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1a-1 Sed rocks
Sedimentary Environment flashcards
11th Grade

Additional Geology Flashcards




This is an image of the abyssal plains. The abyssal plains are located at the ocean basin and are stretch of flat surface. They have a very little and gentle slope and are ususally sediment covered. The sediments are in enormous volumes and may vary in size.
This is an Alluvial Fan.  Alluvial fans can be found in mountainous regions, sediments are on a downslope towards a flat surface causing the sediments to spread out causing a fan like shape. Sediments range in size from clay to boulders, smaller sediments are found towards the ends of the alluvial fan.
This picture includes the continental rise/slope. The feature connects the ocean bottom to the continental shelf. The continental slope is very wide the sediments are piled on a slope. The sediments range in size include silts,muds and sands.
This is a Fluvial Environment (rivers), can be found in rapid or slow moving bodies of water. Sediments can be picked up and desposited at the cutbank of the river, and also sediments can undergo the process of smoothing of jagged edges of the rocks.
The enviroment in this image is the continental shelf. The continental shelf is a feature that is flat and narrow continental crust. The sediment sizes depend on the location, the closer you get to the shoreline the smaller the sediments are, but they are usually in large loads.
This is a Lacustrine environment (lakes), this environment contains quiet moving waters, sediments take time to settle onto the bottom.  Smaller particles may settle onto the bottom first or float on top, and the larger particles take longer to settle.
This is a picture of a reef, they usually are in warm, shallow ocean waters with algea and coral, and many other organisms. The reefs are usually seperate muddy areas from the actual sea. The sediments are usually quite big and make up the coral.
A tidal flat is the thing in the picture. The tidal flats are usually very flat,drained, and close to sea level. They are areas that are sandy or muddy and lack many organic things. Tidal flats are not very aquatic areas.
The enviroment in this image is a lagoon. Lagoons are smaller pieces of land that are seperated from the whole body of water-usaully an ocean .Lagoons are usually surrounded by water too. The sediments are muddy and over time form shale. The sediments are also usually  rich in organic matter.
This environment is a desert. Deserts are found in very hot and dry regions, hardly any  precipitation, consists of sand and gravel sediments. Wind mostly picks up the sand and deposits them somewhere else.  Sandstones can be made as a result of weathering the sediments for many of years.
The beachy environment/barrier islands can be seen in the image. A barrier island is a long,relatively narrow island that was built by  the actions of waves and currents. It is used to protect  the coast from erosion. The sediments are usually sand sized grains, sometimes there are large amounts of gravel as well.
This is a swamp. A swamp is very muddy and wet environment  made up of decomposed rocks and organic matter. Swamp contains carbon which in a matter of many years, peat can be devoloped and also with compaction, coal can be made also.
This environment is a delta, which can be found at the end of a river or stream. These rivers and streams lose their velocity towards the end of the river. A lot of sediments accumlate and are deposited at the end of the river.
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