Term 1

Based on the meaning of the root chrom-, what is the definition of the word chromatic?

Definition 1

relating to color

Term 2

Based on the meaning of the root altus-, what is the definition of the word altitude?

Definition 2

high region

Term 3

Based on the meaning of the root tort-, what is the definition of the word torsion?

Definition 3


Term 4

Based on the meaning of the root fall-, what is the definition of the word fallacious?

Definition 4


Term 5

Based on the meaning of the root path-, what is the definition of antipathy?

Definition 5


Term 6

Based on the meaning of the root sequ-, what is the meaning of consequence?

Definition 6

outcome of something

Term 7

Based on the meaning of the root omni-, what is the definition of omniscient?

Definition 7

unlimited knowledge

Term 8

Based on the meaning of the root volvo-, what is the definition of voluble?

Definition 8


Term 9

Based on the meaning of the root fid-, what is the definition of the word confidant?

Definition 9

faithful friend

Term 10

Based on the meaning of the root tract-, what is the definition of tractable?

Definition 10

easily managed

Term 11

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

A travel writer claimed that she was irrevocably changed by seeing the abject poverty in India.

Definition 11

unable to be repealed

Term 12

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He explained to the officers that he was not involved in the melee, but saw how the fight began.

Definition 12


Term 13

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

So much was riding on this test, that even though she studied for it, she still approached it with trepidation.

Definition 13


Term 14

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

I didn’t think it was presumptuous of us to expect food at the wedding reception.

Definition 14


Term 15

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He shrouded his real feelings with hospitable gestures and friendly remarks.

Definition 15


Term 16

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Unlike many who suffer from congenital blindness, Ray Charles wasn’t born without sight, but lost it as a young boy.

Definition 16

at birth

Term 17

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Training a dog is mostly about when to chastise and when to praise.

Definition 17


Term 18

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Since your expenses are double your revenues, you need to stop or at least lessen this financial hemorrhaging if you plan to save the company.

Definition 18


Term 19

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

I’m glad he supports the home team, but his loyalty borders on obstinacy when he argues with others about how good the team actually is.

Definition 19


Term 20

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

While hiking through the mountains, I had an epiphany that I was the one causing my unhappiness

Definition 20

sudden perception

Term 21

Answer true or false: Because an independent clause is a complete thought, it can stand on its own as a complete sentence.

Definition 21


Term 22

Good writing shows insight and does not explore the obvious.

Definition 22


Term 23

Which term below refers to the "point" or main idea of a work of literature?

Definition 23


Term 24

__________ refers to when writers treat an abstract entity as if it were a person by endowing it with human-like qualities.

Definition 24


Term 25

Which of the terms below refers to the use of figurative language to evoke feelings, call ideas to mind, describe objects, or appeal to the senses?

Definition 25


Term 26

The attitude a literary work take towards its subject and theme is called:

Definition 26


Term 27

Which term below describes the source of the words in a story, the speaker, or the "person" who is telling the story?

Definition 27


Term 28

The 6+1 Writing Trait of Presentation concerns:

Definition 28

How the writing looks on the page ,Visual enhancements that are suitable for the purpose and audience

Term 29

The 6+1 Writing Trait of Ideas refers to:

Definition 29


Term 30

Which term below refers to an implied comparison of one thing with another unlike itself?

Definition 30


Term 31

Which sentence is NOT compound.

Definition 31

Karen, Maya, and Duane played in the house and did not go out in the rain.

Term 32

Which sentence is NOT compound.

Definition 32

Karen, Maya, and Duane played in the house and did not go out in the rain.

Term 33

Varying sentence styles is monotonous and sounds displeasing, especially when read aloud.

Definition 33


Term 34

A direct comparison of two unlike objects or ideas, often using the words like or as, is called a(n):

Definition 34


Term 35

Which of the following can help a reader determine voice and tone?

Definition 35

The author's word choices and sentence structure

Term 36

Which of the terms below are examples of figurative language?

Definition 36

simile ,personification ,metaphor

Term 37

Metaphors are similar to similes, but do not use words like or as to create comparisons.

Definition 37


Term 38

Good writing constantly uses simple sentence patterns.

Definition 38


Term 39

Literary references to something outside of the work itself (such as well-known people, historical events, or other works of literature) are called:

Definition 39


Term 40

The 6+1 Writing Trait of Word Choice refers to:

Definition 40

Using the right word at the right time. ,Using words that are appropriate for the purpose and the audience.

Term 41

The Latin root "host-" means

Definition 41


Term 42

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

Basketball is a popular game. Football is a popular game. Both games are played in many high schools. Basketball games have five players on the court at one time. Football games have more than double that amount on the field at one time. You probably would have a better chance to make the football team.

Definition 42

Basketball is a popular game in high school, but more people can make the football team because more players can be on the field at one time.

Term 43

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

It is expensive to go to college. Tuition costs are high. Most parents can't pay for college alone. They need help. Many students work while they are in school. They use the money to pay tuition costs. It is hard to work and study. They have to work harder each year because costs go up every year.

Definition 43

College costs skyrocket each year and many college students work to help pay their tuition.

Term 44

Which of the following is not a complete sentence?

Definition 44

When you enjoy something as much as he enjoys pizza.

Term 45

In the short story "Two Kinds," the narrator's mother wants her daughter to be

Definition 45

a prodigy.

Term 46

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

Celebrities go out when photographers are waching. Celebrities like attention. They fabricate stories. Photographers and reporters listen to the made up stories. They will publish the stories to get people to watch the television or listen to the radio. A made up story is better than no story.

Definition 46

Celebrities like attention and they make up problems to get on television or the radio.

Term 47

__________ refers to when writers treat an abstract entity as if it were a person by endowing it with human-like qualities.

Definition 47


Term 48

Literary references to something outside of the work itself (such as well-known people, historical events, or other works of literature) are called:

Definition 48


Term 49

The Latin root "tort-" means

Definition 49


Term 50

A direct comparison of two unlike objects or ideas, often using the words like or as, is called a(n):

Definition 50


Term 51

In the novel The Kite Runner, where is Amir's mother?

Definition 51

She died giving birth to Amir.

Term 52

The Latin root "pseudo-" means

Definition 52


Term 53

In the novel The Kite Runner, Baba is disappointed with Amir because

Definition 53

he never stands up for himself.

Term 54

Please identify the conjunction in the following sentence: Sara hopes to attend Harvard, but her father is terrified by the tuition.

Definition 54


Term 55

The Latin root "fals-" means

Definition 55


Term 56

In the short story "Two Kinds," what inspired the mother to want piano lessons for the daughter?

Definition 56

The Ed Sullivan Show

Term 57

In the short story "Two Kinds," how does the mother pay for the daughter's piano lessons?

Definition 57

By trading housekeeping services

Term 58

Which of the terms below refers to the use of figurative language to evoke feelings, call ideas to mind, describe objects, or appeal to the senses?

Definition 58


Term 59

At the beginning of The Kite Runner, Amir receives a phone call from Rahim Khan who says

Definition 59

"There is a way to be good again."

Term 60

In the novel The Kite Runner, what does Hassan get for his 12th birthday from Baba?

Definition 60

surgery to fix his cleft lip

Term 61

The Latin root "fid-" means

Definition 61


Term 62

In the following sentence, what type of clause is "how much money he makes"?

How much money he makes is none of your business.

Definition 62

noun clause

Term 63

Which word completes the following sentence?
In the movie, the man's _______________ could be seen when he gave countless gifts to the poor people in the neighborhood.

Definition 63


Term 64

Answer true or false: In Heinlein's quote ("The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive"), the word "alive" likely refers to the state of being not dead.

Definition 64


Term 65

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea…."

Definition 65


Term 66

Winning a plane ticket to Hawaii when you already live in Hawaii is not an example of situational irony.

Definition 66


Term 67

Answer true or false: In general, irony is when there is a similarity between appearances and reality.

Definition 67


Term 68

All of the following statements from "The Story of an Hour" are true except:

Definition 68

Mrs. Mallard loved her husband very much.

Term 69

All of the following statements about predictions are true except

Definition 69

Predictions must be made only in the beginning of a text.

Term 70

Which of the following sentences begins with an adverb clause?

Definition 70

Even though her husband had died in a train disaster, Mrs. Mallard felt joy.

Term 71

In "Annabel Lee," why does the speaker believe that his love died?

Definition 71

The angels were jealous of the couple's love.

Term 72

In "The Story of an Hour," who enters the house at the end of the story?

Definition 72

Brently (Mr. Mallard himself)

Term 73

Which sentence is NOT complex?

Definition 73

Cats and dogs can play together peacefully.

Term 74

In his commencement address to the graduating class at Stanford University, Steve Jobs

Definition 74

tells the graduates that he never graduated from college

Term 75

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“Nothing was more typical of Ronald Reagan than that large-hearted magnanimity - and nothing was more American.”

Definition 75


Term 76

Answer true or false: Dying of dehydration while at sea is an example of situational irony.

Definition 76


Term 77

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

Definition 77


Term 78

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“In the terrible hours after the attempt on his life, his easy jokes gave reassurance to an anxious world. They were evidence that in the aftermath of terror and in the midst of hysteria, one great heart at least remained sane and jocular. They were truly grace under pressure.”

Definition 78


Term 79

Which of the following is a complex sentence?

Definition 79

If you read carefully, you should be able to find the theme.

Term 80

Which of the following sentences contains an adjective clause?

Definition 80

Mrs. Mallard, who has heart trouble, locked herself in a room.

Term 81

All of the following statements about eulogies are true except:

Definition 81

Memorize the eulogy so you don't need to have it written and in front of you.

Term 82

In "Full of Life Now" by Walt Whitman, the speaker wants

Definition 82

to be friends with the reader

Term 83

Based on the meaning of the root chrom-, what is the definition of the word chromatic?

Definition 83

relating to color

Term 84

Based on the meaning of the root altus-, what is the definition of the word altitude?

Definition 84

high region

Term 85

Based on the meaning of the root tort-, what is the definition of the word torsion?

Definition 85


Term 86

Based on the meaning of the root path-, what is the definition of antipathy?

Definition 86


Term 87

Based on the meaning of the root sequ-, what is the meaning of consequence?

Definition 87

outcome of something

Term 88

Based on the meaning of the root omni-, what is the definition of omniscient?

Definition 88

unlimited knowledge

Term 89

Based on the meaning of the root volvo-, what is the definition of voluble?

Definition 89


Term 90

Based on the meaning of the root fid-, what is the definition of the word confidant?

Definition 90

faithful friend

Term 91

Based on the meaning of the root tract-, what is the definition of tractable?

Definition 91

easily managed

Term 92

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

A travel writer claimed that she was irrevocably changed by seeing the abject poverty in India.

Definition 92

unable to be repealed

Term 93

He explained to the officers that he was not involved in the melee, but saw how the fight began.

Definition 93


Term 94

So much was riding on this test, that even though she studied for it, she still approached it with trepidation.

Definition 94


Term 95

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

I didn’t think it was presumptuous of us to expect food at the wedding reception.

Definition 95


Term 96

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He shrouded his real feelings with hospitable gestures and friendly remarks.

Definition 96


Term 97

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Unlike many who suffer from congenital blindness, Ray Charles wasn’t born without sight, but lost it as a young boy.

Definition 97

at birth

Term 98

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Training a dog is mostly about when to chastise and when to praise.

Definition 98


Term 99

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Since your expenses are double your revenues, you need to stop or at least lessen this financial hemorrhaging if you plan to save the company.

Definition 99


Term 100

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Since your expenses are double your revenues, you need to stop or at least lessen this financial hemorrhaging if you plan to save the company.

Definition 100


Term 101

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

I’m glad he supports the home team, but his loyalty borders on obstinacy when he argues with others about how good the team actually is.

Definition 101


Term 102

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

While hiking through the mountains, I had an epiphany that I was the one causing my unhappiness

Definition 102

sudden perception

Term 103

In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the reader knows that Pearl is the child of both Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale. The other characters don't know that Reverend Dimmesdale is the father.
What is the text above an example of?

Definition 103

dramatic irony

Term 104

Verbal irony has nothing to do with sarcasm.

Definition 104


Term 105

In general, irony is a difference between appearances and reality.

Definition 105


Term 106

Irony may be present in quotes and texts, but it cannot be present in pictures.

Definition 106


Term 107

Which sentence represents verbal irony?

Definition 107

With tears in her eyes, Monique exclaimed, I'm not upset!"

Term 108

Read the following:
Two friends are walking down a road after a rainstorm. One friend trips and falls in a mud puddle. The other friend smirks and says, "Wow, you're pretty lucky!"
What is the text above an example of?

Definition 108

verbal irony

Term 109

Which of the following statements about irony is false?

Definition 109

Dramatic irony is also called sarcasm.

Term 110

Pretend you believe that a friend's outfit is funny-looking, but when asked about the outfit, you say, "It looks great." You also roll your eyes. This is an example of verbal irony.

Definition 110


Term 111

A fire station burning down would be an example of verbal irony.

Definition 111


Term 112

Dramatic irony often creates suspense in the audience.

Definition 112


Term 113

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you.”

Definition 113


Term 114

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“How do you get people to help you? You can’t get there alone. People have to help you and I do believe in karma. I believe in paybacks. You get people to help you by telling the truth.”

Definition 114


Term 115

Which word completes the following sentence?
College students must cope with _______________ to be successful in classes.

Definition 115


Term 116

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

The husband answered for his wife who had signs of repression all over her face.

Definition 116


Term 117

In the movie, the man's _______________ could be seen when he gave countless gifts to the poor people in the neighborhood.

Definition 117


Term 118

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

“And the other thing is I am in phenomenally good health right now. I mean it’s the greatest thing of cognitive dissonance you will ever see is the fact that I am in really good shape. In fact, I am in better shape than most of you. So anybody who wants to cry or pity me can [get] down and do a few of those, and then you may pity me.”

Definition 118


Term 119

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

She begged Louise to open the door, but Louise would not listen to her sister’s importunities.

Definition 119

pressing demand

Term 120

Ariela complained about her husband, Ransie, for five minutes. Ransie’s antiphony to the judge followed.

Definition 120


Term 121

Which word completes the following sentence?
A/an _______________ of voices filled the courtroom as the two lawyers shouted back and forth at each other.

Definition 121


Term 122

Complete the following analogy:
morose : gloomy : :

Definition 122

joyous : cheerful

Term 123

Complete the following analogy:
jocular : personality : :

Definition 123

merry : holiday

Term 124

Choose the best answer for the comparison
treaty : peace : : ____________________

Definition 124

hard work : prosperity

Term 125

Complete the following analogy:
sepulchre : nursery : :

Definition 125

funeral : birth

Term 126

Complete the following analogy:
repression : freedom : :

Definition 126

peace : war

Term 127

Choose the best answer for the comparison
seraphs : heaven : : ____________________

Definition 127

demons : hell

Term 128

Choose the best answer for the comparison.
spoil : damage : : ____________________

Definition 128

endorse : approve

Term 129

Choose the best answer for the comparison.
drought : flood : : ____________________

Definition 129

peak : pit

Term 130

Choose the best answer for the comparison
day : week : : ____________________

Definition 130

lifetime : eternity

Term 131

Choose the best answer for the comparison
spoon : scoop : : ____________________

Definition 131

knife : sever

Term 132

In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the reader knows that Pearl is the child of both Hester Prynne and Reverend Dimmesdale. The other characters don't know that Reverend Dimmesdale is the father.
What is the text above an example of?

Definition 132

dramatic irony

Term 133

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains two independent clauses and no more than one subordinate clause.

Definition 133


Term 134

Which word completes the following sentence?
In the movie, the man's _______________ could be seen when he gave countless gifts to the poor people in the neighborhood.

Definition 134


Term 135

Identify the type of clause is used in the following sentence: That you would consider giving your inheritance to charity restores my faith in humanity.

Definition 135

Noun Clause

Term 136

Which of the following is a sentence which contains an adverb clause?

Definition 136

When he saw his favorite baseball player had signed with the Yankees, John threw a tantrum.

Term 137

In "The Story of an Hour," who enters the house at the end of the story?

Definition 137

Brently (Mr. Mallard himself)

Term 138

A subordinate clause contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.

Definition 138


Term 139

In the short story "Two Kinds," the sheet music at the end can symbolize what?

Definition 139

The two different people the daughter has been

Term 140

Use what you know about the root fid- and its opposite to define perfidious.

Definition 140


Term 141

Use what you know about the root pseudo- to define pseudepigrapha.

Definition 141

false title

Term 142

Which word completes the following sentence?
College students must cope with _______________ to be successful in classes.

Definition 142


Term 143

In the novel The Kite Runner, Amir accuses Hassan of stealing his watch and birthday money. What is the result of this?

Definition 143

Hassan admits stealing it to protect Amir.

Term 144

Literary references to something outside of the work itself (such as well-known people, historical events, or other works of literature) are called:

Definition 144


Term 145

Which word completes the following sentence? A/an _______________ of voices filled the courtroom as the two lawyers shouted back and forth at each other.

Definition 145


Term 146

A direct comparison of two unlike objects or ideas, often using the words like or as, is called a(n):

Definition 146


Term 147

All of the following statements about eulogies are true except:

Definition 147

When delivering a eulogy, the speaker should use very formal English.

Term 148

Which of the terms below refers to the use of figurative language to evoke feelings, call ideas to mind, describe objects, or appeal to the senses?

Definition 148


Term 149

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

Basketball is a popular game. Football is a popular game. Both games are played in many high schools. Basketball games have five players on the court at one time. Football games have more than double that amount on the field at one time. You probably would have a better chance to make the football team.

Definition 149

Basketball is a popular game in high school, but more people can make the football team because more players can be on the field at one time.

Term 150

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

The husband answered for his wife who had signs of repression all over her face.

Definition 150


Term 151

Choose the best answer for the comparison
house : shelter : : ____________________

Definition 151

commencement address : inspire

Term 152

Based on the meaning of the root altus-, what is the definition of the word altitude?

Definition 152

high region

Term 153

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains two independent clauses and no nore than one subordinate clause.

Definition 153


Term 154

In "The Whirligig of Life," all of the following statements are true except:

Definition 154

The Bilbros leave the town divorced.

Term 155

In the novel The Kite Runner, how does Amir justify leaving Hassan?

Definition 155

Hassan was the lamb Amir had to slay in order to win over Baba.

Term 156

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

It is expensive to go to college. Tuition costs are high. Most parents can't pay for college alone. They need help. Many students work while they are in school. They use the money to pay tuition costs. It is hard to work and study. They have to work harder each year because costs go up every year.

Definition 156

College costs skyrocket each year and many college students work to help pay their tuition.

Term 157

Joe really didn't like going to Spanish class. Studying Spanish vocabulary took away time from what he really enjoyed doing, which was reading novels. However, Joe regularly attended the weekly Spanish language lab sessions, and he always was sure to study the vocabulary words for the test. He even took time to get some tutoring.

Which of the following is most likely to occur based on the paragraph above?

Definition 157

Joe will be successful in Spanish class.

Term 158

Which of the following statements about irony is false?

Definition 158

Dramatic irony is also called sarcasm.

Term 159

In the story "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, what does Tan explore?

Definition 159

conflict between mother and daughter

Term 160

Read the following:
Two friends are walking down a road after a rainstorm. One friend trips and falls in a mud puddle. The other friend smirks and says, "Wow, you're pretty lucky!"
What is the text above an example of?

Definition 160

verbal irony

Term 161

The attitude a literary work take towards its subject and theme is called:

Definition 161


Term 162

Which word completes the following sentence?
The principal felt _______________ . He believed that the student had done something wrong, yet he did not feel that the punishment fit the crime.

Definition 162

cognitive dissonance

Term 163

Read the following paragraph. What compound sentence would probably be included in a rewrite of the paragraph?

Celebrities go out when photographers are waching. Celebrities like attention. They fabricate stories. Photographers and reporters listen to the made up stories. They will publish the stories to get people to watch the television or listen to the radio. A made up story is better than no story.

Definition 163

Celebrities like attention and they make up problems to get on television or the radio

Term 164

Complete the analogy: game : rules :: books : __________________

Definition 164


Term 165

Which word completes the following sentence?
A/an _______________ of voices filled the courtroom as the two lawyers shouted back and forth at each other.

Definition 165


Term 166

__________ refers to when writers treat an abstract entity as if it were a person by endowing it with human-like qualities.

Definition 166


Term 167

Use what you know about the root tort- to define contortion.

Definition 167


Term 168

In the novel The Kite Runner, what does Amir do when he finds Hassan cornered by Assef and two other boys?

Definition 168

He crouches behind a wall.

Term 169

In "The Whirligig of Life," the Justice of the Peace

Definition 169

grants Ariela five dollars of alimony

Term 170

What were Haikuin's beliefs based upon?

Definition 170

Zen Buddhism

Term 171

Under Zen Buddhism what is the most effective way to achieve insight?

Definition 171


Term 172

A koan is

Definition 172

a story, dialogue or question used by Zen Buddhists to teach lessons

Term 173

What is the poet Hakuin's nationality?

Definition 173


Term 174

What is true about koan?

Definition 174

It's meaning requires meditation.

Term 175

What can be inferred by the first line of Haikuin's poem ""Past Present Future: Unattainble""?

Definition 175

They can't be grasped.

Term 176

Which of the following characteristics describe Rip Van Winkle?

Definition 176

He was a simple, good-natured man who was content in almost any circumstance.,He played with the village children and got along with the village wives.,He had an aversion to any work that might be profitable.

Term 177

Which of the following characteristics best describes Dame Van Winkle?

Definition 177

She was a shrew who was always nagging and complaining

Term 178

What was Rip Van Winkle's first thoughts upon awakening after his long sleep?

Definition 178

He feared how Dame Van Winkle would react to his long absence and wondered what excuse he could make to her.

Term 179

What drove Rip Van Winkle to go hunting with his dog, Wolf?

Definition 179

Both Rip and Wolf wanted to escape from the incessant nagging of Rip's wife.

Term 180

The author claims that the tale of Rip Van Winkle originated

Definition 180

among papers belonging to Diedrich Knickerbocker which were discovered posthumously.

Term 181

How did Diedrich Knickerbocker prefer to get his historical information?

Definition 181

He prefered to get stories from people because he found that he got more information that way

Term 182

Which of the following descriptions most resembles the Kaat-Skill Mountains as they are described in Rip Van Winkle?

Definition 182

The Kaat-Skills were a place of almost magical colors that changed with each season and each change of the weather.

Term 183

Which of the following incidents occurred during Rip Van Winkle's journey with the stranger?

Definition 183

Rip helped the stranger carry a keg of liquor up the side of a mountain.,Rip and the stranger came to a hollow that resembled an amphitheater and found a group of men playing nine-pins.

Term 184

When did Rip Van Winkle begin to understand how long he had been away?

Definition 184

When he found that his beard had grown an entire foot.

Term 185

What political events had occurred during Rip Van Winkle's long sleep?

Definition 185

The United States had won the Revolutionary War and General George Washington was hailed as a hero.,The people were discussing things like voting, liberty, members of congress and Bunker Hill.

Term 186

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

His dress was of the antique Dutch fashion—a cloth jerkin strapped around the waist—several pair of breeches, the outer one of ample volume, decorated with rows of buttons down the sides, and bunches at the knees.

Definition 186

short coat

Term 187

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing; and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.

Definition 187


Term 188

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Passing through the ravine, they came to a hollow, like a small amphitheater, surrounded by perpendicular precipices, over the brinks of which impending trees shot their branches, so that you only caught glimpses of the azure sky and the bright evening cloud.

Definition 188


Term 189

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

It could not be from the want of assiduity or perseverance; for he would sit on a wet rock, with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar’s lance, and fish all day without a murmur, even though he should not be encouraged by a single nibble.

Definition 189


Term 190

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

It was some time before he could get into the regular track of gossip, or could be made to comprehend the strange events that had taken place during his torpor.

Definition 190


Term 191

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Its chief merit is its scrupulous accuracy, which indeed was a little questioned on its first appearance, but has since been completely established; and it is how admitted into all historical collections as a book of unquestionable authority.

Definition 191


Term 192

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mother’s heels, equipped in a pair of his father’s cast-off galligaskins, which he had much ado to hold up with one hand, as a fine lady does her train in bad weather.

Definition 192


Term 193

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

…but when pleased, he would inhale the smoke slowly and tranquilly, and emit it in light and placid clouds, and sometimes taking the pipe from his mouth, and letting the fragrant vapor curl about his nose, would gravely nod his head in token of perfect approbation.

Definition 193


Term 194

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Their visages, too, were peculiar: one had a large head, broad face, and small, piggish eyes; the face of another seemed to consist entirely of nose, and was surmounted by a white sugar-loaf hat set off with a little red cock’s tail.

Definition 194

facial features

Term 195

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, where is the time machine hidden?

Definition 195

in the pedestal of the sphinx statue

Term 196

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, what is the fourth dimension?

Definition 196


Term 197

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, why does the Time Traveller remove the levers from his machine?

Definition 197

to prevent others from using the machine

Term 198

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, which of the following brushes the Time Traveller with its antennae?

Definition 198

a giant crab

Term 199

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, the Eloi remind the Time Traveller of:

Definition 199

tuberculosis victims

Term 200

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, which of the following does the Time Traveller not retrieve from the museum?

Definition 200


Term 201

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, what is the name of the creatures who live above ground?

Definition 201


Term 202

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, what does the Time Traveller bring back from the future

Definition 202

Two flowers

Term 203

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, what is the Palace of the Green Porcelain?

Definition 203

a museum

Term 204

In H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, as time passes what happens to the sun?

Definition 204

It grows dimmer.

Term 205

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 205

an organism requiring air for life

Term 206

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 206

a recording of events

Term 207

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 207

a solution in a pressurized container

Term 208

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 208

shaped like a star

Term 209

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 209

an amount of money paid every year

Term 210

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 210

not happening at the same time

Term 211

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 211


Term 212

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 212

relating to a vastness like space

Term 213

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 213

1,000 years

Term 214

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 214

200 years

Term 215

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 215

relating to the stars

Term 216

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 216

one who studies items and cultures from the past

Term 217

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 217

designed to be the least resistant to air flow

Term 218

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 218

arranged in order of time

Term 219

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 219

designed to be the least resistant to air flow

Term 220

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing; and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.

Definition 220


Term 221

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He now suspected that the grave roysterers of the mountain had put a trick upon him, and having dosed him with liquor, had robbed him of his gun.

Definition 221


Term 222

Parallelism in literature is:

Definition 222

when separate parts of a sentence or stanza are balanced by using similar constructions

Term 223

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 223

The Roman god of the sun

Term 224

Under Zen Buddhism what is the most effective way to achieve insight?

Definition 224


Term 225

The structure of an Italian Sonnet is

Definition 225

two quatrains and a sestet

Term 226

What is true about koan?

Definition 226

It's meaning requires meditation.

Term 227

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 227

worldly and sophisticated

Term 228

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Their visages, too, were peculiar: one had a large head, broad face, and small, piggish eyes; the face of another seemed to consist entirely of nose, and was surmounted by a white sugar-loaf hat set off with a little red cock’s tail.

Definition 228

facial features

Term 229

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

He was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mother’s heels, equipped in a pair of his father’s cast-off galligaskins, which he had much ado to hold up with one hand, as a fine lady does her train in bad weather.

Definition 229


Term 230

What is the poet Hakuin's nationality?

Definition 230


Term 231

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 231

an organism requiring air for life

Term 232

How many lines does a sonnet have?

Definition 232


Term 233

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

…but when pleased, he would inhale the smoke slowly and tranquilly, and emit it in light and placid clouds, and sometimes taking the pipe from his mouth, and letting the fragrant vapor curl about his nose, would gravely nod his head in token of perfect approbation.

Definition 233


Term 234

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Its chief merit is its scrupulous accuracy, which indeed was a little questioned on its first appearance, but has since been completely established; and it is how admitted into all historical collections as a book of unquestionable authority.

Definition 234


Term 235

The word 'sonnet' means:

Definition 235

a little song

Term 236

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 236

applying to a situation in the past

Term 237

President Kennedy's goal, after the Russians launched Sputnik was:

Definition 237

to put a man on the moon before Russia did

Term 238

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

It could not be from the want of assiduity or perseverance; for he would sit on a wet rock, with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar’s lance, and fish all day without a murmur, even though he should not be encouraged by a single nibble.

Definition 238


Term 239

"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative." This quote is an example of:

Definition 239


Term 240

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

It was some time before he could get into the regular track of gossip, or could be made to comprehend the strange events that had taken place during his torpor.

Definition 240


Term 241

What were Haikuin's beliefs based upon?

Definition 241

Zen Buddhism

Term 242

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

Passing through the ravine, they came to a hollow, like a small amphitheater, surrounded by perpendicular precipices, over the brinks of which impending trees shot their branches, so that you only caught glimpses of the azure sky and the bright evening cloud.

Definition 242


Term 243

Use context clues to find the meaning of the underlined word:

His dress was of the antique Dutch fashion—a cloth jerkin strapped around the waist—several pair of breeches, the outer one of ample volume, decorated with rows of buttons down the sides, and bunches at the knees.

Definition 243

short coat

Term 244

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 244

a solution in a pressurized container

Term 245

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 245

an amount of money paid every year

Term 246

Choose the correct definition for the following word:


Definition 246

a look backward at past events

Term 247

Freedom of speech is not something for which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights argues.

Definition 247


Term 248

The Code of Hammurabi is generally a document about fundamental human rights.

Definition 248


Term 249

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not apply to every person living in the world.

Definition 249


Term 250

The Code of Hammurabi is focused upon providing retribution for those who are wronged.

Definition 250


Term 251

MLA stands for:

Definition 251

Modern Language Association

Term 252

When putting an in-text citation in your paper, you must do all of the following except:

Definition 252

put the entire web address

Term 253

When should you use an in-text citation?

Definition 253

every time you use a fact or a piece of information from a source.

Term 254

If you used the article "Global Warming" by Sandra Smith on p. 12 in Time magazine, what would your in-text citation be?

Definition 254

(Smith 12).