Roger Taney
Chief Justice. Wrote Dred Scott Decision.
James M. Wayne
This interest in books was the beginning of a lifelong devotion to reading that would later make him a familiar sight at the Library of Congress during his Washington years. He managed to graduate in 1808, but not without first being expelled temporarily for participating in a student rebellion. Had quite the social life. Supporter and appointed by Andrew Jackson. Encouraged Chief Justice taney to make Dred Scot a broad constitutional decision to put slavery issue to rest. Georgia Citizenship was revoked for supporting the Union.
Philip P. Barbour
Brother in the Senate had opposing views. Speaker of the House. Mayor of New v. Miln (Ship records)
John Catron
Part of General Andrew Jackson's army. Concurrent opinion in Dred Scott. Southerner who supported Union in Civil War. Had expansionist view of wartime federal powers.
John McKinley
Alabama Bank Cases in circuit riding. Overturned by Supreme Court. Advocated greater access to land by small buyers.
Peter V. Daniel
Appointed in last week of Van Buren's Term. Absolutist state's rights supporter and extreme secessionist.
Samuel Nelson
50 year judicial career. Wrote more limited, alternate Dred Scott Opinion. Wrote Dissent in Prize Cases (Lincoln's wartime power). Thought Lincoln should have avoided war. Alabama Claims Commission.
Levi Woodbury
Kept an notes on his thoughts. Overachiever. From New Hampshire, Dartmouth Trustee. Secretary of the Navy, Treasury Secretary. Jones v. Van Zandt
Robert Grier
Wrote majority opinion in Prize Cases, upholding Lincoln's wartime actions. Suffered paralysis and forced to retire.
Benjamin Curtis
Resigned after Dred Scott, in which he dissented. Doctrine of "selective exclusiveness".
John Campbell
Southerner who resigned at outbreak of Civil War. Tried to broker peace with the Union. Eventually argued Slaughter House cases before the Supreme Court.
Nathan Clifford
Polk's Attorney General. Brokered Treaty with Mexico. Became Mexican Minister. Resolved President Hayes' election.
Noah Swayne
Strong abolitionist. First appointee of Lincoln. Strongly supported the post war amendments.
Samuel Miller
Abolitionist. Appointed by lincoln. First Justice west of the mississippi. Slaughter House cases, "wrote that the right to do business did not derive from one's U.S. citizenship"
David Davis
Primary architect of lincoln's nomination strategy. Nominated by Lincoln as recognition for his campaign efforst. 300 pounds. Mutton chops. Wrote decision in Ex Parte Milligan.
Stephen J. Field
Alcalde in California. Nominated to 10th seat during civil war. His enemy was killed by his body guard. Served on the court with his nephew, David Brewer.
Salmon Chase
Lost to Lincoln in Primary, appointed Treasury Sec. Appointed Chief Justice by Lincoln. Voted against const. of Legal Tender Acts he helped with as Treasury Secretary. Texas v. White (approved Congress Reconstruction program)
William Strong
Wrote the decision establishing paper money as currency. VP of American Bible society
Joseph P. Bradley
Cast the deciding vote in Favor of Hayes. Ruled 1875 Civil Rights Act unconstitutional. Biased with sex and race
Ward Hunt
Lone Dissenter in United States v. Reese (weakened application of 15th amendment to protect black voters) Charged Susan B. Anthony $100 for voting. Wouldn't quit for 3 years after a stroke.
Morrison R. Waite
Chief Justice. Had no judicial experience when appointed. Wrote United States V. Cruikshanks majority opinion. United States V. Reese.
John Marshall Harlan
Lone Dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson.
William B. Woods
Wrote for Majority in United States v. Harris, saying the Congress couldn't punish individuals for depriving civil rights.
Stanley Matthews
"toleration - I hate that word." Was Hayes' counsel in determining outcome of election. Ruled against polygamists and grand jury indictment regrettably.
Horace Gray
6'6''. Helped establish the "case study method." Proved Dred Scott wrong with Jefferson Quote. Became a member of Boston's Saturday Club with famous writers.
Samuel Blatchford
one of the hardest working, most productive justices on supreme court ever. "Workhorse." Contradicted himself in the government setting rates in Chi, Mil, & St. Paul Rail way v. Minnesota and Budd v. New York. Last New York seat justice.
Lucious Lamar
First Democratic appointee in years after Civil War. Broke up Democratic party after Stephen Douglas won nomination. Supported Seccession and fought for confederacy. Kidd v. Pearson (ruled that manufacturing wasn't business)
Melville W. Fuller
Chief Justice. Prolific poet. Read and had a shit ton of books. Instituted the HANDSHAKING practice. Struck down first income tax.Served in the Hague.
David J. Brewer
Property rights advocate. Muller v. Oregon (imposed maximum work week for women) Uncle (?) was on court with him.
Henry B. Brown
Appointment to Supreme Court was "magnificent christmas gift." Wrote majority opinion in Plessy
George Shiras Jr.
the only justice with no political or judicial experience prior to his appointment. Was swing vote in Pollock V. Farmers Loan and Trust, the case that doomed the first income tax. Retired after 10 years of service.
Howell E. Jackson
Despite being incredibly sick, haggard, and frail. Voted on income tax case
Edward White
First Associate Justice to be elevated to Chief Justice. Rule of reason in judging anti-trust cases.
Rufus Peckham
Wrote majority opinion in Lochner v. New York. Father was a state supreme court justice.
Joseph McKenna
Friends with Leland Stanford. AG to McKinley. Took law classes at Columbia after his appointment. Upheld Mann Act and Pure Food and Drug Act.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Clear and Present Danger Doctrine (Schenk v. US) Law is a living, evolving organism. PROGRESSIVES Progressive
William R. Day
Drafted Terms of War against Spain. Secretary of State. hawaii, guam, puerto rico. Buchanan v. Warley (racially segregate neighborhoods are unconstitutional.)
William H. Moody
Co-Prosecutor in Lizzie Borden Trial. Attorney General for Teddy fighting for anti-trust. Twinning v. New Jersey (self-incrimination protections don't apply to states)
Horace Lurton
Oldest justice ever to be appointed. Served on federal appeals court with Taft, subsequently nominated by him.
Charles Evan Hughes
Nonconsecutive terms as Associate Justice and Chief Justice. Chief Justice during New Deal. Changed temperament of court that prevented the court packing.
Willis Van Devanter
Wyoming bad ass motherfucker. Drafted Judiciary Act of 1925. McGrain v. Daughtery (affirmed congress' right to subpoena witnesses). Leader of the wing against Roosevelt.
Joseph Lamar
Georgia Supreme Court. Gompers v. Bucks Stove and Range Company
Mahlon Pitney
Antilabor "yellow dog contracts" New Jersey
James C. McReynolds
AG under Wilson. A "Four Horseman" VERY ANTI-Roosevelt. Kind of an ass to people, but secretly gave to charity.
Louis Brandeis
Helped create pro-bono tradition. Helped designed anti-trust laws and the New Deal legislation. "Brandeis Brief" relied on sociolgical data. First Jew. Insisted on Privacy.
John Clarke
Majority opinion in US v. Lehigh Valley Railroad. Wrote majority opinion in Abrams v. United States limiting free speech.Resigned to advocate league of nations.
William Howard Taft
Chief Justice and President. Nuff said.
George Sutherland
Only justice from Utah. NOT MORMON. Four Horseman.
Pierce Butler
Four Horseman. Against New Deal. Minnesota. Laissez-Fair. Stubborn.
Edward T. Sanford
Wrote Gitlow v. New York. Strengthened freedom of the press. Pocket Veto.
Harlan Fiske Stone
Chief Justice In WII. Appointed J. Edgar Hoover. First Justice to appear before Senate Judiciary Commitee. Supported New Deal, was in minority. Upheld Japanese internment. Cerebral hemmorage in court killed the bastard.
Owen J. Roberts
"the switch in time that saved nine" West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. Wrote the opinion invalidating Agriculture Adjustment Act.
Benjamin Cardozo
Replaced Oliver Wendell Holmes Wrote opinion in Palko v. Connecticut. Upheld Social Security.
Hugo Black
Former Klan member. Chambers v. Florida. "No law, means NO LAW"
Stanley F. Reed
Solicitor General defending New Deal policies. Wrote decision invalidating white primary. Abandoned Brown v. Board dissent. Shortly Chairman of Civil Rights Commission
Felix Frankfurter
Last foreign born justice. Helped found the new republic. Knew about the Atomic Bomb. Separate opinion in Cooper V. Aaron.
William O. Douglas
Chairman of SEC. Dissented in Dennis V. United States. Strong civil libertarian. Wrote Griswold v. Connecticut opinion.
Frank Murphy
Created Civil Rights Division in DOJ. AG for Roosevelt. Disssented in Korematsu v. United States
James F. Byrnes
FDR's favorite senator. Wrote opinion allowing interstate travel. Resigned to assist in war. Secretary of State at end of WWII
Robert H. Jackson
Chief US Counsel at Nuremburg Trials.
Wiley B. Rutledge
Everson v. Board of Education (New Jersey busing dissent- establishment clause) Yamashita dissent
Harold H. Burton
First Truman appointee. Laid ground work for US participation in United Nations. Toolson v. New York Yankees. Reasoned picketing was not protected expression.
Fred Vinson
Helped establish Agricultural Adjustment Act and Social Security Act. Truman's Secretary of the Treasury. Chief Justice. Wrote Shelley v. Kramer, McLaurin v. Oklaholma City Regents, Sweatt v. Painter
Tom C. Clark
Truman's Attorney General. Wrote opinion in Mapp v. Ohio (evidence from unconstitutional searches is inadmissable) Seeger (conscientious objector) Bible reading case (Schemp) a
Shermon Minton
Supported Court packing, tried to pass 7 vote decsion rule. Thought court should defer to other branches. Favored govt. (warrantless searches were OK) US v. Rabinowitz
Earl Warren
Chief Justice over Brown
John Marshall Harlan
Grandson of Harlan. Did not share activist views of Warren Court. Upheld NAACP right to keep lists confidential.
William J. Brennan
Wrote NY Times v. Sullivan. Wrote Texas v. Johnson
Charles Whittaker
Swing Vote on warren Court
Potter Stewart
Dissented in Griswold. Independent justice of the Warren court. Katz v. United States (wiretapping) "cruel and unusual in the way that being struck by lightening is cruel and unusual)
Byron White
All- American football player. Assistant AG to RFK. First JFK appointee. Dissented in Miranda and Roe. Davis V. Washington (equal protection clause)
Arthur J. Goldberg
Labor lawyer. Kennedy's Secretary of Labor. Escobedo (should be allowed to consult a lawyer). Resigned to be Ambassador to UN
Abe Fortas
close friend of LBJ. Wrote Opinion for In Re Gault (self-incrimination/right to counsel extends to juveniles) Tinker v. Des Moines (arm bands in schools-free speech). Resigned in disgrace 1969.
Thurgood Marshall
First African-American - NAACP lawyer. BAMF.
Warren Burger
Chief Justice. Nixon appointee. Miller v. California. US v. Nixon.
Harry Blackmun
UC Regents v. Bakke "in order to get passed racism, we have to take account of it" Wrote Roe v. Wade. Dissented in Bowers.
Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Nixon appointee because of his stance on Crime. San Antonio v. Rodriguez. Affirmative Action permissable, quotas HELL NO.
William H. Rehnquist
Chief Justice. Dissented in Roe v. Wade. Clerked in the 50's for Jackson. Uged that separate but equal not be overturned.
John Paul Stevens
Gerald Ford nominee. FCC v. Pacifica opinion (dirty words)
Sandra Day O'Connor
First Woman. Planned parenthood v. casey
Swing Vote in Texas V. Johnson First italian american. Talked much about standing. Textualist approach.
Anthony Kennedy
Swing vote. Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Lawrence v. Texas. Chadha v. Immigration and Naturalization Service.
Never Married. Retired to go to new hampshire. Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Centrist.
Clarence Thomas
Quiet. Second African American. Super duper conservative. Sexual harrassment controversy in confirmation. Hudson v. McMillan.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Clinton Appointee. Second Woman. Worked for equal rights for women.
Stephen Breyer
Hey. Brey! Clerked for Goldberg. Wrote draft as clerk of Griswold v. CT. Assistant Special Prosecutor in Watergate. Clinton appointee. U.S. v. Lopez. Pragmatic.
John Roberts
Current Chief Justice. Bush appointee. 2005
Bush Appointee. Second Italian American. ACLU opposed his nomination.
First Hispanic Justice. Dissented in Citizen's United, her first case.
Butt ugly. Dean of Harvard Law. Solictor General under Obama.
John Jay
First Chief Justice. Wrote Federalist papers.
John Rutledge
Appointed twice but never served. went fuckin crazy
William Cushing
Last to wear a wig. Was judge for Britain before the war. Avoided impeachment by denouncing loyalty to the crown.
James Wilson
One of two Scots to sign DOC. Him and Madison most influential members of const. const. Risky real estate speculator. Died in disgrace.
John Blair Jr.
Ruling as virginia state justice seen as precedent for Marbury. Attended const. const. Missed several terms cause of a strange illness in his head.
James Iredell
Tax collector when young.Southern Circuit riding was hard. North Carolina. Dissented in chisholm v. georgia.
Thomas Johnson
Buddies with George Washington. Shortest ever tenure on the court.
William Paterson
Architect of New Jersey Plan. Born in Ireland. Organized judicial branch as senator with judiciary act of 1789. Van Horne decision was quoted in Marbury.
Samuel Chase
Elitist. Ulare v. Hilton striking down virginia law contrary to treaty of paris
Oliver Ellsworth
Proposed bicameral legislature. Chief Justice.
bushrod washington
nephew of George Washington. Chief Justice Marshall's friend.
Alfred Moore
Missed Marbury v. Madson. University of North Carolina.
John Marshall
Marbury v. Madison Chief Justice.
William Johnson
First great dissenter. Very independent, went against Jefferson. Majority opinion in hudson v. goodwin. University of South Carolina.
Henry Brockholst Livingstone
Close friend of Jay. Dueled. Imprisoned by British. Energetic and Independent.
Thomas Todd
Petitioned for Kentucky statehood. First Justice from West! KENTUCKY
Gabriel Duvall
Comptroller of Treasury. Advanced opinions of slavery for his day.
Joseph Story
Poet. One of most influential legal scholars in american history.
Smith Thompson
Created formula for determining legislative intent Cherokee nation opinion
Robert Trimble
Adam's only appointment. Kentucky supreme court positions put him at odds with his own state.
John McLean
Postmaster General. established jeffersonian newspaper. DISSENTED in Dred Scott.
Henry Baldwin
Eccentric. Stood up for Andrew Jackson. Intemperate, unhinged.