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nco vol2
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Identify each of the roles in a change process and describe the respondsibility of each.
During the change process, people usually fill 3 roles.
Change sponsor - is indvidual respondsible for initiating the change and supervising it through each of the three processes.
Change Agent - is the individual respondsible for implementing change within a specific group.

Change Target - individual undergoing the change.
What are some organizational norms? What comprises each?
Four Organizational Norms:

Technology Norm - includes computers, test equipment, weapons systems, etc...
Task Norm - general procedures, job steps, checklists, etc...
Structure Norm - administrative procedures, evaluation systems, etc...
People Norm - Technical or leadership training, new jobs, etc...
What role might the core values play in effecting change?
"Service Before Self" encourages faith in the system.

"Integrity First" encourages respondsibility and loyalty.

"Excellence in All We Do" encourages a quality effort.
What are the stages of the change process? Briefly, describe each.
3 Stages of Change Process:
Unfreezing - involves creating a need for the change.
Changing - moving the four organizational norms from the old stage to the new state.
Refreezing - the process by locking-in the expected outcomes.
Explain the respondsibility an NCO has to each subordinate during the change process.
You have a respondsibility to create a positive atmosphere through which each of your subordinates will feel that change is needed and will be supportive of the process. Concurrently, as NCO supervisors, managers and leaders, you must anticipate and deal with any resistance to change. In doing so, you must gain familiarity with and be able to identify each of the following six groups of personalities in your organization: the innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, late adopters and the diehards. You must realize that people are your single greatest asset, and concentrate your efforts upon those who are willing to "get with the program."
In step 1 of the six-step problem-solving process, how does recgonizing the problem contribute to work center effectiveness?
The proper completion of step 1 is very important because it breaks down the elements of the individual, goal, obstacle and identifies the problem that needs to be solved. By knowing what the problem is, those involved can begin to find a workable, permanent solution. As the problem is sovled, work center personnel are able to focus on the job and mission accomplishment rather than the problem.
Why is it important to gather data at the right point during the six-step problem solving process?
Facts are known truths (concrete information) used to make sound decisions. By gathering these facts and data early in the process, you are better equipped to make these decisions regarding possible solutions. You are also better equipped to be more objective and empathetic towards the situation and the individual involved. The data you collect may also be needed, should your supervisor or commander need information about the problem.
In step 3 of the six-step problem solving process, which two techniques are used to generate a list of possible solutions?
Brainstorming - effective technique used to generate many possible solutions to a problem in a very short period of time.

Creative thinking - promotes freethinking of ideas by changing or recombining old ideas into new possible solutions to problems. These activities provide the problem solvers with material to work with.
How do you know if a possible solution is feasible?
If resources such as time, money, and material are available, a solution may be feasible. You must also ensure that you have the authority to implement a solution in order for it to be a feasible proposal.
What should you do if you have more than one feasible and acceptable solution to choose from after performing step 4?
If you have more than one solution, once you reach step 5, you may want to get input from others to help choose the best solution. You can also consider combining the ideas to find the best solution.
Describe the impact that NOT following-up on the implementation of a solution to a problem (Step 6) would have on a workcenter.
Not following-up on the implementation of the solution could result in not ever determining if the solution chosen in step 5. It may also result in the loss of opportunities to learn from mistakes made because of a poorly chosen solution or a needlessly costly implementation. Follow-up provides the definitive information you are looking for and expecting to see.
Explain how your use of the six-step approach to problem solving can impact you as a supervisor.
By properly utilizing the problem solving process, you will be better able to resolve problems with your subordinates. This will result in your credibility being reinforced and open lines of communication between you and your subordinates. Using this process will also give you more experience that will help you to accept and handle increased levels of respondsibility.
According to Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson what three skills are requisite to leading?
Diagnosing, adapting and communicating are the three skills indicated as being requisite to leadership.
What two key aspects should you focus on when you are diagnosing an organization?
The two key aspects are:

The status of the people.

The status of the environment.
What four categories are used by the USMC to gain a complete picture of the status of its people?
The US Marines list morale, espirit de corps, discipline and proficiency as being good indicators of its peoples' status.
As a leader, what two areas must you look at when assessing the organizational environment?
A leader would be looking at resource availability (human, financial, physical, information), as well as leadership actions (establishing direction, priorities, creating policy, making decisions and providing information).
What type of leader exhibits high task, low relationship style?
The Authoritarian Leader exhibits high task, low relationship style. This type of leader tends to be autocratic and rigid, allowing for little deviation from the schedule.
What type of leader exhibits high task, high relationship style?
The Team Leader exhibits high task, high relationship style. This type of leader is not afraid to dive right in and usually leads by example.
What type of leader exhibits low task, low relationship style?
The Impoverished Leader exhibits low task/low relationship style. Is notorious for delegating, then disappearing, leaving subordinates to fend for themselves.
What type of leader exhibits low task/high relationship style?
The Country Club Leader exhibits low task/high relationship style. Uses reward power as the motivating force.
What are the two categories of leadership power?

Name and describe the four types of position power.
Coercive Power - founded in your authority to use sanctions in response to poor performance.

Connection Power - based on your association with influential people in organizations.

Reward Power - ability to provide things people like.

Legitimate Power - based on the perception that you should make certain decisions based on your title, role or position.
What AFI states that NCOs are delegated authority necessary to exercise leadership commensurate with their rank and respondsibility?
AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure.
Name and describe the three types of personal power.
Referent Power - determined by how your followers feel about interacting with you. Depends on your charisma, character, self-concept and interpersonal skills.

Information Power - access to or possession of useful information and your ability to provide and explain the information at the time it's needed.

Expert Power - based on you education and experience displayed through your techinical and professional expertise.
What are the three key attributes of a role model?
Integrity and Commitment (Character Traits)

Mentoring (A supportive relationship)
What term is used to describe a supportive relationship, where a senior member of an organization counsels, coaches, teaches and provides feedback to a junior member? What is the term used to describe the subordinate in this relationship?

Technical Proficiency, as a leadership tenet, is most closely related to which Air Force Core Value?
The core value that most closely relates is "Excellence in All We Do."
When should you understand the capabilities and limitations of your organization?
When developing objectives, creating priorities and assigning tasks.
Into what two categories is planning usually divided?
Planning is commonly divided into tow categories:

Strategic and Operational
Which planning category will most commonly be used by NCOs on a daily basis?
Operational planning, since it will be used most often on a daily basis.
What are the five steps in the planning process?
1. Anyalze the Mission

2. Establish Goals

3. Identify Alternatives

4. Select the best Alternative

5. Implement the Plan
As an Air Force supervisor, you will manage budgets at different organizational levels and with varying degrees of control. Identify and describe two areas mentnioned in the text.
The Respondsibility Center, and organizational department under direct supervision of a single individual soley responsible for its activities, the Cost Center, the lowest level where supplies are used, is usually the flight or work center in an organization.
Describe the purpose of the Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR).
Organizational document that lists the people assigned, projected losses/gains, and should accurately reflect the Unit Manning Document (UMD).
What does the Unit Manning Document (UMD) tell you?
This document tells you the number of people authorized, the Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs), position numbers and total number assigned to your work center.
What are the primary professional development programs for enlisted people?
Professional Military Education (PME) Courses.
Define Organizing as it pertains to the functions of management.
Organizing is the process of dividing work into manageable sections and coordinating the results to serve a purpose.
What three approaches to job design are discussed in your text?
Job Rotation

Job Enlargement

Job Enrichment
Briefly describe job rotation.
The practice of periodically shifting workers through a set of jobs in a planned sequence.
Briefly describe job enrichment.
The process of upgrading the job-task mix in order to increase the potential for growth, acheivement, responsibility and recognition.
Briefly describe Job Enlargement.
The allocation of a wider variety of similar tasks to a job in order to make it more challenging.
What is the main purpose of controlling function?
In the Controlling Function, organizational activities are regulated so that the elements of performance.
What are the four steps in the controlling process?
1. Establish Standards of Performance

2. Measure Actual Performance

3. Compare Performance Standards

4. Evaluate Performance

5. Take Action
How does your text describe the leading function?
Leading involves harnessing our personal and professional traits to influence other to accomplish the mission.
What is effective planning?
In order for planning to be effective, it requires vision and the ability to communicate that vision to other people.
How would you describe effective organizing?
In order for organizing to be effective, it requires, first, an understanding of the organizational structure and second, an ability to convince your people that cross utilization is best for them and the Air Force.
What does effective controlling require?
In order for controlling to be effective, it requires an understanding of performance standards as they pertain to mission accomplishment and an ability to see what kind of controlling mechanisms are best. There is a balance between over-control and under-control. That balance is based on the dyanmic relationship between people, mission and the situation at hand.
Define Personal Discrimination.
Actions taken by an individual to deprive a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religon or sex. Can occur covertly, overtly, intentionally or unintentionally.
Define Systematic Discrimination.
Actions by an institution or system that, through its policies or procedures, deprive a person or group of a right because of (that person's or group's) color, national origin, race, religon or sex. Can occur covertly, overtly, intentionally or unintentionally.
Explain the ways sexual harrassment occurs and give an example of each.
Verbal - Sexual compliments, pressure for dates or ridicule with harsh sexual language.

Nov-Verbal - Leering, ogling, cartoons, notes, nude drawings, nude pictures or calendars.

Physical - Touches, brushes, hugging, patting, or footsies.
Explain how morale is impacted by human relations incidents.
Alcohol serves as a catalyst for conflict. The person feels motivated because his or her inhibitions are lowered and they often act irrespondsible on underlying prejudices after consuming alcohol. This unacceptable behavior is normally not present in the absence of alcohol.
Describe how morale is impacted by human relations incidents.
Morale is greatly reduced when disriminatory acts are taking place because feel frustrated, helpless, and unaccepted. Discipline, motivation, and group cohesion all suffer because of human relation incidents.
Give an example of how human relations issues impact productivity.
People will respond to having rights or opportunities denied by not performing their assigned work tasks. If work tasks are complete, often the work is substandard and must be reaccomplished. This action or inaction is a result of frustration, anger and embarassment.
Explain how human relations issues negatively impact quality of life.
Human relations incidents impact an individuals ability to positvely interact with the rest of the team. A climate of hate, fear and disrespect results in a degraded quality of life in and out of the work center. Individuals often vent these frustrations in very destructive and harmful ways.
What is the supervisors role in preventing human relations issues?
Supervisors must establish, communicate and enforce policies regarding human relations issues. They must also lead by example in this area and foster an environment of open and honest communication among the individuals in the work center.
Explain the supervisors role in corrective measures when dealing with human relations.
When corrective measures are neccessary, supervisors must be prepared to take action and get the unacceptable behavior to stop. Supervisors must not ignore the acts and must be prepared to provide detailed, factual information about the behaviors to the commander and others in his or her chain of command.
Why is it important for you as a leader to effectively manage diversity in the military?
By managing diversity properly, you as a military leader, allow individuals to reach their fullest potential while in pursuit of mission objectives.
Define diversity.
A composite of racial, gender, ethnic, national origin, cultural, attitudinal, socio-economic and personal differences.
What are the four steps in managing diversity
1) Learn to understand and respect individual differences.

2) Promote assertiveness in your subordinates regarding their feelings.

3) Learn how others want you to treat them.

4) Act as a force for acceptance of diversity.
What are the primary and secondary dimensions of diversity?
Primarry Dimensions - composed of those genetic characteristics over which we have no control, such as: age, ethnic, race, physical abilities and qualities.

Secondary Dimensions - include educational background, income, marital and parental status, religous beliefs and work experience.
What barriers hinder acceptance of diversity?
Hindering barriers are personal bias, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and collusion.
How can diversity be managed?
By encouraging open and honest communication.
What can we do to embrace diversity?
By being open-minded, listen to others, ask questions about cultural differences to gain understanding.
What are some negative effects of poor diversity management?
Decreased productivity, conflict among work center members, faulty communication, acts of favortism and dissatisfied workers.
What positive effects occur when diversity is managed effectively?
Reduced interpersonal conflict, better teamwork, enhanced work relationships, increased productivity, higher level of creativity and innovation.
How does embracing diversity impact the work center?
Gives exposure to new insight and ways to do things.
Explain how family care plans can impact mission accomplishment.
Having a well thought out and prepared family care plan provides the means necessary to ensure the family is cared for in the military members absence. Having a solid plan will contribute to reducing stress and allow both the member and the family to focus on the tasks necessary to get each mission accomplished.
Describe the benefits of using a power of attorney as part of your family care plan.
A POA will allow somebody else to carry out various adminstrative functions in the absence of the person, who gives the POA. Properly executing and utilizing a POA will reduce stess and anxiety. It helps to keep unnecessary obstacles to a minimum.
As a supervisor, how does knowing the functions of the on and off base support agencies contribute to the family care plan?
By understanding the function of various on/off base agencies available, you are better able to provide guidance to your subordinates, and point them in the right direction to receive the help they need in setting up their family care plan. It increases the overall efficiency of the process when you know where to go and who to call to get your subordinates the proper assistance they require. It also builds your credibility as a supervisor and NCO.
What is the Air Force policy regarding financial respondsibility?
Air Force members are respondsible for paying their debts in a proper and timely manner. Members are expected to manage their finances in a way that is professional, ethical, and does not bring discredit upon the USAF.
As an Air Force member, how does your proper use of a budget impact mission accomplishment?
Using a budget will allow you to more accurately determine where your money is going. It provides a way to effectively control where your money goes and helps to save money for wants and emergencies. Knowing how and where your money is being spent reduces stress and helps you to stay focused on your job.
In regards to financial respondsibility, describe how fulfilling your supervisory role impacts mission accomplishment.
Fulfilling your role as a supervisor will ensure your subordinates are trained and aware of their respondsibilities in the area of finances. You will also set a positive example, build your credibility, and establish an environment of trust with subordinates. Your support and guidance in this area will reduce the chances that your subordinates will encounter financial problems. It will also reduce the stress and counter productive effects caused by financial problems, and ultimately provide for a more productive and effective work center.
What are the major risk factors associated with suicide?
Suicide Risk Factors:

Poor coping skills, legal problems, substance abuse problems, financial problems, job problems, relationship problems, social isolation and previous attempts.
List the significant warning signs of suicide.
Sucide Warning Signs:

Threats or statements indicating a desire for death, previous suicide attempts, personality/behavior changes, depression, giving away personal belongings, deterioration in work performance and work habits, and a sudden attempt to get all affairs in order.
Explain the process used to assist someone who is considering suicide.
Be actively concerned and listen carefully. Be very positive without being condecscending and try to utilize peer support for encouragement and acceptance. Do your best to get the person to the proper referral agency as soon as you can. In all cases do not leave the person alone.
Explain the imapct of voting has on effective leadership.
Voting contributes to effective leadership by providing a positive example in exercising your rights and respondsibilities as an American citizen and military member. Voting is the result of self-education and awareness of the issues and this leads to credibility to you as leader.
Explain the impact communicating with public officials has on mission accomplishment.
Communicating with public officials lets them know your feelings and concerns on issues. Communication highlights things that are important to you as an idividual and to the military as a whole. It serves to educate officials that you are communicating with about the environment and issues surrounding the military. Communicating with our public officials is an effective way to let them know if we are getting the resources we need to accomplish the mission.
Explain the role of Public Affairs.
Public Affairs (PA) plays an important role as a liasion between the media and the base. It is their job to balance the needs of the unit in terms of security of information along with fair and equal access by the media. PA also keep the base populace informed and helps to organized programs to interact with the local community.
Describe the benefits of a positive encounter with the media.
Your individual efforts in making the encounter a positive one prepare you for assignments of increasing respondsibility. High unit morale and a better public understanding and support also result from positive media encounters.
What is the objective of the Air Force environmental program?
The objective of the Air Force environmental program is to respondsibily manage the irreplaceable natual and cultural resources it holds in public trust.
How does successful implementation of the Air Force environmental program impact mission accomplishment?
Side 3
What barriers hinder acceptance of diversity?
Hindering barriers are personal bias, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and collusion.
How can diversity be managed?
By encouraging open and honest communication.
What can we do to embrace diversity?
By being open-minded, listen to others, ask questions about cultural differences to gain understanding.
What are some negative effects of poor diversity management?
Decreased productivity, conflict among work center members, faulty communication, acts of favortism and dissatisfied workers.
What positive effects occur when diversity is managed effectively?
Reduced interpersonal conflict, better teamwork, enhanced work relationships, increased productivity, higher level of creativity and innovation.
How does embracing diversity impact the work center?
Gives exposure to new insight and ways to do things.
Explain how family care plans can impact mission accomplishment.
Having a well thought out and prepared family care plan provides the means necessary to ensure the family is cared for in the military members absence. Having a solid plan will contribute to reducing stress and allow both the member and the family to focus on the tasks necessary to get each mission accomplished.
Describe the benefits of using a power of attorney as part of your family care plan.
A POA will allow somebody else to carry out various adminstrative functions in the absence of the person, who gives the POA. Properly executing and utilizing a POA will reduce stess and anxiety. It helps to keep unnecessary obstacles to a minimum.
As a supervisor, how does knowing the functions of the on and off base support agencies contribute to the family care plan?
By understanding the function of various on/off base agencies available, you are better able to provide guidance to your subordinates, and point them in the right direction to receive the help they need in setting up their family care plan. It increases the overall efficiency of the process when you know where to go and who to call to get your subordinates the proper assistance they require. It also builds your credibility as a supervisor and NCO.
What is the Air Force policy regarding financial respondsibility?
Air Force members are respondsible for paying their debts in a proper and timely manner. Members are expected to manage their finances in a way that is professional, ethical, and does not bring discredit upon the USAF.
As an Air Force member, how does your proper use of a budget impact mission accomplishment?
Using a budget will allow you to more accurately determine where your money is going. It provides a way to effectively control where your money goes and helps to save money for wants and emergencies. Knowing how and where your money is being spent reduces stress and helps you to stay focused on your job.
In regards to financial respondsibility, describe how fulfilling your supervisory role impacts mission accomplishment.
Fulfilling your role as a supervisor will ensure your subordinates are trained and aware of their respondsibilities in the area of finances. You will also set a positive example, build your credibility, and establish an environment of trust with subordinates. Your support and guidance in this area will reduce the chances that your subordinates will encounter financial problems. It will also reduce the stress and counter productive effects caused by financial problems, and ultimately provide for a more productive and effective work center.
What are the major risk factors associated with suicide?
Suicide Risk Factors:

Poor coping skills, legal problems, substance abuse problems, financial problems, job problems, relationship problems, social isolation and previous attempts.
List the significant warning signs of suicide.
Sucide Warning Signs:

Threats or statements indicating a desire for death, previous suicide attempts, personality/behavior changes, depression, giving away personal belongings, deterioration in work performance and work habits, and a sudden attempt to get all affairs in order.
Explain the process used to assist someone who is considering suicide.
Be actively concerned and listen carefully. Be very positive without being condecscending and try to utilize peer support for encouragement and acceptance. Do your best to get the person to the proper referral agency as soon as you can. In all cases do not leave the person alone.
Explain the imapct of voting has on effective leadership.
Voting contributes to effective leadership by providing a positive example in exercising your rights and respondsibilities as an American citizen and military member. Voting is the result of self-education and awareness of the issues and this leads to credibility to you as leader.
Explain the impact communicating with public officials has on mission accomplishment.
Communicating with public officials lets them know your feelings and concerns on issues. Communication highlights things that are important to you as an idividual and to the military as a whole. It serves to educate officials that you are communicating with about the environment and issues surrounding the military. Communicating with our public officials is an effective way to let them know if we are getting the resources we need to accomplish the mission.
Explain the role of Public Affairs.
Public Affairs (PA) plays an important role as a liasion between the media and the base. It is their job to balance the needs of the unit in terms of security of information along with fair and equal access by the media. PA also keep the base populace informed and helps to organized programs to interact with the local community.
Describe the benefits of a positive encounter with the media.
Your individual efforts in making the encounter a positive one prepare you for assignments of increasing respondsibility. High unit morale and a better public understanding and support also result from positive media encounters.
What is the objective of the Air Force environmental program?
The objective of the Air Force environmental program is to respondsibily manage the irreplaceable natual and cultural resources it holds in public trust.
How does successful implementation of the Air Force environmental program impact mission accomplishment?
Putting forth the effort to comply with the program will lead to a better use of our resources; we maintain a safer, cleaner work environment; and the American people we serve will have a far better perception of the military if we take care of what has been entrusted to us. By conserving, recycling, and disposing of materials properly, we are able to acquire and keep the resources that make our jobs effecient and effective.
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