Shared Flashcard Set


Development 60-95
Social Work

Additional Social Work Flashcards




Emily is a nine year old with cerebral palsy. Her movements are slow and often cannot be controlled. This mainly affects Emily’s hands, arms, feet, and legs. Her muscle tone tends to change day to day, even affecting the child’s tongue and face. What form of cerebral palsy is Emily demonstrating?
This type of cerebral palsy affects between ten and twenty percent of the total population suffering from this disability. Movements are normally slower and are perceived by a writhing motion. Most individuals will have difficulty with speech and language.
Cerebral palsy affects an individual’s ability to maintain balance, achieve posture and move about smoothly. Symptoms can change over a person’s lifetime and other disabilities may result, such as poor vision and reading. What is the one factor of cerebral palsy that differentiates it from other disabilities?
It does not progress or worsen.
Abraham Maslow’s original hierarchy of needs contains five elements that must be satisfied in order, the first being the most obvious need for survival. If lower level stages are not achieved, the effects of higher order needs cannot be met. Maslow’s theory remains valid today for understanding personal development and human motivation. What stage is concerned with personal growth and fulfillment?
Self-actualization needs
The Hierarchy of Needs developed by Abraham Maslow was intended to be followed in exact order to achieve successful personal development. If any of the stages are not completed, others will be affected or diminished. What is the correct order?
Biological and physical, safety, belongingness and love, esteem, self-actualization
Individuals will develop poor personalities if they only receive unconditional positive regard with no conditions of worth. The need for positive regard from others and self allows there to be congruence between identity and experiences. This ideal human condition embodies the fully functioning person, one who is open to trust, expressing feelings, creativity and the experience to live existentially. Who developed this theory?
Carl Rogers
This psychologist was a clinical psychologist who developed the humanistic personality theory. He believed that man’s nature is fundamentally positive and trustworthy. His conception of personality has been a valuable contribution to the study free will and the importance of self.
Carl Rogers
T/F: A child’s ability to socialize is not affected by a learning disorder.
True:Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that affect 1 in 7 people. There is no cure, and individuals will deal with this issue for life. Most can become successful given the right support and intervention. Learning disabilities affect reading, writing, recalling and recognizing information.
Angela is referred to a social worker for unusual displays of behavior. She has been let go from three different jobs due to frequent anger episodes and impulsive acts towards other employees. Little responsibility is ever taken for these inappropriate behaviors, and most recently Angela has been cutting on her arms. Therapy should focus on what disorder?
Borderline personality disorder
This disorder causes an individual to feel uncertain about his or her self-image and identity and results in feelings of emptiness and fear being alone. Other signs of this problem may include substance abuse and inappropriate sexual relationships.
borderline personality disorder
Discrimination against individuals based on their religion, race, age, origin, disability, or gender within the workplace is prohibited by federal law. When Jim is passed over for a promotion based on his age, what federal agency is there to protect him?
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
During the 1950’s, the system of government in America was based on discrimination. The white population was allowed to vote and be supported by all levels of government. African Americans were not permitted to participate or receive equal accommodations. The belief that one race is superior over another is known as what?
Two co-workers are sent to a seminar in another state by their employing company. Since Sarah and John have inconsistent schedules, they drive separately to the location. Both put in extra hours due to the extensive drive, and the seminar lasts longer than expected. John is compensated for his overtime and travel expenses. Sarah is only reimbursed for her overtime and decides to take her employer to court. What act was violated?
Equal Pay Act
Social equality does not make reference to income or economics. It focuses on the social aspect of equal rights. Opportunities for individuals should not be reduced due to income, language, disability, gender, origin or age. Many argue this cannot occur due to what?
Economics, foreign policies and immigration
Andrew takes his grandson to the local convenience store one evening to get milk. When they pull up, he notices five teen agers hanging out in the parking lot. They all have hooded sweatshirts and are wearing dark colors. Andrew immediately acknowledges the teens as part of a gang and knows there will be trouble. Negative feelings have occurred due to the characteristics observed by Andrew. This dislike for something or someone is described as what?
Interpersonal antipathy
T/F: Interpersonal antipathy is the same as sympathy.
False. Interpersonal antipathy is the opposite of sympathy. Certain mannerisms and physical characteristics are perceived with automatic loathing. The behavior is often irrational and individuals do not put much thought into their reflective consciousness.
Collectivism is a cultural attribute that favors an attitude towards extended families, businesses and church. There is a focus on reward systems geared toward a whole group with a teamwork approach. People are expected to serve the group to which they belong and do not like to be singled out. What name is given to the opposite culture?
As of 2007, a majority of states provide some level of protection for victims of this form of violence. It is characterized by willful intimidation, battery and assault. Children exposed to this brutality eventually see it as a way of life. This places them at risk for the next generation of victims or abusers. What kind of abuse is being described?
Domestic battery
Self image is how one perceives oneself. It also includes what others see in you. This directly influences how an individual responds to life. Self image is related to attitudes, beliefs and opinions. One can have a positive or negative idea of oneself, and this will determine self esteem. How is self image developed?
Interactions with others
T/F: Individuals can improve their self image by identifying strengths to improve confidence, spending time with supportive friends and learning to self-praise.
most individuals suffering from anorexia will have a thinning of the bones or osteoporosis. Other symptoms include severe constipation, low blood pressure and yellowish skin. Treatment for anorexia involves three components: restoring healthy weight, treating psychological problems, and eliminating behaviors leading to the disorder.
Thickening of bone tissue
Most individuals suffering from this disorder will have a thinning of the bones or osteoporosis. Other symptoms include severe constipation, low blood pressure and yellowish skin. Treatment for this disorder involves three components: restoring healthy weight, treating psychological problems, and eliminating behaviors leading to the disorder.
Kelly’s doctor has concerns about the fluctuation of her weight. She has struggled with diets her whole life but is still 120 pounds over the average weight for her size. The doctor is concerned about symptoms that may indicate an eating disorder. During an examination the physician asked Kelly about her eating habits. The patient appeared to experience shame and distress when attempting to explain. She will eat between meals and often times will consume more than she needs. What disorder is being described by Kelly?
This disorder is characterized by episodes of over eating that feel as if they are beyond an individual’s control. There is no fasting or purging afterwards, and this leads to obesity. People with this problem often have coexisting psychological problems such as personality disorders.
A social worker named Richard is meeting with a juvenile for the first time. The client has been in a lot of trouble with the law. As Richard goes through the thick file of offenses, it is noticed that nothing good has ever been mentioned about the teen. Richard does not want to focus on all of the negative experiences, but rather on how he can collaborate in pursuing a better vision for the future. What type of counseling technique will be more effective with the juvenile?
Strengths perspective
The Richardson shave three children who attend a prominent school within the community. The two daughters and one son live in a financially stable environment, participating in many extracurricular activities. The Richardson’s son has been displaying inappropriate behaviors for the last two years. His parents see it as simply misbehaving and being a boy. The son continuously breaks the rules at school and at home. He acts out and causes distractions when there is an authority figure present. What might a social worker see as the problem?
Maladaptive behavior
Katelyn has sought out the help of a social worker to try and understand why she continues to have poor relationships with others. In gathering information, the social worker discovers that Katelyn has been engaged three times since the age of 19 and just had her 23rd birthday. She has been fired from six different jobs and could not finish college. Katelyn describes her demeanor as being extremely happy or really down in the dumps depending on the situation. The social worker begins therapy for what disorder?
One of the most studied topics in psychology has to do with an individual’s belief in their capacity to organize and act on prospective situations. People who look forward to challenging tasks with high confidence levels have a strong sense of what?
A social worker is helping Whitney cope with anxiety. The client has been unsuccessful in overcoming her problem, and the strategies being utilized have taken the appearance of needs. Whitney has learned to remove herself from anti-social behavior, move against others in a domineering manner, and seek affirmation for her actions. Her erratic behaviors show the symptoms of what theory?
Mental disorders are commonly caused by developmental processes. Experience, genetics and environmental contexts come into play. Most psychological or behavioral patterns are related to a disability or distress. In extreme cases, involuntary detention may be court ordered. What proportion of people will experience a mental disorder in their lives?`
1 in 3
Natalie is 17 years old and has confided in her social worker about some serious behaviors she is concerned about. The client self-reports having hallucinations, paranoia, and disorganized speech. To avoid many of these problems, Natalie has learned to isolate herself from social situations. Since the disorder is mainly affecting cognition, what should the social worker attempt to treat?
Symptoms of this disorder are normally self-reported by older teens and young adults, with the onset occurring prior to the age of 19. The existence of this disorder cannot be validated because there are no known medical tests. Besides affecting cognition, it also contributes to behavioral and emotional problems.
John has always avoided situations that required him to be in contact with strangers. He never gave speeches in high school or college and never attended assemblies where people came together for a particular cause. His employment choices have been poor but allowed him to work independently. John has the knowledge and educational background to work for a major computer company, but he does not know how to overcome his fear of strangers. What diagnosis would a professional more than likely give John?
Social anxiety disorder
This disorder requires psychological treatment that includes techniques such as cognitive therapy and behavioral interventions. Individuals with severe cases tend to develop panic attacks and find the need for relaxation training or systematic desensitization. The main fear of individuals suffering from this disorder is embarrassment.
Social anxiety disorder
A serious disorder requiring therapy is characterized by systemized delusions and the frequent projection of personal conflicts. The outcome may be hostility towards others, causing aggressive acts believed to take place in self-defense. Symptoms of delusion appear slowly, and a patient may be suspicious, jealous, irritable, and bitter.

What type of personality disorder is described above?
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