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Advanced Concepts in Genetics: Quiz 2
University of Guelph MBG*4110
Undergraduate 4

Additional Microbiology Flashcards




A reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Used as a pharmacological intervention in Wood et al (2016), extending the life of Drosophila flies by 2 - 3 days. It is used as a treatment for HIV.


A locus in corn discovered by Barbara McClintock. Controls chromosome 9S dissociation at Ds. A transposon containing a transposase gene.

Angelman syndrome (AS)
A cognitive and behavioural disorder. Symptoms include uncontrolled laughing, severe learning difficulties, ataxia, and seizures. Caused by loss of UBE3A (ubiquitin ligase). Associated with loss of imprinting in IC. If a micro-deletion of 15 q11 - q13 is transmitted through the mother, the paternal UBE3A is off, and maternal UBE3A has a regulatory mutation and is not expressed, resulting in progeny with Angelman syndrome.
Barbara McClintock
Conducted cytogenic analysis of corn in the 1940s. Provided insight into the complexity of eukaryotic genomes. Had curiosity and courage. Correlated the phenotype of kernels with the structure of chromosomes. Found that some chromosomes always break at the same position. This fragility is caused by the movement of transposable elements. Looked at the phenotypes of kernel and endosperm genes on chromosome 9S: C, Sh, and Wx. Mapped these three loci on chromosome 9. She could read the genotype of each kernel, and the frequency of each recombination in the kernels. Observed loss and gain of wildtype C gene on chromosome 9S during somatic development. The changes were seen as spots or variegation in kernels. Asked what confers high frequency of breakage of chromosome 9S. The breaking allele was mapped at the break point of chromosome 9S. Attempted to map Ds and Ac loci, but they were unmappable, present at more than one position. Proposed that they were able to move from one place to another, conferring fragility of certain positions of the chromosome. Her work was 20 years before it could be fully understood. Won a Nobel Prize.
Barr body (Xi)
The inactivated X chromosome found in female mammal cells. Not found in male cells. A prominent heterochromatin blob in the nucleus. First cytologically identified in the late 1950s by Murray Barr. Silenced, and transcriptionally inactive. Replicates late in S phase. Adjacent to the nuclear envelope. Its CpG islands are heavily methylated. Cytosine methylation is necessary to maintain silenced state. Contains hypoacetylated histones. Lacks transcription factors. Highly conserved chromatin structure. One of the largest epigenetically silenced regions, over 109 bp, making up an entire chromosome. Silencing is very stable, and maintained and inherited through mitosis. In cell culture, Xi stays inactive, and reverts at a frequency of about 10-8. A good example of epigenetic inheritence. A translocation of X:Chr22 and X:Chr14 leads to inactivation of the entire hybrid chromosome, if certain regions of the X-chromosome is present, and not silenced. Mechanisms of choice and establishment of which chromosome is inactivated is unique and mysterious. The cell counts, chooses, establishes, and then transmits silencing of one of the X chromosomes.
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
A fetal overgrowth syndrome. A human imprinting disorder resulting from deregulation of a number of genes, including Igf2 and CKN1C. There is loss of looping at the maternal locus in chromosome 11. Igf2 is active in both chromosomes.
Xp inactivation continues in the placenta (extra-embryo tissues), but is re-activated in embryonal tissues (epiblast). Random inactivation of Xp or Xm occurs in the embryo, resulting in X chromosome mosaicism. There is competition between Xist and Tsix.
Breakage-fusion-bridge cycle
Barbara McClintock discovered that chromosome 9S in corn is breakable, cycling between breakage, fusion, and bridging of the chromosome. This leads to chromosome instability, and causes duplications or deletions of genes. If the chromosome breaks once in somatic endosperm development, a colourless sector will appear, in the form of a white spot on the seed. If the chromosome breaks many times, there are several small sectors. The end of the chromosome breakage is "sticky" and will ligase to other DNA, causing fusion and bridging. With bridging, chromosomes are pulled apart by shear mechanical force during mitosis as centromeres are pulled apart; this break may occur at any locus.
A gene that Barbara McClintock studied. The C allele produces purple seeds, and the c allele produces colourless (white) seeds. Changes in phenotype are extremely high, producing spotted or variegated kernels. Loss of C phenotype is caused by breaks in chromosome 9S, which are not always at the same position. Mutations can be caused by disruption by a transposon.
C. elegans
A worm. Males are XY and females are XX. For dosage compensation, females have half as much transcription from the X-chromosome.
Calico cat
A colouring of cat which can occur only in females. The gene is X-linked. The O allele produces orange fur, and the o allele produces black fur. Heterozygous females (Oo) have a mottled orange and black coat, because female mammals are X mosaics. Male cats have only one X chromosome, so are either orange (O) or black (o).

Chromatin immunoprecipitation

A weak interaction between proteins and DNA in assay is captured by formaldehyde in vivo. The DNA is broken into pieces, and protein is filtered out, with DNA still attached, which can then be sequenced.

A technique for studying long-range chromatin interactions. used in Dowen et al (2014) to observe numerous large loops involved in transcriptional regulation.
Choose and establish
The second step in establishing X chromosome inactivation. A switch in expression of Xist determines the choice of X chromosome to inactivate. In the blastocyst (in which Xp is inactivated), a second Xi reactivation event occurs, resulting in X mosaicism.
Chromosome breakage
May be caused by X-rays, aberrant recombination, or an unstable locus. Can be observed under a microscope.
Chromosome conformation capture (CCC)
Establishes whether looping is taking place. Works by cross-linking DNA and proteins. DNA is cleaved by restriction enzymes, with clean ends. Done on a genome-wide basis, mapping loops.


A model organism.

The first step in establishing X chromosome inactivation. The cell has a mechanism to repress all but one X chromosome. In cells with three or more X chromosomes, all but one are inactivated. It is thought that Tsix is directly related to the count mechanism.
Machinery which can change any sequence in the genome. Cas9 and a guiding RNA bind to a specific locus, and cleave the DNA. CRISPR inserts a constructed sequence.
A protein which binds to ICR, blocking activation of Igf2 by the distal enhancer which activates H19. There is extensive looping of the chromatin fibre. A loop forms that is inaccessible to the enhancer, and establishes by binding of CTCF to ICR. CTCF and cohesion play a critical role in 3D architecture of chromatin. Two additional CTCF binding sites flank the locus encompassing Igf2, H19, and several other genes. Binds to several positions on the chromosome and works with many proteins to fold chromatin. Always bound to two positions.
Cut-and-paste transposon
Transposons which move as an excised DNA fragment. Encodes a transposase which moves itself.
Observing stained chromosomes. Barbara McClintock was a cytogeneticist.
DNA repair (γH2A, γH2v)
Sites of DNA repair are highlighted by phosphorylation of H2A, a key epigenetic mark of chromatin. A sign of DNA damage, such as that caused by transposons.

DNA methyltransferase 1

Performs de novo DNA methylation. A mutation in mice caused removal of DNA methylation of the paternal H19 allele, which resembles the maternal allele.

A DNA methyltransferase studied in Gabel et al (2015). Binds to CA sites and specifically methylates them so that MeCP2 is able to bind. When disrupted, CA sites are unmethylated and long gene transcription is upregulated, similar to in MeCP2 knockouts.
Dosage compensation
Males (XY) and females (XX) need to balance gene expression of the X chromosome. Different animals do this differently, but all use a mitotically-transmitted chromatin state to adjust gene dosage. The mechanism of dosage regulation is always epigenetic.
Dowen et al (2014)

Control of cell identity genes occurs in insulated neighborhoods in mammalian chromosomes

The pluripotent state of embryonic stem cells (ESC) is produced by active transcription of genes that control cell identity, and repression of genes encoding lineage-specifying developmental regulators. ESC cohesion ChIA-PET is used to identify local chromosomal structures at active and repressed genes. Produced a map of enhancer-promoter interactions, revealing that super-enhancer genes generally occur within chromosome structures formed by looping of two interacting CTCF sites, co-occupied by cohesion. Loop structures form insulated neighborhoods, whose integrity is important for expression of local genes; encodes lineage-specifying developmental regulators. Looked at chromatin structures that ultimately affected ESC production and maintenance. Stem cells were produced and maintained by actively transcribing genes that control cell identity while genes encoding lineage-specifying developmental regulators are repressed. 

Dowen et al (2014) experimental details
Used ChIP-PET to study the regulation of transcriptional genes that control cell identity within super-enhancer domains, and the repression of lineage-specifying developmental regulator genes (occupied by histones with H3K27Me). Deletions of the domain boundary CTCF sites of 5 super-enhancer domains lead to activation of genes in the vicinity of the domain in 4 out of the 5. Confirmed that the super-enhancer domain is essential in regulation of genes in the vicinity. Deleted boundary sites on a polycomb domain that contained TCFap2e. Deletion of the C1 boundary site had 1.7-fold increase in Tcfap2e transcript levels, with no change for genes in the vicinity deletion of the C2 boundary had little increase in transcript levels of either Tcfap2e or neighboring genes. Confirmed that the integrity of the boundary is important.
Down's syndrome
A common disorder with enormous medical and social cost, caused by trisomy for chromosome 21.
Drosophila melanogaster
Males are XY and females are XX. For dosage compensation, males have twice as much transcription of the X-chromosome. 15% of its genome consists of mobile genetic elements. 50% of known mutant phenotypes are due to transposons. Silences cut-and-paste transposons with heterochromatic and non-coding piRNA.


A locus in corn studied by Barbara McClintock. The dominant C, Sh, and Wx alleles on breakable chromosome 9 are always lost together. The chromosome always breaks at the same locus: Ds. A second locus controls chromosome 9S dissociation at Ds: Ac. Ds is itself a defective Ac element which requires an intact Ac for transposition. Deletion of the whole arm of 9S at Ds removes C, Sh, and Wx.

Elsässer et al (2015)

Histone H3.3 is required for endogenous retroviral element silencing in embryonic stem cells

Focuses on endogenous retroviral elements (ERV) silencing in late mouse embryonic stem cells, maintained by H3KMe3. Revealed the importance of H3.3 in silencing ERVs. Proposed a model for a positive feedback loop that maintains heterochromatic state. Found experimental evidence to support the role of H3.3 in maintaining H3K9Me3 at ERVs. Researchers can further their understanding of how heterochromatin is maintained in ESCs, maintaining genome integrity in developing embryos. Critical in developing therapeutic treatments in oncology and autoimmune disorders. Proposed model:

1. KAP1 recognizes ERVs through sequence-specific KRAB zinc finger DNA binding proteins.

2. KAP1 recruits ATRX-DAXX independently of its interaction with ESET.

3. ATRX-DAXX deposits H3.3 at IAPs, facilitating efficient KAP1 association with chromatin.

4. ESET methyltransferase is recruited, resulting in H3K9Me3-mediated silencing of ERVs.

Elsässer et al (2015) experimental details
Used ChIP-seq to elucidate areas of H3.3 and H3K9Me3 enrichment in heterochromatic repeat regions of the mouse genome. Found that ATRX-DAXX is responsible for H3.3 incorporation in regions enriched with H3.3 and H3K9Me3. Observed depression of IAP ERVs and neighboring ERV genes in H3.3 knockouts.
In embryo cells, a random inactivation of Xm or Xp takes place. The embryo is an X-mosaic, with Xm or Xp active.
Embryonic stem cells (ESC)
Pluripotent cells which have the ability to differentiate into any body cell. Useful for research and cell transplantation therapies. Studied in Dowen et al (2014).
A distal gene promoter. Usually folds the DNA. Can be thousands of bp away from the locus upon which it acts.
Epigenetic transmission
In somatic cells, epigenetic marks are transmitted from one cell to another. This warrants the same pattern of gene expression within a given tissue. Specific epigenetic marks on loci are established during development and differentiation.

Fluorescence in situ hybridization

A method of using fluorescent probes to visualize RNA. Can be used to see Xist transcripts on the X chromosome.

Fragile X syndrome (FXS)
An autism-spectrum disorder caused by inactivation of FMRP, which typically represses mRNA translation in neurons. There is increased translation of certain longer genes, suggesting a similar mechanism as found in Gabel et al (2015).
Gabel et al (2015)

Disruption of DNA-methylation-dependent long gene repression in Rett syndrome

Disruption of the MeCP2 gene leads to Rett syndrome (RTT). MeCP2 encodes a methyl-DNA binding protein that has been proposed to function as a transcriptional repressor. Despite numerous mouse studies examining neuronal gene expression in Mecp2 mutants, no clear model has emerged for how it regulates transcription. Present evidence that MeCP2 represses gene expression by  binding to methylated CA sits within long genes, and that in neurons lacking MeCP2, decreasing expression of long genes attenuates RTT-associated cellular deficits. Focuses on epigenetic mechanisms beyond neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically transcriptional repression through DNA methylation. Looked at the role of MeCP2, which was previously proposed to play a role in transcriptional regulation. Proposes a model by which MeCP2 represses transcription in a length-dependent manner in neuronal tissue. Contributes to the broad field of epigenetics.

Gabel et al (2015) experimental details
Determined correlation of gene length with repression by MeCP2. The length and CA density of genes influenced expression. Density of CA sites had no effect in short genes, but increased expression of longer genes. This is especially true when mean gene length is above 100 kb, and mean mCA/CA is over 0.03. Conducted bisulfite sequencing of all DNMTs. dsDNA was denatured into ssDNA, and the cytosine residues were converted to uracil and then thymine during PCR amplification. Methylated cytosines are immune to the conversion, and remain cytosine, and those converted to thymine were unmethylated. Sequenced a Dnmt3a knockout for comparison.
Genomic imprinting
Imprints are epigenetic modifications acquired by one of the parental gametes. Imprints are clustered in 15 genome regions. The clusters express multiple non-coding RNAs. Imprints work through long-range regulatory elements and insulators. Some of the imprinted genes are essential. Both paternal and maternal genomes are necessary for viability.
Germ line
In a female fetus, oogenesis of germ line occurs. Before meiosis, both Xp and Xm are activated, erasing all imprints.
A protein in erythrocytes. Carries oxygen. There are several genes for it. In chickens it is similar to humans. Regulated by 3D structures which exclude embryonic genes.
A classical example of reciprocally imprinted genes. Occupies a locus near Igf2 on chromosome 11. In any somatic cell, only the maternal H19 is expressed, and paternal is always silenced. Controlled by a methylation-sensitive chromatin boundary, ICR.
A histone variant usually associated with euchromatin. Its involvement with heterochromatin is studied in Elsässer et al (2015). Important for silencing ERVs. It is deposited by ATRX-DAXX. Knockouts have reduced H3K9Me3, with decreased silencing of ERVs. Has a crucial role in maintaining heterochromatic state in mouse ESCs.
An epigenetic mark which is associated with polycombs, studied by Dowen et al (2014).
An epigenetic mark studied in Elsässer et al (2015). Involved in silencing in pluripotent and embryonic cells, but not in differentiated cells. Maintained at co-enrichment sites by ESET.
Replicated late in S phase.
A histone chaperone studied in Elsässer et al (2015).
ICF syndrome

Immunodeficiency centromere instability facial anomalies

A human genetic disease syndrome linked to DNA methylation aberration. A rare disorder. Inherited as a recessive trait. Branched chromosomes form in cultured lymphocytes. Caused by mutations in the gene encoding de novo DNA methyltransferase, Dnmt3B. Causes loss of DNA methylation in the satellite DNA around the heterochromatic centromeres on chromosomes 1, 9, and 16. This gene is involved with parental imprinting.


Insulin-like growth factor 2

Regulates embryonic growth. A classical example of reciprocally imprinted genes. Occupies a locus near H19 on chromosome 11, 11p15. In any diploid somatic cell, only the paternal Igf2 is expressed, and the maternal is always silenced. Controlled by a methylation-sensitive chromatin boundary, ICR. Paternally expressed. Mutant mice are 40% smaller than wild-type; this supports the parent offspring conflict hypothesis, because the mother "wins", and the parasitic embryo loses. Studied in Zhang et al (2017). Loss of expression and biallelic expression is characteristic of many human tumours. Molecular mechanisms responsible for reactivation of normally suppressed maternal alleles in tumour cells is unclear. Its promoter complex includes an interaction with miR482 and P2, involved with its reactivation in the maternal allele.

Igf2/Igf2r double mutant
Has a normal phenotype. This supports the parasitic offspring conflict hypothesis. The child wins when both parents lose.

Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor

An antagonist of Igf2. It is maternally expressed. Mutant mice are oversized, and inviable; this supports the parasitic offspring conflict hypothesis, because the father wins, not the selfish mother. However, the child dies.

Not necessarily parental imprinting. May be used in any different contexts, and frequently means epigenetic marks. Not to be confused with genomic imprinting.
Imprinting centre (IC)
A locus on chromosome 15. Loss of silencing is associated with Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome. Controls parental imprinting of several genes. Its methylation regulates the monoallelic expression of IGF2 regulated for normal functioning. Binds to CTCF, or is methylated, similarly to how Igf2 is regulated. Controls several genes, including a ligase, expression of growth factors, and some non-coding RNAs. Studied in Zhang et al (2017).
Imprinting control region (ICR)
A methylation-sensitive chromatin boundary which controls Igf2 and H19. Methylation spreads over H19, turning it off. Methylated ICR cannot bind to CTCF; this allows a distant enhancer to activate Igf2. It is non-methylated in Xm, and methylated in Xp. A dual "switchable" chromatin boundary/silencer element. Methylation spreads into H19 and turns the gene off. Unmethylated ICR binds to CTCF, and blocks the enhancer of Igf2, acting as a boundary or insulator. Deletion of ICR activates both Igf2 and H19, so there is nowhere for CTCF to bind, and the enhancer acts on both. Methylation is imposed before fertilization by dedicated DNMTs.
Jiang et al (2013)

Translating dosage compensation to trisomy 21

Tested the concept that gene imbalance across an extra chromosome can be de facto corrected by manipulating a single gene, XIST (the X-inactivation gene). Using genome editing with zinc finger nucleases, inserted a large, inducible XIST transgene into DYRK1A locus on chromosome 21 in Down's syndrome pluripotent stem cells. The XIST non-coding RNA coats chromosome 21 and triggers stable heterochromatin modifications, chromosome-wide transcriptional silencing, and DNA methylation, to form a "chromosome 21 Barr body".

Khurana et al (2011)

Adaptation to P element transposon invasion in Drosophila melanogaster

PiWi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) silence transposons, but it is unclear how these pathways adapt to invasion of new transposons. In Drosophila, piRNAs are encoded by heterochromatic clusters and maternally deposited in the embryo; paternally inherited P elements escape silencing and trigger hybrid sterility syndrome: P-M hybrid dysgenesis. Novel piRNAs are associated with reduced transposition. The P elements trigger their own silencing.


Long interspersed nuclear element

Retrotransposons found in human genomes. With SINEs, comprise 40% of the genome. Mostly inert, and do not move in somatic cells, but are mobile in early embryos and in stem cells. Transposition is suppressed by heterochromatin and non-coding RNA.

Structures in the genome which bring genes away from enhancers. Not an isolated case; it is not a rare mechanism for gene expression. CTCF sites are critical.

Endogenous retrovirus (ERV)

Long terminal repeat retrotransposon

Found in most eukaryotic organisms. Resemble retroviruses. Move by synthesizing an RNA from the integrated DNA, which is then converted into dsDNA by the transposon-encoded reverse transcriptase. The DNA is then integrated at another landing site by homologous recombination. The LTR is also found in retroviruses. Studied in Schorn et al (2017). Responsible for the most TE insertions in mice. Expressed when histone H3K9Me3 is lost. More recent ERVs are less abundant in the genome.

Males are XY and females are XX. For dosage compensation, females completely inactivate one of the X chromosomes, which is called the Barr body. All X chromosome genes are expressed from the other X chromosome only. Because of this, female mammals are X chromosome mosaics. Have imprinting.
Silencing of the Xi chromosome in females is less stable than in placental mammals, and CpG islands are less methylated.

Methyl-CpG binding protein 2

An X-linked gene. 70 - 80% of sporadic Rett syndrome cases are caused by mutations. In mecp2-/- mice, the induced expression of MeCP2 in late stages of development reversed symptoms of Rett syndrome. Studied in Gabel et al (2015). Represses transcription in a length-dependent manner. Has preferential binding for methylated CA sites, rather than CG sites. The CA sites must be methylated by Dnmt3a for MeCP2 to bind. MeCP2-induced genes have no common features, but MeCP-2 repressed genes are longer on average in the genome. In knockout mice, long genes over 100 kb are upregulated in brain regions compared to wildtype. In overexpressing mice, genes over 100 kb are downregulated compared to wildtype.

Meyer et al (2009)

Germline mutation in NRP2 (NALP2) in a familial imprinting disorder (Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome)

Report on a family with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, and an IC2 epimutation in which affected siblings had differential paternal 11p15.5 alleles excluding an in cis mechanism. Using a positional-candidate gene approach, found that the mother was homozygous for a frameshift mutation in exon 6 of NRP2.

A short miRNA studied in Zhang et al (2017). An upregulator of IGF2. Allows for removal of maternal imprinting in tumour cells. It binds to P2 in the IGF2 promoter complex, leading to upregulation of gene expression, and activation of the maternal allele. When bound to P2, it reduces binding of imprinting regulators SUZ12 and CTCF, and reduces H3K27 methylation. Indirectly activates the AKT pathway, promoting tumorigenesis. It can make cancer worse when it upregulates the maternal IGF2 allele, but it cannot cause cancer on its own. The first example of an miRNA serving as a modulator for gene expression.
Naïve strain (M, P-)
A strain of Drosophila which lacks P elements. Drosophila strains established before 1950 are naïve.
Nuclear matrix
Includes a mesh of scaffold proteins to which chromosomes attach. Folds the genome to effect expression of genes. Produces a higher order of heterochromatin structure.
P transposon

P element

Cut-and-paste transposons found in Drosophila. P+ genotype is inherited through P+ males when they are mated to naïve (P-) females.  It is active only in zygotes from a cross of a P+ male and a P- female. The progeny display dysgenesis, with multiple body disorders, and are often sterile. The transposon invaded the flies in the mid-20th century. Most wild flies are P+. P- strains are found in labs which established their collections before 1950. P elements are activated only in cells with a naïve cytotype. The P element is 2.9 kb with 31 bp inverted terminal repeats. Encodes a transposase gene interrupted by 3 introns. When mobilized in a naïve zygote, it activates resident transposons, causing wide-spread insertions and removals of all kinds of P-like elements. Invasion triggers heritable changes in genome structure that appears to enhance transposon silencing. The genome treats the genetic crisis as DNA damage, and attempts to conduct repairs.  Mobility is suppressed by chromatin structure and non-coding RNA PiWi. Transposons are mobilized for a short period, and repressed by 21 days after fertilization; this coincides with expression of PiWis from sites of transposons.

Parent offspring conflict hypothesis
A "tug-of-war" between parental genomes. Parental imprinting is limited to mammals and plants, where offspring are nourished from maternal tissue. This led David Haig to raise a theory involving a parasitic offspring/mother relationship. The mother and the father have different strategies to maximize genetic contributions to future generations. A "race" occurs to gain evolutionary advantage, leading to an awkward genome competition. The maternal strategy is to partition resources to herself: both to current and future progeny, in which she has an equal stake. The mother's body protects itself from the "parasitic" fetus, avoiding harm from the pregnancy at the expense of the embryo. The paternal strategy is to maximize resources allocated to the true embryo, the current progeny, at the expense of the mother and any of her future children. Predicts that imprinted genes involved in fetal growth or nutrient acquisition will reflect the strategies of the mother and the father. Many paternally imprinted genes act as embryonal promoters of growth, including Igf2, Peg1, Peg3, Rasgrf1, and Dlk1. Many maternally imprinted genes act as embryonal suppressors of growth, including Igf2r, Gnas, Cdkn1C, H19, and Grb10. Egg-laying mammals (platypus, echidna) and non-mammal animals do not have genome imprinting. Parthenogenesis and imprinting supports this hypothesis.
Parental imprinting
Epigenetic marks are transmitted through germ line cells, and persist in the somatic cells of progeny. An allele from one parent is imprinted by DNA methylation during germ line development. Upon fertilization, this gene remains methylated and repressed in all cells throughout the life of the organism, and the allele from the other parent is active in all cells. The imprinted state of genes survives demethylation which normally occurs after fertilization. Depends on transmissible chromatin state on a marked imprinted allele, leading to changes in transcription. Makes diploid organisms functionally haploid for a subset of the genome. By silencing one allele of an autosomal gene, mammals discard advantages of diploidy. Most imprinted genes regulate embryonic development.
A transposon in Asian sheep.
A non-coding RNA. A key dsRNA repressor of P transposon mobility. Found in P+ strains of Drosophila, but not naïve strains. Not expressed in sperm cells. Inherited only from the mother, through the cytoplasm. Generates machinery for suppression of transposons. Inhibits transcription factors.
In all placental cells, there is imprinting, with Xp inactivated and Xm activated.
Placental mammals

Eutharian mammals

Mammals apart from egg-laying mammals and marsupials. Silencing of the Xi chromosome is very stable, and CpG islands are heavily methylated. The cytosine methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-aza-deoxy-cytidine, reactivates Xi in placental mammals. Which of the two X chromosomes is silenced and which is activated can differ between cells of a female mammal. Females are X mosaics; Xp is reactivated and Xm is inactivated randomly at a late embryonic stage.

Pollen grains contain two haploid sperm cells. The embryo sac contains a haploid egg cell, as well as two polar nuclei. Double fertilization occurs, producing a diploid embryo from the egg cell, and a triploid endosperm from the polar nuclei. Both embryo and endosperm are found in the seed. Highly tolerant of transposons. Plants tend to have a lot of transposons, of all types.
Capable of creating every cell type of a tissue, but cannot create a whole organism. In the early embryo, cells become pluripotent at 4-cell stage.
Polycomb domain
Studied by Dowen et al (2014). Similar to a super-enhancer domain. Marked genes are between two CTCF sites that are co-occupied by cohesion within a loop.
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)
A physical disorder caused by loss of function in several genes on paternal chromosome 15: snRNA and snoRNAs (regulators of alternate splicing). Associated with loss of imprinting in IC. If a micro-deletion of 15 q11 - q13 is transmitted through the father, the maternal genes are off, and paternal genes have a regulatory mutation, resulting in progeny with PWS. Symptoms include failure to thrive, mental impairment, and hyperphagia (severe obesity) due to unsuppressed hunger.
Binds to transcription factors.
P-M hybrid dysgenesis
Abnormal development, leading to body disorders and usually sterility. Occurs in Drosophila progeny of a P (P+) male and a M (P-) female. There is a massive genetic crisis as silent resident transposons are activated with the invasion of the P transposon. After 21 days, transposon mobility halts. Survivors now carry PiWis and may have novel mutations. A repressor is present in the egg and passed to progeny, but not in the sperm. Offspring of M male x P female crosses have no mobility of P transposons.
P strain (P, P+)
A strain of Drosophila which contains P elements. Carry a cytoplasmic RNA repressor of P elements, PiWi elements.
Studied in Schorn et al (2017). A highly conserved sequence potentially targeted by by tRFs, blocking reverse transcription.
Repressive heterochromatin
Studied in Wood et al (2016). The cell's defence against transposons. Mobility is suppressed by chromatin structure and non-coding RNA PiWi. Initiated by the RNAi pathway, involving Dicer, Ago, RISC, and Sir2. Integrity declines with age, leading to loss of gene silencing, and increased genome instability.

Poly(A) retrotransposon

A subclass of retrotransposons which lack long terminal repeats (LTR). Has two open reading frames which are transcribed into RNA, which is reverse-transcribed into DNA. Have a sequence of A:T base pairs at one end which is derived from the poly(A) tail of retroposon RNA. Not related to viruses; descended from mRNA of ancient genes. Massively represented in mammalian genomes. The most abundant type of transposon in humans.


Copy-and-paste transposon

Transposable elements which move through an RNA intermediate. Have a common origin with retroviruses. Encodes an RNA which is reverse transcribed into DNA which acts as an invasive molecule. Has homologous recombination. Not found in prokaryotes. Studied in Schorn et al (2017). When active, known to cause genomic instability by reverse transcribing and inserting into the genome. Normally silenced by epigenetic marks. Includes LTR-retrotransposons and retroposons.

Viruses with an RNA genome. Contain long terminal repeats (LTR), and reverse transcriptase. Has a common origin with retroviruses. Includes HIV.
Rett syndrome
A progressive neurodevelopmental disorder. One of the most common causes of mental retardation in females, occurring in 1 in 15,000 live births. There is normal development for 6 - 18 months, and then there is gradual loss of speech, onset of seizures, autism, and hand-wringing behaviour. Symptoms stabilize and patients usually survive into adulthood. It is extremely rare in males. Caused by an X-linked mutation which is lethal in hemizygous XY males. in females, X-chromosome inactivation and mosaicism leads to high variability in effect of Rett syndrome. 70 - 80% of sporadic cases are caused by mutations in an X-linked gene encoding MeCP2. Links defect in epigenetic regulation to human disease, but the pathological mechanism is not clear. There is failure to balance dosage of the X chromosome. A protein fails to completely inactivate Xi. Studied in Gabel et al (2015). Topoisomerase is a potential treatment, reversing some of the deterioration.
Reverse transcriptase (RT)
Converts RNA into DNA for insertion of retrotransposons. It may act on distal genes.
S. cerevisiae
Has 51 retrotransposons, almost exclusively positioned in sub-telomeric regions of chromosomes. Their expression, detected as RNA, is suppressed by heterochromatin.
Schorn et al (2017)

LTR-retrotransposon control by tRNA-derived small RNAs

During embryonic development, when stem cells undergo epigenetic reprogramming, control of transposable elements is lost; it is unclear how transposition is avoided. Determined the expression of sRNAs in early stem cells and how retrotransposon activity can be repressed by small tRNA-derived fragments (tRFs). Determined a mechanism of silencing when cells undergo genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming, and release transcriptional control of TEs. Findings can be applied to studies on cancer, and developmental and viral defence.

Schorn et al (2017) experimental details
Used Illumina sequencing for tRF abundance in mouse stem cells. Found tRFs derived from mature tRNAs using alignment of 3' CAA on a mature tRNA, which inhibits retrotransposition. Found that 18 nt tRFs inhibits reverse transcription of ERVs, and 22 nt were involved in post-translational silencing.
A gene that Barbara McClintock studied. The Sh allele produces plump seeds, and the sh allele produces shrunken seeds.
Silver-Russell syndrome
A syndrome where there is loss of looping at the paternal locus in chromosome 11. H19 is active in both chromosomes.

Short interspersed nuclear element

Retrotransposons found in human genomes. With LINEs, compromise 40% of the genome. Mostly inert, and do not move in somatic cells, but are mobile in early embryos and in stem cells. Transposition is suppressed by heterochromatin and non-coding RNA.

Sleeping beauty
A fish-derived Tc1/mariner transposon. Inactive for 15 million years, but was recently reactivated and is now active in human cells. Used to screen for mutations that cause or suppress cancer.
Super-enhancer domain
Studied by Dowen et al (2014). Contains super-enhancers, which contain large amounts of pluripotency transcription apparatus, drive high-level expression of associated genes, and are formed at most cell identity genes. Contain associated genes within a loop connected by two CTCF sites within cohesion. Majority of interactions do not cross the CTCF boundaries.
The most widespread type of transposon. Found in insects, fungi, plants, and animals. Humans have about 14,000 Mariners per genome. Originated some 100 million years ago, and has horizontally spread in many species. Many are inactivated by multiple mutations that suppress their recognition by transposase. Named after the Mariner space probe launched by NASA in 1970.
Capable of creating a whole organism. The zygote, and the two cells at 2-cell stage are totipotent. For identical twins to occur, these two cells must be split at this stage.
The third step in establishing X chromosome inactivation. Transmission of the epigenetic silencing of the X chromosome.
Transposable element (TE)


A movable DNA element. Discovered by Barbara McClintock. Flanked by inverted repeats which are targeted by transposase. Found in the genomes of all organisms. In many species they constitute a large fraction of the total DNA. Account for 40% of the human genome. There are thousands in the genome. Different classes are described, with different mechanisms of mobility: includes cut-and-paste and copy-and-paste transposons. When it lands inside another gene it can cause problems. Known to harm the genome, yet they are tolerated, mostly by chromatin structure. Different species have different strategies to suppress transposons. Silenced by repressive heterochromatin through the RNAi pathway. Silencing is critical for maintaining genome stability. Can be active in early embryo cells, which lack heterohromatin; additional mechanisms act to restrict their mobility. At 4-cell stage, mobility diminishes and silencing becomes epigenetically stable. Tends to move to positions where it has been before, due to remnants of flanking sequences left at the site. Parasitic DNA; it moves for the sake of moving, and will move if allowed to. In bacteria they may confer antibiotic resistance. Evolve rapidly, and can mobilize and trigger genetic instability. Occasionally, can awaken or cross species, causing genetic disorders and diseases. Number of transposons increases with age, leading to genome instability. Studied in Wood et al (2016) and Elsässer et al (2015).

An enzyme capable of excising and moving an element to a different position with a cut-and-paste mechanism. Recognizes certain DNA elements flanking the Ds region in corn.
tRNA-derived fragments (tRF)
Studied in Schorn et al (2017). Repress retrotransposon activity in stem cells. When 18 nucleotides long, inhibits reverse transcription of ERVs, via PBS. When 22 nucleotides long, act as RNAi in RISC, involved in post-transcriptional repression. Plays a role in repression of young, active, endogenous TEs that evade epigenetic silencing in early embryonic reprogramming. Potentially targets PBS. Silencing is regulated through the primer binding site. Repress retrotransposition, but not integration of DNA into the genome.
An element of XIC. The antisense transcript of Xist. Transcribed only in early stages of X-inactivation. Its precise role is unclear. It may determine which of the X chromosomes is inactivated. It is believed to be related to the count mechanism in establishing X chromosome inactivation. Its expression is stimulated by oct4/sox2/c-myc. Involved with imprinting on XIC of the maternal X chromosome. Controls expression of Xist.
Ty element
An LTR-retrotransposon found in yeast. Elevated expression is observed during aging, and upon stress. There are about 50 Ty elements, and about 500 landing spots with remnants of LTRs. It can move in somatic cells.
Wood et al (2016)

Chromatin-modifying genetic interventions suppress age-associated transposable element activation and extend lifespan in Drosophila

Studied the RNAi pathway that suppresses transposable elements. Dicer processes dsRNA into siRNA which is loaded onto an Ago containing a RISC complex, which catalyzes formation and spreading of heterochromatin with Sir2. Provides further evidence for the RNAi theory, and explores possible ways of controlling TE reactivation through dietary, genetic, and pharmacological methods. Importance of repression in heterochromatin is due to extensive distribution of TEs, which have the ability to accumulate over time if unchecked. Many heterochromatic genes and their associated TEs increase in expression in conjunction with aging, and with increases in body fat. Control of silenced heterochromatin and associated repression of TE activation allows for effective genomic stability, and contributes to longevity of genes, supported through dietary restriction and genetic interventions. Interventions reduced increases in TE activity related to age, and extended lifespan. Dietary restriction enhances lifespan by its effect on heterochromatin.

Wood et al (2016) experimental details
Using RNA sequencing, found that expression of genes and transposable elements within heterochromatin increases with age, and is attenuated under dietary restriction in Drosophila. Found that transposable element expression increases with age, and is delayed by dietary restriction, using GFP-tagged gypsy retrotransposons. Found genetic interventions that affect heterochromatin structure also affect lifespan. Heterochromatin-promoting proteins SIR2, Dicer-2, and Su(var)3-9 had increased expression, and ADAR, a Dicer-2 blocking protein, was repressed. Pharmacological administration of 3TC, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, had a similar effect on transposition and lifespan.
A gene that Barbara McClintock studied. The Wx allele produces starchy seeds, and the wx allele produces waxy seeds.
X-chromosome inactivation centre (XIC)
Establishes silencing of Xi. Silencing initiates from this specific position on the X chromosome. Contains at least three elements: Xce, Xist, and Tsix. Expressed from Xp only in early development. Imprinted before fertilization, during oogenesis. In Xm it is heavily methylated, allowing for expression of Xm in the early embryo. In Xp it is unmethylated, leading to expression of Xist, and silencing of Xp in the early embryo.
The active X chromosome found in female mammal cells. Euchromatic. Replicates early in S phase. Its CpG islands remain unmethylated. Has transcription factors. Produces the phenotype of the cell.
The maternal X chromosome, inherited from the mother. It is activated in the placenta. Contains a recessive imprint on the XIC locus, which is imposed during oogenesis, and involves expression of Tsix. ICR is unmethylated, allowing CTCF to bind to ICR; the enhancer acts on H19 so that Igf2 is off and H19 is on.
The paternal X chromosome, inherited from the father. Lacks an imprint on the XIC locus imprinted during spermatogenesis. Partially pre-inactivated in the zygote. It is inactivated in the placenta, and early embryos. Inactivation in the early embryo initiates as early as the 2-cell stage, and continues into the morula. Expresses Xist RNA in the zygote, but in the epiblast it is reactivated. ICR is methylated, so CTCF cannot bind; the enhancer acts on Igf2 so that Igf2 is on and H19 is off.

X-controlling element

An element of XIC. A cis-acting locus that biases random inactivation ratios. An enhancer. How it works is unknown.


X-inactivation specific transcript

An element of XIC. Encodes a 19 kb poly(A)+ untranslated RNA transcript. Expressed at high levels from Xi, but not from Xa. The RNA transcript coats Xi, but not Xa. Necessary for the initiation of X-chromosome inactivation in cis (expressed from the same chromosome that is inactivated). Not needed for maintenance of X-chromosome inactivation; transmission of chromatin state does not depend on Xist. In an undifferentiated cell, Xist is expressed from both chromosomes, but does not accumulate. As differentiation initiates, Xist is expressed from both, and accumulates around Xi. Once fully differentiated, it is expressed from Xi only, and coats Xi. Once large amounts of Xist wraps Xi, hypoacetylation and DNA methylation of the entire chromosome follows. Initiates a cascade of events that leads to complete inactivation. There is repression and late replication in somatic cells. It may form a molecular cage, or act as an attractor of silencing factors. Eventually the Xi chromosome shrinks into a Barr body.   

Zhang et al (2017)

CRISPR Cas9-guided chromatin immunoprecipitation identifies miR483 as an epigenetic modulator of IGF2 imprinting in tumours

Studied IGF2 and ICR. Identified a novel interaction between the oncogenic microRNA, miR483, and promoter 2 (P2) in IGF2 promoter complex. Suggest that this interaction plays a significant role in altering the gene's epigenetic landscape, reactivating the maternally imprinted IGF2. May direct future research towards miRNA and potential roles in modulating epigenetic makeup of genes through imprinting.

Zhang et al (2017) experimental details
Identified the binding of miR483 to the IGF2 promoter. A dCas9-guided ChIP was used to pull down candidate molecules that interact with the IGF2 promoter. Synthetic miR483-5p. The maternal IGF2 allele was activated by miR483. The function of miR483 is to induce epigenetic modifications of IGF2 promoters. It activates the AKT pathway, promoting tumorigenesis.
In the zygote, and in the morula, Xp is inactivated, and expresses Xist. The histones are modified, exchanged for histone variants, and the DNA is methylated.
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