Term 1

Capital of MALI

Definition 1


 (bottom left of the country on river)

Term 2

Capital of MALAWI

Definition 2


Term 3

Capital city of NIGERIA;

Primate city of NIGERIA 

Definition 3




Term 4

Capital city of TANZANIA;

Primate city of  TANZANIA

Definition 4

Dodoma: Newly built capital city, is an inland city;

Dar es Salaam: primate, largest city and major seaport (center- right side, on coast)

Term 5

Capital city of COTE d'IVOIRE;

Primate city of COTE d'IVOIRE 

Definition 5

1)  Yamoussourkro- New capital city. Site of world's largest cathedral.

2) Abidjan- primate city and business center. Gateway city to the COTE d'IVOIRE and the major gateway for the world into French West Africa

(On the coast in center)



Term 6

Kyoto Protocol

Definition 6

International agreement to curb the effects of global warming by cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions 


Term 7

Berlin Conference 1885-88

Definition 7

Caused the borders of the African nations to be drawn up as they are today. 16 European nations met in Berlin and divided up the world among them.  This was colonialism in its purest form.

Term 8


Definition 8

Refers to the occupation or exploitation by a stonger country of a weaker country. (The weaker country's resources used to enrich the stronger country)

Term 9


Definition 9

Breakdown of international borders and the process of integration of the world community into a common economic/social system. This is occurring due to advances in communication, technology and capital throughout the world.

Term 10


Definition 10

Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

Term 11

Cape of Good Hope

Definition 11

Southern tip of Africa, important navigational chokepoint.Oil brought to the US passes thru here

Term 12

Great Rift Valley

Definition 12

Largest crack in the Earth's surface formed by tectonic movement.

Term 13

Mt. Kilimanjaro

Definition 13

Highest mountain in Africa.

Earnest Hemmingway wrote a book about this mountain

Term 14

Sahara Desert

Definition 14

Largest desert in the world.

Term 15

Nile River

Definition 15

Worlds largest river.

Begins in Lake Victoria flows NORTH to the Mediterranean Sea.


Term 16

Namib Desert

Definition 16

Large desert in Africa.

Similar to the the Aticama desert in Chile.  

Term 17

Okavango River

Definition 17

Forms the Okavango delta (the world's greatest wildlife refuges. Looks like the FL Everglades)

Term 18

Benguela Current

Definition 18

Atlantic Ocean current that brings cold water up from the Antartic.

Term 19


Definition 19

Serves as a model of democracy for Africa.

Member of OPEC, has the power to intervene in most conflicts in the smaller African nations. 

Term 20


Capital city of GHANA

Definition 20

Homeland of the last Secretarty General of the UN, Kofi Anan. Rapidly emerging/ a economic sucess story of Africa;

Capital is Accra



Term 21


Capital city of BURKINO FASO

Definition 21

Important agricultural nation;

Capital is Ouagadougou"Hollywood of Africa"

Is the center of the Sub-Saharan film industry and the site of the largest African film festival


Term 22


Definition 22

World's leading exporter of cocoa (chocolate)

Term 23


Capital city of LIBERIA 

Definition 23

Africa's first independent black nation.

Founded as a homeland for freed American slaves by three Baltimore businessmen;

Monrovia is the capital city, named after President James Monroe

Term 24


Capital city of SIERRA LEONE 

Definition 24

Nation founded by the British as home for the freed slaves from the colonies of the British Empire;

Freetown is the capital city


Term 25


Capital city of THE GAMBIA 

Definition 25

Place where author Alex Haley traced his family history in Roots. Most African Americans can trace their roots to this country;

Banjul is the capital city

Term 26

Capital city of NIGER

Definition 26

Niamey is the capital city

(bottom left corner of country) 

Term 27


Capital city of SUDAN 

Definition 27

One of the most stable West African states.

Has a strong French influence. Most of the nation is Muslim;

Khartoum is the capital city, and is a major opening for French culture in the region



Term 28


Definition 28

One of the oldest settled areas on the planet. Home to nearly 80 million people, all live in 6% of the country that is next to the Nile River. Very poor. Named by World Bank as the fastest reforming nation in 2007.

Term 29

Largest city in EGYPT

Definition 29

Cairo is the largest city, home to the Pyramids,

city on the Nile


Term 30

Alexandria, EGYPT

Definition 30

Major seaport on the Mediterranean Sea. Named after Alexander the Great. Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony ruled from here. The Great Library of Alexandria and the Pharaoh's Lighthouse were both destroyed, though the Library has been rebuilt.


Term 31


Capital city of LIBYA 

Definition 31

Led by President Mohammar Quaddafi. Was under sanctions by the US and UN for its support of terrorism. This country has since given up its nuclear weapons and paid reparations to the victims of Terrorism in the US and France. Considerable oil reserves so a suprising very high standard of living.

Tripoli is the capital city.

Term 32


Definition 32

This country has taken over all of Western Sahara. In conflict with other African nations b/c of its occupation of the Western Sahara.

Term 33


Casablanca, MOROCCO 

Definition 33

The capital of this country;

The primate city, largest city, gateway city and seaport in this country. Famous for the name of a popular American movie and the color of its buildings.



Term 34


Capital city of ALGERIA 

Definition 34

A military coup overthrew the gov't b/c it seemed apparent that an Islaamic fundamentalist group was going to win the elections- the US & France were upset at this possibility;

Algiers is the capital city

Term 35


Definition 35

Economic motor for the continent of Africa. The highest Gross National Income of any African state.

This country:

  • Has enormous coal/iron reservest
  • Is a major exporter of agricultural products around the world
  • Major manufacturer and supplier of weapons and military equipment when the world placed sanctions on this country, it started its own arms industry.
  • Is a nuclear power nation. It produces energy thru nuclear reactors. Developed a nuclear bomb in the 90s but gave it up after Nelson Mandela took power
  • Uses SASOL, a gasoline made from coal

Term 36

Cecil Rhodes

Definition 36

English explorer, politician and entrepreneur who built the monopoly of the South African diamond industry and founded DeBeers. He also built a RR from Cape Town to Cairo

Term 37

Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA

Definition 37

Primate city, center of business, industry, Gold Burea and the stock exchange of SOUTH AFRICA. Known as the "City of Gold"

Term 38


Definition 38

Table Mountain a famous flat topped mountain, is here and is visible from everywhere- it is the center of the city. This is a major shipping center, cultural and industrial center of SOUTH AFRICA

Term 39


Definition 39

9th largest seaport in the world. Mostly Asian population. Asians form the financial backbone of SOUTH AFRICA


Term 40


Definition 40

"Diamond Capital of the World"; Cecil Rhodes started in this SOUTH AFRICAn country

(b/w cape town and johannesburg) 

Term 41


Definition 41

Captial city of SOUTH AFRICA. Has a largely Afrikaner culture (descendants of the first Dutch Settlers)

Term 42


Capital city of MOZAMBIQUE 

Definition 42

It was the birthplace of Theresa Heinz Kerry. Borders SOUTH AFRICA;

Maputo is the capital city


Term 43


Capital city of BOTSWANA 

Definition 43

Diamond and mineral rich nation of Southern Africa;

Gaborone is the capital city

Term 44


Capital city of NAMIBIA 

Definition 44

Coastal nation of southern Africa, the Namib Desert is located here.

Windhoek is the capital city

Term 45


Capital city of ZIMBABWE 

Definition 45

A former British colony that was founded by Cecil Rhodes. This nation was formerly called Rhodesia (after Rhodes). Mugabe began taking the large farms from the Europeans and broke them up into very small farms.  This has caused the entire economy to collapse.  This country is now under sanctions from most nations in the world;

Capital city is Harare


Term 46


Capital city of ZAMBIA 

Definition 46

Landlocked, one of the poorest nations on the continent; tradition of Democratic rule

Lusaka is the capital

Term 47


Capital city of MADAGASCAR 

Definition 47

Very large island. Vast animal & plant life on the island. Many of these are unique to this country are unique to all of the world. Home of the lemur;

Antananarivo is the capital city

(Capital is in center-center of island) 


Term 48


Definition 48

A former British colony is one of the most developed nations in Africa. Its wild game parks make a major tourist destination for Americans. We like to go here because it is mostly safe and has a very well developed hospitality industry including Hilton, Sheraton, McDonald’s, Burger King, etc.

Term 49

Nairobi, KENYA 

Definition 49

Capital and primate city of KENYA, business and tourist center, major airport desination

Term 50

Mombasa, KENYA

Definition 50

This is a rich 5 star hotel beach resort area. The US Navy also uses this city for rest and recreation for its huge ships including aircraft carriers-has a major effect on the economy. It has been the scene of several terrorist attacks.

This city is on the ocean 

Term 51


Definition 51

  Very tribal, used to be called Tanganyika. Home of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Zanzibar, is known as the “Spice Island" is now part of this country.


Term 52


Capital city of ETHIOPIA

Definition 52

The oldest continuously independent nation in the world;

Addis Ababa is the capital and home of the African Union (the body to which all of the African countries belong)

Term 53


Capital city of SOMALIA 

Definition 53

Located on the Horn of Africa, where a civil war raged b/w rival groups in the 1990s. "Black Hawk Down" about this country;

Mogadishu is the capital city

Term 54


Capital city of DJIBOUTI 

Definition 54

Home of French navy and French Foreign Legion;

Djibouti is the capital city


Term 55


Capital city of CHAD 

Definition 55

This country is very poor. Remains to be seen if the new found wealth will be passed on to the people;

The capital city is N’Djamena

Term 56


Capital city of PDR CONGO 

Definition 56

Very poor central African country. Currently undergoing a civil war;

Kinshasa is the capital city

Term 57


Capital city of THE REPUBLIC of the CONGO 

Definition 57

Former French colony with a strong left wing tradition;

The capital city is Brazzaville


Term 58


Capital city of ANGOLA 

Definition 58

A Communist state that was supported by Fidel Castro & Cubans. For many years the US government was trying to overthrow the communist government while at the same time the US oil companies were doing business with it;

Capital city is Luanda

Term 59


Administrative center of the WEST BANK 

Definition 59

Large area bordering the Jordan River. Was set aside by the UN to be part of a homeland for Palestinian Arabs.It has since been settled by many Israelis who now claim it as their home (bible). Israelis continue to expand their settlements in this region much to the chagrin of most of the world;

Ramallah is the administrative center of this region.


Term 60


Definition 60

Small piece of land, (8X22 mi) that is among the most densely populated regions on the planet Earth. Currently w/2 mil. Palestinians. Some Israelis believe it is part of the God-given land of Israel. Until last year, Israelis also built settlements in this region.  Israel sent in its military and removed them.  Here, the radical Islamic HAMAS political party has taken over control of the entire region.  Israel attacks this area daily in an attempt to subdue the radical elements.  At the moment, there is a near complete blockade of all supplies to Gaza by Israel. This includes most gas and electricity.



Term 61


Definition 61

Israel has annexed this country and made it a permanent part of Israel. This has resulted in an intractable conflict with Syria that undermines all Mid East peace negotiations.

Term 62

Tel Aviv, ISREAL

Definition 62

Largest city and business center of Israel. Stock market and gateway airport are here.


Term 63

Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Definition 63

Ancient city built by King David. Still has much of its ancient character intact including the central walled city. The center of many of the world’s religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Israel & the Palestians also claim it as their capital. Currently inhabited by both groups. It is the center of much conflict.

For our class it is the capital of ISRAEL



Term 64


Definition 64

Major seaport in ISRAEL. Major industrial city & home to Teknion, Israel’s most famous university. Home of the Baha’i religion.

Term 65

Nazareth, ISRAEL

Definition 65

City in northern Israel. Considered to be the home of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian traditions where he lived with Mary/Joseph



Term 66

Ramallah, ISRAEL

Definition 66

The administrative center of the Palestinians, located in the West Bank. This is where their gov't operates from since the Israelis will not permit them in Jerusalem.

Term 67

Bethlehem, ISRAEL

Definition 67

WEST BANK city about 6 mi south of Jerusalem where according to Christian tradition Jesus Christ was born. (Christmas holiday)

Term 68

Dead Sea

Definition 68

Very salty shallow sea in the bottom of the Great Rift Valley between Israel and Jordan. This is the deepest point on the surface of the earth, more than 1 mile below sea level.

Term 69

Sea of Galilee

Definition 69

Large fresh water lake between Israel & Jordan.

The control of which is vital to Israel


Term 70

Jordan River

Definition 70

Very small river between JORDAN and ISRAEL flows from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. Important historical and biblical events are associated with this river

Term 71

Gulf of Aqaba

Definition 71

Narrow sea that extends from ISRAEL down to EGYPT. It is also bordered by Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  Most of the resources imported by Israel come in through this sea.

Term 72

"Rentier State"

Definition 72

A nation that recieves the majority of its income from renting its land or resources (ie oil) to other industries/nations

Term 73


Definition 73

An organization of 11 of the world's largest oil producers. They supply about 40% of the world's oil output & 3/4 of all oil reserves. They have formed a cartel to control oil supply/prices

Term 74

Pillars of Islam:

Definition 74

The 5 elements of Islam to which all Muslims must conform:
  1. The Saying: State that you believe in one God
  2. Pray five times a day in a prescribed fashion facing Mecca
  3. Give alms (charity) to the care of the poor and underprivileged.
  4. Fast during Ramadan (a period of 28 days, fast from all food, drink and impure thoughts from sunrise to sundown)
  5. Pilgrimage – once make a pilgrimage to Mecca if you are financially able.

Term 75


Definition 75

Largest branch, the majority of Muslims. This branch opposed the successors of Ali, the nephew of the Prophet Mohammed. They do NOT believe that the leadership of Islam should be based on succession through one family.

Term 76


Definition 76

Follows the successors of Ali, the minorty of the Muslims. the nephew of the Prophet Mohammed. They believe that the leadership of Islam should pass through the family of the prophet Mohammed.

Term 77

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Definition 77

It is considered by many to be the site of the first civilization.

Term 78

2 plateaus in the Middle East

Definition 78

Persian Plateau (currently occupied by Iran)

Anatolian Plateau (currently occupied by Turkey) 


Term 79


Definition 79

Very large, land-locked nation. It is home to the Baykonour Cosmodrome (the Russian space launch facility). Has a thriving agricultural sector. President Nazarbayev is known for huge human rights violations, yet this country is a close friend of the US

Term 80


Definition 80

Capital city. The capt'l was moved here in 1997 to placate the large Russian population so that the they would not secede and join Russia after independence

Term 81


Definition 81

Largest, primate and gateway city of KAZAKHSTAN


Term 82


Definition 82

Large exporter of cotton. President (dictator) Karimov is ruthless. The government is said to have slaughtered peaceful protestors in the streets.  A good friend of the USA, Uzbekistan was an active supporter of U.S. efforts against worldwide terrorism.

Term 83


Definition 83

Former capital city of the Mongol empire. It sits on the major north-south & east-west trade routes. A home to many famous Islamic monuments

Term 84


Definition 84

The capital city of UZBEKISTAN. It is the largest, primate, and gateway city and business center.

Excellent subway system


Term 85


Capital city of TURKMENTISTAN 

Definition 85

Was ruled by recently-deceased President for Life Niyazov, another dictator who was a close friend of the USA.  Niyazov created a personality cult around himself. (All citizens has to read his, Book of Souls. The days of the week and months of the year were named after his family. At 50 ft solid gold rotating statue of himself stands in the capital);

The capital city is Ashgabat

Term 86



Definition 86

85% of this country is the Tien Shen Mts. Mostly unstable since independence;

Bishkek is the capital city

Term 87


Capital city of TAJIKISTAN 

Definition 87

Landlocked mountainous country which has suffered a major Islamic uprising which resulted in a devastating civil war between 1992 and 1998. Russian military intervention was necessary to restore stability;

Capital city is Dushanbe


Term 88


Definition 88

Mountainous, a buffer state. Pathans are the largest ethnic group. They are the group that supports the Taliban. The Taliban were the Islamic fundamentalist group that gave refuge to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. 

Term 89


Definition 89

Primate and current capital of AFGHANISTAN

Term 90


Definition 90

Southern city in AFGHANISTAN- most important city for the Pathan ethnic group. Is the stronghold for the Taliban. US/NATO has received tough resistence here

Term 91


Definition 91

Occupied by Persians- the people are mostly Shi’a Muslim. This has been the home of Shi’a for over 500 years. The American CIA overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran in 1952 because the President wanted to nationalize the American oil company lands. They replaced it with the autocratic Shah. This country is currently an enemy of the USA because it is believed to be developing nuclear weapons. Its radical Shiite religious government supports Hezbollah in Lebanon. America fears that it will build a Shiite crescent around the Middle East and hurt America’s best allies. This is one of the most discussed problems in the American media today.

Term 92

Tehran, IRAN

Definition 92

IRANian capital, primate, gateway city and one of the largest cities in the M.E.

Term 93

Tabriz, IRAN

Definition 93

IRAN city, Jewerly capital of the Middle East.

Term 94

Esfahan, IRAN

Definition 94

The old traditional capital of IRAN. Home of many great mosques, palaces, monuments, and bridges.

Cultural center of modern IRAN. 

Term 95


Definition 95

An artificial state (via the Brits) and it has one of the largest oil reserves in the world

Term 96

The Kurds

Definition 96

Ethnic group. Sadam Hussein used chem. weapons on those of who resisted his rule.

Term 97

Baghdad, IRAQ

Definition 97

Capital city, largest city and gateway city of IRAQ.

Center of American military operations

Term 98


Definition 98

Largest nation on the Arabian Peninsula. Possess 40% of all the world’s oil reserves. Close friend of the USA. Very traditional conservative Islamic nation. Kingdom with large royal family having complete control of politics. Rapidly increasing power in the region due the growing importance of oil.

Term 99


Definition 99

The site of the Kabba, the most holy site in Islam.  It is the site of pilgrimage of millions of Muslims every year. The Kabba is an altar said to be built by the Prophet Abraham. It has been the site of pilgrimage for thousands of years before the Islam by all of the camel caravans in the region. Mecca was the home of the Prophet Mohammed. It was here that he received the message to organize the religion. 


Term 100


Definition 100

Capital city of SAUDI ARABIA. Largest and primate city as well.

Term 101


Capital city of KUWAIT 

Definition 101

This nation has one of the world’s largest oil supplies. The quality of its oil is the best in the world;

Kuwait City is the capital city


Term 102

Zimbezi River

Definition 102

Victoria Falls is located on this river

Term 103


Capital city of UAE 

Definition 103

  A group of 7 tribal lands, each led by an Emir. The traditional business of this land was sea trade with India. They are using their oil wealth to build some of the most lavish cities in the world, which are attracting wealth residents from all over the world;

Capital city is Abu Dhabi

Term 104


Definition 104

Very lavish city.

World's tallest buidling is in this UNITED ARAB EMIRATES city


Term 105


Capital city of BAHRAIN 

Definition 105

Island nation. Famous for banking and trade;

Capital city is Manama



Term 106


Capital city of QATAR 

Definition 106

Small peninsular nation in Persian Gulf. Moderate Arab nation;

Doha is the capital and home to the Al Jazeera news organization


Term 107

Sana'a, YEMEN

Definition 107

Capital and primate city and gateway city to YEMEN. One of the oldest cities in the world. Old houses have plumbing and sewrage

Term 108


Definition 108

Seaport in this YEMEN city in which the USS Cole was hit by a terrorist attack in 2001 that killed 19 American sailors

Term 109

Capital city of OMAN

Definition 109

The capital city is Muscat

Term 110


Definition 110

Nation which occupies the plateau/peninsula called  Anatolia. This country is the most modern of the Middle Eastern countries.

Term 111

Istanbul, TURKEY

Definition 111

Primate city of Turkey. Was home to Constantinople


Term 112


Definition 112

It is ruled by a confessional system that guarantees a christian will be President, a Sunni Prime Minister, a Shi'a Speaker of the House.

Term 113


Definition 113

Capital city and a major education center with over 50 universities in LEBANON

Term 114


Definition 114

An arch enemy of Israel and the rallying for all Arabs againts Israel. The US calls this place a "Terrorist State"

Term 115

Damascus, SYRIA

Definition 115

Capital city, gateway city and primate city of SYRIA

Term 116


Definition 116

The capital city of JORDAN

Term 117

Nicosia, CYPRUS

Definition 117

Capital city of CYPRUS, divided city w/ a wall separating the 2 sides just like the Berlin Wall was