wrote the book "The Rise and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists"
  • He pioneered the Advent work in the west namely Oregon and California.
  • He came up with the tithing system. (Well it is in the Bible but he proposed that the SDA church adopt that practice.)
Stephen Haskell
  • He was very handsome man with lots of hair.
  • He proposed to EGW to marry her but she said no as she had Willie White to help her.
  • He wrote  a book called "The Bible Student's Handbook" for giving Bible Studies
  • His expertise was as a trainer for lay people.

Dan Palmer





  • He was a blacksmith and leader of the Millerite movement.
  • He was a leader of a small group of Advent believers and Joseph Bates introduced him to the 7th day Sabbath. (Palmer and Bates were already friends)
  • James and EGW came to Battle Creek and saw the small group in 1853 and 1854. They were deeply impressed with these very committed people.
  • Palmer's group proved their commitment by giving offerings to help the Whites build a printing office in Battle Creek.

Prominent names that gave money for the printing office in Battle Creek?




Kellog (not John Harvey)


Cyrenius Smith

Palmer (I guess)


Each gave $300 to become $1,200


The Whites then moved there and later EGW was burried in Battle Creek.



Now that they had a publishing ministry what were the challenges facing the church?



  • Church membership had increased 10 fold.
  • We had church properties and then we would loose those properties as no parent organization (like a conference) owned them.
  • Some men pretended to be pastors and they taught things against our doctrine but since there were no ministerial licences there was no way to control them.
  • Splits in the church over silly things such as one lady gossiping about her neighbor and the church and pastor taking sides. EGW rebuked both sides and so the pastors split from the whites and accused James White of dishonesty and Ellen as a false prophet.
  • Pastors had no regular salary so had to work full time jobs and got very burned out.

Where did the burned out pastors flee to?



Waukom Iowa. It became an Adventist Ghetto. It was a farming colony. Even Pastor Loughborough had fled there.

What did EGW do when she heard about the burned out pastors? 



  • She traveled in winter by sleigh to Waukon. She viewed them as good people but said to Loughborough 3 times "What doest though here Elijah?"
  • That night she had a vision and God said to tell them "Return unto me and I will return unto there and heal all thy backsliding"
  • A spiritual revival occurred and they all went back.

What were the names of the pastors who were reproved in Jackson Michigan for gossiping?




Pastors H.S. Case and Pastor C.P. Russel


They got so mad that they accused the whites of error, and mishandeling the funds for the printing and called EGW a false prophet.


What was the party in 1855 that said, "Don't worry about being saved, you will have 1,000 years to get ready."



The Age to Come Party

What was the name of the party in 1865 that the founders were previous employees of the Iowa Conference?



  • BF Snook and WH Brinkerhoff. The Iowa Conferene had voted in new leadership and they were not re-elected.
  • They made their new headquarters in Marion Iowa
  • The remnant of their party still exists today as the "Church of God Seventh-day" in Denver Colorado

Because of the slide towards chaos and fragmentation there were other splinter groups. One was from Parksville, MI which was a legal organization (they legally organized) in May, 1860. What were they called?



The Church of Christ Second Advent

Another splinter congregation in Fairfield Iowa

called itself: 



Church of the Living God

James White was acting like a GC president without any....



weight and no organization to back him up.

Who came up with a system for consistent giving to the church and what was it called? (This was to help pay the pastors so they could actually work in gospel work and not have to have other jobs.)



  • John Andrews came up with "Sister Betsy" or "systematic benevolence. It was adopted by the Battle Creek Congregation in 1859
  • Promoted in the Review
  • Recommended to all believers at a general confernce.
  • Men were to give 5-25 cents a week
  • Women were to give 2-10 cents a week with an additional 5 cents/aweek for each $100 of property owned.
  • Church treasurer was to keep $5.00 for the preacher and send the rest to the state conference for evangelism.

I Corinthians 16:2




"On the first day you are to put aside money"

(this was to help the work in Battle Creek and throughout the world.


Who came up with the idea of tithing?

(This idea was supported by James White and eventually accepted among the members)



John Loughborough

What did James White do to promote organization?



  • In 1853 he wrote 4 articles in the Review about the need for organization. The opposition was saying that if we organized it would be "becoming Babylon". James White pointed out that we were already in a state of Babylon (meaning confusion).
  • EGW supported her husband and said there was order in heaven, order in the early Church and now especially there was a need for gospel order.

What did James White sarcastically say about "organization"?



  • He said something like,  "Brother Over-Cautious and Brother Confusion are overly concerned that we will become like Babylon but Brother Do-LIttle loves the world and does not get involved.".....

Roswell Cotrell



  • He opposed James White said that we are not a denomination but a movement so we should not organize.
  • Contrell was the general corespondenant and assistant editor of the Review so he published articles against orgranization with White's permission.

A call to the "Leaders of the Advent Group" for a "General Conference was issued and signed by




AT Jones, Uriah Smith, and James White

so on September 28-October 1, 1860 minsters from 5 states met at Battle Creek. It was the most important SAbbath keeping Adventist gathering up to that time.


James White Quote on Organization of the Church




"Can you imagine if you had no name and people were making fun of you? It seems to me that the child is so now grown (the church) that it is exceedingly awkward to have no name for it."


Nicknames given to our church because it had no name:





7th day door shutters

The 7th day people

The Sabatarians


What name did James White propose for the church?



"The Church of God"

Who suggested the name "Seventh-day Adventist"?




A lay person named David Hewitt


But Cotrell said that this sounded like Babylon as the motion said "Take the name" and that sounded too much like "make a name" so they revised the proposal to say "Resolved to call ourselves Seventh-day Adventist"


Who proposed that the church be organized?




Ezra Bracket a lay person (his motion was carried)



What did EGW say about the name "Seventh-day Adventist"?




The name Seventh-day Adventist carries the true features of our faith in front, and will convict the inquiring mind. Like an arrow from the Lord's quiver it will wound the transgressors of God's law, and will lead to repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." IT 224


How did the organization of the church begin?




A small conference of 9 ministers met in Battle Creek in April 1861 and produced a report to

1. Organize local churches

2. Organization of state conferences which would authorize ministers.

3. Then a General Conference (later we added Union and Division layers but not at this time.)

4. All churches were to keep written records of all business transactions and membership lists.


Where was the first local church organized?



Battle Creek

What was the first organized Conference?



The Michigan Conference and William Higley was the first president. He was a lay person.

Who was elected to be the first GC president?




James Byington was the fist president of the GC


(James White was asked but he declined).


When was the church officially organized?




It was perilous times for the church to be born because of:



  • Spring of 1861 the Civil war had begun. (13 months before EGW had seen a vision while in Parkville Michigan that the war would be long and bloody.)
  • in 1863 the US drafted a law with special provisions for churches that held non-combatant principles.
  • The newly organized GC filed statement with the state and federal govert's listing it's non-combatant teachings and it was approved. The SDA official position was "conscientious cooperation" although it also supported a young person's conviction as "conscientious objector" (Pacifist() or as "active'

Which GC session was on Righteousness by Faith?




The October 17-November 4, 1888.

It was one of the most significant and explosive sessions in the history of the SDA church (in EGW's view)



What was EGW's view of the 1888 GC session?




  • God brought a precious but neglected message
  • It was a terrible meeting.
  • The Holy Spirit was shamefully treated.



What was the background of the 1888 meeting? 




There had been an emphasis in the early days on

1. A deep love for Christ

2. Desire for 2nd Coming

3. Passion to Save Souls

4. Sabbath a test of love and loyalty


But by 1888 the church had drifted towards

1. Legalism

2. Proof texts

3. Debates

4. Confidence in being right.

5. Downplaying Christ's role in our salvation and focusing instead on our role


Who was Moses Hull?



  • He was a debater of other denominations.
  • He went against EGW's counsel to not debate spiritualist and instead of converting them they converted him to spiritualism.
  • He fell because he was too proud



Who was Dudley Canright?



  • He was bitter against the SDA church for not being elected president so he left the church and
  • wrote the book "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced."
  • He did not leave for theological issues but rather for pride issues and because of no monetary reward.

What was EGW's words on the drift towards legalism?




"We must renounce our own righteousness and plead for the righteousness of Christ to be imputed to us: (5T219)


She also said that our theology was in danger of becoming as dry as the hills of Gilboa if we kept this emphasis on law and legalism instead of on what Christ did to save us.


Who were the Young Progressives?



EJ Waggoner and AT Jones

Who were the Old Guard?



George I. Butler (GC President) and Uriah Smith

E. J. Waggoner



  • He was a young (27 year old) doctor.
  • He was short, eloquent, and gentle
  • He was converted after listening to a sermon of EGW on the cross and he said "I saw Christ hanging on the cross for me."
  • He focused on the cross from then on.

A. T. Jones



  • He was young (32) tall, handsome and fearless
  • He was forceful, uncouth, lean ad mean (as in smart)
  • Hew as converted while a sergeant in Fort Walla Walla
  • His focus was on Prophecy and History.
  • He was a preacher.
  • He was the editor of the "Signs"  and a teacher at Headersburg College.
  • He studied Romans, Galations and became an enthusiastic preacher of righteousness by faith.

How did Jones and Waggoner know each other?




AT Jones was the editor of the "Signs" and EJ Waggroners father worked with him. (I am not positive on this one, check your notes)





George I. Butler



  • GC President,
  • Old, authoritarian, iron-willed.
  • He was against the progressives and said that "the new teachings (of being under faith and not under law) weakens the Sabbath and the Decalogue (10 commandments)
  • He did not come to the 1888 GC session because he was "ill"
Uriah Smith resented the "progressives" because AT Jones had said.."
  • "I don't want you to blame me for what he (Smith) doesn't know.
  • He was involved in the "Huns" verses Alamani" problem (Daniel 7) both are one in the same people...Germans
  • And it became the "Review against the Signs" and the leadership on the west coast.




Background on the GC session of 1888 on

Righteousness by Faith




A committee of 9 met before the GC and voted 8 to 1 to restrict the discussion.



What did EGW say to Jones and EJ Waggoner; Butler and Smith?



  • To Jones especially she said "You are overconfident"
  • to George Butler and Uriah Smith "You act as if you are infallible and you are harsh.
  • Both groups are majoring in minors and there is pride on both sides.
  • However EGW refused to take sides.

A reasons the Old Guard didn't want to deal with Righteousness by faith was:



  • They felt there was going to soon be a marriage between church and state and Senator Blair pushed through a National Sunday Law and SDA's were arrested for working on Sunday. They thought only the prophecies should be the focus.
  • They were suspicious and distrustful and too sensitive.
  • The argued about the Ceremonial law verses the Moral law (Galatians 3 the law as a mirror)
  • There were presonality conflicts
  • Conspiracy rumors were running rampant
  • There was a crisis of confidence in EGW.

E.J. Waggoner was the devotional speaer at the GC and his topic was Righteousness by Faith. It included



  • The law reveals our sin. We are not able to justify ourselves.
  • Christ longs to cover his with his righteousness
  • He said we are made acceptable in the Beloved

What was EGW's endorsement of the Righteousness by Faith Message?




"This is a message from God. The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoners and Jones. It presents Justification through faith in the Surety. It invites the people to receive the righteous of Christ which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. It is the 3rd Angel's Message in verity."




Rebuttle of the Message

(though no offical vote was take to accept or reject the message)




1. Butler the GC presidentw as absent. He saent a strong letter to stand by the old way marks.

2. He sent R.M. Kilgor to represent Butler. He said "I make a move to postpone the subject of Righteousness by faith."

3. EGW Said "Brothern this is the Lord's work. Does the Lord want his work to wait for Elder Butler. His work must not want for any man."

4. Jones and Waggoner's unusual reply was that they began reading 18 appropraite passages from Jeremiah, Ephesians, Romans and I Jonh about the Lord our Righteousness


The Apparent (not official) Rejection of the Message




1. Waggoner and Jones were subjected to open criticism and ridicule. They were called "Sister White's Pets" No official rejection but no official acceptance made of their message either. No vote was taken

2. They ridiculed EGW and said "She is going a bit senile" She later said "I have been instructed that the terrible experience (of the GC session) is one of the saddest chapters in the history of the believers in present truth."

3. EGW waid "If God's people believed and lived out the mesage of righteousness by faith, Christ would have come before this."


What was the last major development of the SDA church?




The education work.



Why did the SDA church want their own schools?



  • Because they had a distrust of the public schools
  • They wanted to focus on the end times in their education.

The first SDA schools which failed after 3 years




1. One room schol in Bucks Bridge NY in 1853

2. One room School in Battle Creek Michigan in 1856.


Probably didn't work as the teachers had been trained in non-SDA schools and had no idea how to run a Christian school any different than what they already knew.


The Church's Religious Education




1. The Youth Instructor

2. The Weekly Sabbath School Lessons.


What did James White say in support of education?



"A well discipline and informed mind can best receive and cherish the sublime truths of the Second Advent."

Edson White



EGW's rebellious son. But he gave his hear to the Lord as an adult ad went to work in the south in his mid life. Went to work for the African Americans.

Henry White



  • He died from pneumonia at 16 years of age.
  • He was a real christian and his experience was revitalized due to his illness.
  • He wrote to his friends and said "Spend the best of your days in serving Jesus. Farwell."
  • He asked "Please burry me next to my little brother John Herbert so we can come up together on the day of Resurrection."



John Herbert White



September 20-December 14, 1860. He died as a baby.

Edson White's experience away from God



  • He was a real live-wire, great energy in the wrong direction till age of 44
  • EGW said  he was a thorn in her heart. He was disobedient, deceptive, vain, slept in church, and bad influence on Willie
  • He adversely affected his mother's work
  • At the age of 43 not a Christian and not interested in Religion. He planned to leave Adventism and asked for his name to be taken off church books.
  • He resented Willie and his mother.
  • His mother for years sent him hundreds of impassioned letters (including a dream about him drowning).

Edson White's Conversion Experience.




1. EGW 123 letter of appeal (10 pages long) received Aug 11, 1893 was pivotal. At age 44 he made a comlete sufferender to Christ while listening to a very dull sermon.

2. Convicted about evangeliszing the blacks in the south.

3. Attended the Bible Institute in Battle Creek. He became a janitor.

4. He found a box of his mothjers neglected tracts about the Southern work for Blacks printed in 1891 and became convicted he must do something for blacks.

5. He printed "The Gospel Primer" to teach the African American people how to read using the Bible

6. And he worked on his Steam Boat "The Morning Star" doing work amoung the African Americans.


John Harvey Kellog




1. He was one of the abelist surgeons world wide

2. He taught about natural remedies, vegetarianism, and preventative health.

3. Made and promoted health food such as dry cereals (including corn flakes) and meat substitutes

4. Had world renowned patients

5. Was a great humanitarian. He helped the poor, alcoholics and orphans

6. He was a writer(wrote 50 books), was an editor, inventor and preacher.


John Havey Kellog's Problem with the church




1. He was too powerful and independent. He was almost a church inside of the church.

2. He had a great sway with the GC president in the past but in AG Daniel's he had met his match. AG Daniels would not back down for Kellog

3. He united with AT Jones to remove Daniels from office but failed to do so.

4. He was very critical of pastors he said they were uneducated and not good examples as they did not follow his health plan.

5. He wanted all health institutions to be independent from the church.

6. Began to believe and teach pantheism and published the book "The Living Temple".

7. He finished high school in 12 months




The points of the book "The Living Temple" by John Harvey Kellog




1. There is present in a tree a power which creates and maintains it, a tree maker in the tree, a flower maker in the flower.

2. God himself enters into our bodies in the taking of food.

3. EJ Waggoner sided with him and said "God spoke and low that word (Christ) appeared as a tree or as grass.

4. Kellog said "A man may get his righteousness in bathing when he knows where the water comes from.


Eventually what happened to Jones and Wagoner in their Christian walk?




Jones and Waggoner left the church.

1. Waggoner over Pantheism/ theological philosophies

2. Jones left because he sided with Kellog administratively and their plans hadn't worked out.


Ellen White



  • Most crucial role
  • God's messenger
  • Multi-gifted: theology, health, education, practical living, family

Minnie Sype



  • Powerful evangelist
  • Established 10 churches

Lulu Wrightman



  • Most successful and powerful evangelist
  • Established 17 churches

Jessie Weiss Curtis



  • 80 converts for baptism at first evangelistic campaign
  • Trained many ministerial interns, including N. P. Dower (a minister Dr. Samaan knew personally)

Flora Plummer



  • Executive secretary of the Iowa conference
  • Acting conference President
  • Director of Sabbath School department of GC (23 years)



Anna Knight



  • Pioneered educational work in the South (after Edson White)
  • First African-American female missionary

Major Themes of EGW's Writings




1. Love of God

2. Great Controversy

3. Cross of Christ will be science of Salvation in heaven

4. The Bible is Central ("Brothers and sisters I commend to you this book. It is your rule of faith and practice. The scriptures are the authority and infallible and stand as test of experience.")

5. Second Coming of Jesus ("There in heaven immortal minds will have never ending delight. Every faculty will be developed, the highest ambitions realized, there will be new heights to explore")

6. 3 angels message and missions

7. Practical Christianity (home, education, raising children) and Christian character. Reputation is what man thinks of us. Character is what God things of you.



Who said "You said you keep the 10 commandments but then why do you ignore one of them?"



Rachel Oaks

Professor Bell



Was a lecturer of Education known for the Battle Creek School.

EGW's Three Major Visions




1.The midnight cry (Path towards heaven believers were walking and Jesus was infront of them, and bright light behind them was the midnight cry of Oct 22)

*2.Christ Ministry in the MHP (Daniel 7) Christ went ino the Most Holy Place

3. The vision of the time of Jacob's trouble.


First African American ordained minister



Charles Kinney

The first black SDA church



Edgefield Junction, TN

Kellog's background




a. Born in Michigan, one of 16 children

b. At 10 years old, worked at father’s broom factory in Battle Creek

c. At 12, learned the printing business

d. At 14, became a proofreader

e. At 16, became a public school teacher

f. At 17, attended a high school for one year and graduated

g. Boundless energy, keen mind, thirst for knowledge II. Medical training


a. James and Ellen White were his mentors

b. Encouraged him to study medicine

c. He went to Bellevue Hospital Medical College in NY (most prestigious medical school in the country at the time)

d. Spent more money on tutors to further challenge him than on his regular courses

e. At 24, graduated from medical school and became director of Western Health Reform Institute (WHRI) III.


Professional life

a. One of the ablest surgeons worldwide

b. Focused on natural remedies, vegetarianism, preventive medicine

c. Health foods: dry cereal, corn flakes, meat substitutes

d. Had prominent, world-renowned patients

e. Great humanitarian: helped the poor, alcoholics, and orphans

f. Writer of 50 books, editor, inventor, preacher IV.

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