Shared Flashcard Set


54 Marine Corps Recruiting School
BRC 54 Mar 2012

Additional Other Flashcards




What are the goals of the pool program?
Refer names of qualified prospects to you, who can then persuade these prospects to enlist.
Maintain and enhance motivation of poolees with the objective of minimizing pool attrition.
Prepare poolees for recruit training to reduce MCRD attrition.
What are the guidelines for attaining a successful pool program?
1) Contact each poolee at least once a week
2) Personalize the pool program
3) Brief the poolee about the purpose, incentives, and scheduled events
4) Have monthly pool meetings
5) Maintain a relationship with the poolee’s family and keep them informed
6) Make the poolee feel that they are part of the recruiting effort
7) Treat poolees professionally
8) Show interest and concern in the poolee’s daily activities, welfare, especially school
9) Always be honest with poolees
10) Refer applicants and get ready for recruit training
11) Develop a relationship with the poolee’s guidance counselor
How does one maintain poolee contact?
1) Conduct the pool program
2) Maintain consistent and continuous contact
3) Record and update pool participation and poolee contact data on the Pool Card
4) Respond promptly to poolee needs
5) Disposition of each referral to the poolee
6) Include the poolee in accomplishment of recruiting activities
7) Recognize the efforts of poolees
8) Maintain a positive and functional relationship with the poolee’s family
9) Maintain an enthusiastic position of leadership
10) Executing on order, an requirements directed by the NCOIC
11) Conduct a proper transfer of poolees in the event of a change of recruiter
12) Administer the IST within 30 days of enlistment and every 90 days after. Ensure the poolee can pass the IST 30 days prior to shipping.
How does one plan contacts with the pool?
1) Frequency of contact
2) Face-to-face contact is preferred
3) Be aware of the individual poolee’s schedule and situation
4) Consider having poolees visit the office
5) Give poolees 30 days advance notice of meetings
What is the purpose of the pool card?
Outline the minimum program actions a recruiter must take with each poolee after they enlist
How does one complete a pool card?
1) Fill out poolee’s personal information on the front
2) Action date for the recruiter briefing, normally the day of enlistment
3) With the poolee, select action dates for initial home visit and family night
4) Action date for final pre-ship home visit, usually 30 days prior
5) Action date departure home visit, 3-5 days prior
6) Enter date, time, location, function, and results of weekly contacts until the poolee ships
7) NCOIC reviews the Pool Card for results and files it
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