A rule that defines the appearance of an element on a Web page.


A language that allows a Web developer to write code statements that control the style of elements on a web page.


Allows you to change the style for a single element on a Web page, or to change the style of elements on all pages in a Web site.


The type of style sheet that allows you to add a style to an individual HTML tag.


The type of style sheet that allows you to define the style for an entire Web page.


the type of style sheet you create a textfile that contains all the styles you want to apply and then save the text file with the extension .css.


Is made up of a selector and a declaration that defines the style for one or more properties.


The part of the style statement that identifies how the elements should appear.


Defines the style of a link when a mouse pointer points to it.


In CSS, you can create several different variations for any one tag with this.


CSS is a separate language use to enhance the display capabilities of what?


With this type of style, you add the style sheet within the <head> tags of the HTML document to define the style for the entire Web page.


The part of the style statement that that identifies the page elements is called what?


For the Border property, which of the following would be a valid option?


A     family

B     Style

C     Variant

D     weight



Which of the following is NOT an option for the background property?


A     color

B     image

C     size

D     position

What are the two kinds of selectors?

The code for an embedded style sheet must be inserted within what start and end tag?

An example of an Inline Style.  Code is placed inside the opening tag of the desired tag.

An example of an internal Style sheet.  Code is placed in the <head> section.

An example of an external style sheet.  Links the webpage to an external style sheet.
Examples of Body Styles
Examples of Text Styles
Examples of Font Styles
Examples of Link Styles
Examples of List Styles